I'm not saying it's terrible. I'm saying it's not as good as it *could* be. Sword Base was just a terrible attempt at a Prisoner re-design. Prisoner was the original. It was a great FFA map, and were he to have been inspired by that, the map would have been somewhat similar, but much better. Psychoduck has potential for better maps, but he's not using that potential. He needs to push the boundaries a little more. I've been disappointed in every single forge map he's created because I still see more hidden potential in there. He needs to stop limiting his forging ability.
I'm pretty sick of this attitude you've got. A map's inspiration does not reflect the map itself at all. The flaw with sword base is the nature of its highest floors and the complexity it takes to traverse. Prisoner suffered from similar issues. And don't forget that Halo 1 didn't have online matchmaking, which made Prisoner's issues less obvious. Also don't forget Sword Base's other inspirations, like Boarding Action and Epitaph, both of which were excellent maps, and by your logic, wouldn't that make Sword Base a great map? Seriously though, stop freaking out and passing your pent-up rage on to others whenever the name 'Sword Base' is mentioned.
Well, it looks like we're going with the "lag-free" version of the map, based on feedback in the thread and in-game. I don't like how the floor looks now, but the bridges actually look better, and lag is no longer present when looking from on end of the atrium to the other. I'm not saying it's completely lag free, and we haven't tried it in split-screen yet, but it's definitely a big improvement. Also spawns are now working bette than ever. 3-plots is a lot of fun on here, and assault is descent. It shouldn't be too long before we release this. We might even put it in the TG first, just to get any last-minute feedback.
Yeah, well deal with this "attitude". It's not gonna change. Scimitar is just another good map that *could* be a great map. There is no pent-up rage. I'm voicing my opinion, unlike others on ForgeHub who say that any map they come across is perfect to avoid offending the creator. Scimitar may have fixed the problems Sword Base had, but it still could have been better. Personally, I thought the floor of the lag-free version looked a lot better. The previous version just looked too flashy, and the aesthetics of the coliseum wall and XXL platform work surprisingly well together. I had another game on this map yesterday (it might have been the day before), and territories was very hectic, but that's more of a good thing. You could barely go by 10 seconds without a player attempting to capture another territory or sniping you from one of the bridges. Unlike Prisoner and Sword Base, teamwork can give you a decent advantage on this. We ended up losing the game due to our team having very little sense of teamwork. Not to mention that the enemy team had both Organite and NIBBLES. It was an overall good experience, but not great. The gameplay was somewhat repetitive for most of the round. You would end up spawning in the same place and die the exact same way because of it. This stopped being a problem about halfway through the round, but by then we were down by about 50 points and separated from each other. I also think that the sniper is too close to the initial spawn of one team. No major problems other than that last one, and nothing game-breaking. Overall, I'd give this a 7/10.
THANK YOU for actually providing some real feedback for a change. I was unaware that people other than me were playing games on here already, however I do appreciate it. I have only tested 3-plot territories so far, and the consensus was that it was very enjoyable. So, if you could tell me which varient of territories, and how many people you played it with, that would be great as those are both important factors. As for spawning, the exact issue you mentioned was fixed by Erupt and I a few a few days ago, but no one but us has actually played that version yet. the spawns are a lot more dynamic now, which should spice up gameplay a lot.
The only thing is that your voiced your opinion without backing it up with "real" feedback. You literally talked about the maps inspirations and why that made it bad. That's just immature and ignorant. The rest of the quoted post, however, is a much better way to voice your opinion. No one (more or less) will get offended by quality feedback like that. People just get offended by useless accusations like your previous posts. I don't particularly want to pick sides here because, honestly, there shouldn't have to be any. I haven't played Scimitar so I can't say anything about it. I would have no justification. I hope we can all just take a chill pill here. You've got a good looking map that sounds like it plays well. Regardless of what it was inspired by, I'd like to play it so I can give you feedback that holds some weight.
We actually got a game of 5-plot territories on it. I think you should have two versions with different spawn systems. One dynamic (FFA) and one static (Team games). The spawns were actually a major factor that created more of a need for teamwork here. Dynamic spawns are good if you don't *always* spawn in the enemy base. I find that to be a big problem with dynamic spawns on most maps. If you could use a more effective dynamic spawn system, I think it could play amazingly with FFA, but I'm not so sure about team games. Static spawns work much better in team games, so I'd say it would be a good idea to made another version with that spawn system. This inspiration seemed to work well. Do you plan on any other inspirations in the future? I'd say Damnation, Longest, or Rat Race would be good choices, just from CE. Maybe if you could fix the many problems Backwash had in an inspiration of that. That would be pretty interesting. There are way too many Lockout, Beaver Creek, The Pit, and Midship inspirations scattered throughout Forgehub. A change would be nice.
this map is pure win. On runescape if anyone plays it scimitars are the way to go. I guess you apparently play runescape then because this map is cooler than sword base in a foreunner forged way.
Those are different maps? Woah. My bad. Psychoduck, are you planning on any testing sessions soon? I believe I may have mistaken this for another map. Either way, I'd need to playtest the map before I give any real feedback. Weird. Katana and Scimitar looked exactly the same, from what I saw. They must have both been Sword Base inspirations.
Katana and Scimitar are actually quite different. They both focus on recreating different aspects from Sword Base, so Katana is a larger, symmetrical map with longer sightlines, while Scimitar is smaller and more focused and geared more towards one-sided objective. Anyway, we had another great testing session last night and I would be willing to say that the spawns are done, as we got no bad spawns in the three games we played with 8 people in two of the games. 3-Plot territories is likely done, as is One-Flag. We just need to try Infection and run a few more tests on regular gametypes just to make sure all is well.
Fantastic map! Feels very much like Reach architecture meeting Forerunner. I did a similar thing with a map in the past, but hosted framerate issues in doing so. Very happy to see you've pulled this off, in a fashion that certainly stands on par with the Beta's Sword Base. Great job!
Late reply, but: the only thing that is needed to pull this off is to lay down all your respawn points, create respawn zones for teams, and then set the zones to have the "TEAM ONLY" attribute. This is what Bungie does on most of their own maps. That way you get static spawns for team games, dynamic spawns for FFA. You can make your spawn system more complex by layering in more zones if you want - so long as they're all set to TEAM ONLY. Back to subject - I can't believe you are STILL testing this. Good god, man, it's time to release this thing already!
Well the map's pretty much done. I need to do the video, which means I'm waiting on Erupt. You can hopefully expect it sometime next week.
Riiiiiiigghhhttttt.... We decided to redo the entire map so it's actually gonna be a few months. Why Erupt waited until we were ready to release to tell me he wanted to redo it is beyond me. Maybe we'll release what we currently have as a preview version though.
Your maps remind me of Gearbox Software. Way too many delays. Both Ilium and Scimitar have been in development for what seems like a very long time. Hope they get released eventually.
Haha yea, I helped test Ilium and this map a looooong time ago. However, my maps take forever as well. I actually haven't even released anything other than my remake because it's taking me so long. It'll get done one day. But yea, you should put Ilium in the testers guild or something, this way you can get some more tests on it.
If I put Illium in the TG I would end up participating in the test anyway. Besides, i would want at least 10-15 more tests on Illium prior to release. Scimitar shouldn't take too long to test once we rebuild it as we'll be building off the same base design as the original. S is well on it's way to being released and I have one other trick up my sleeve that should be out by the end of the month. My maps take so long because I spend a very large ammount of time testing and refining them. Once Erupt is back from vacation we will get this built and start testing.