In my opinion. lol from playing Runescape for 3 years you learn alot of that stuff.. now im addicted to halo instead. how mature i am
First I have to say sorry to mxdd13, when I started the next song I scrolled down to who I thought was next... I thought werem1dget was so I made that sig, mxdd13 I'll do yours next and sorry again for skipping you. Anyway, I've made werem1dget's signature so here it is =D When I read your specifics about it being blue and silver it made me think of Avalanche. So I thought I would make it in the style of Avalanche. Like for example I put like a cravas kind of thing into it with the big blue sun ray into the darkness =D Lmao... Anyway... If you want anything changed at all please let me know. [noparse][/noparse]
ZOMG. I luff it! I luff you! Even if I went looking I couldn't find one thing to change, it's everything I envisaged and more! I'ma go put it in my sig right now! Many thank-yous! EDIT: It says 'Remote File is too large.' Help? Sorry for sucking...
- Sig colours - Name on Sig - Flymingo Slogan - none Main colour - black Secondary colours - red (blended with the black) Main Style - Rough, tough If wanting a Spartan Model - Spartan Colours and Perms - Head - EVA LS - Security RS - Hayabusa Body - EVA Primary Colour - White Secondary Colour - Black (or grey if black not possible) Detail Colour - blue I don't care about the font as long as it is rough The default size is fine
lol everyone cant, see the long line you have to wait in? Thank god mine is almost done(I think?) anyway how many people do you have in front of you?
I'm up next!!! Yay I'm excited, and its not even for me!!! I just wanna see how it comes out, then request one for me...
- Sig colours - Name on Sig - Paranormal Slogan - None Main colour - Black Secondary colours - Whatever works best with rest of signature. - Spartan Colours and Perms - Head - Recon (link to a few pictures of recon at bottom[ I like the flaming one the best]) LS - Hayabusa RS - Hayabusa Body - Kotana (The sword.. forgot how to spell..) Primary Colour - If you could make the whole spartan like a glossy jet black Secondary Colour - that would rock!! Detail Colour - ------- Emblem Image - None - Holding Weapons - Primary Weapon - Sniper Secondary Weapon - Magnum - Font Used - Font - Um... w/e fits signature.. - Signature size - Size - Default Style - Complex - Avatar - Avatar - Yes 1st Picture of Recon helmet- 2nd- 3rd Picture- 4th- 5th- 6th- Ok, Well thats all and Thanks!
Thanks =] And you're right, they really are a waste of time... But aren't all hobbies? Playing Halo is a waste of time... Lol At least if I wanted to get into a job with anything to do with designing with photoshop or any graphics programs I have some kind of experience. QFT, btw in progress just means your next, doesn't necessarily mean I have started it =P