i dunno, it's up to you, i just want to see what you can do outside of halo, but your halo stuff is great.
can you make a signature for my group ForgeHub it would be cool if you could make it like the MLG one i have VVVV down there it will be greatly appreciated =D
I have a quick question for you Reynbow. I saw in your earlier works that you were able to make a curved, glowing ribbon. I've been trying to make this effect but I have been unsuccessful. Could you give me a tutorial on how to make it? When I try, it comes out with the same thickness throughout the whole ribbon. It isn't thin at the ends like it should be, any hint to why it isn't turning out the right way. Also, I have Photoshop CS 3, so if thats the problem thanks.
Lol easy, when you stroke the layer select the option that says simulate brush pressure. Done =P Teh Mastar, your sig is complete. Anything you would like changed, please don't hesitate to ask =] One with and without the medals =D I personally prefer the one without the medals. [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse]
haha i like teh mastars! its really cool. and reynbow i know you said to edit my post but i just thought i would show you this. i resized the picture from the card and i sharpened it just a little bit and it came out fine, so you shouldnt have trouble
I only ask people to edit their first post if they are changing something for their request, if it's just talking like you are I don't care =D I'm not some kinda dictator or something.. lmao
Bro its absolutey fantastic I'm so happy! lulz and I think you're right about the medals What do you think about the font?
I think the font is actually pretty good, I can change it if you want though. I even got your New Zealand map in there, in the middle in the background. It's not completely visible but you can make it out =]
haha i saw that straight away I friggin love it! What you think about maybe taking out the Circle that arcs from the left shoulder down over the hand and possibly making the Teh Mastar slightly more prominent? you dont have to if its too much to ask, i know i'm kinda new here and all that Thank you so much lol.
That shouldn't be too hard at all =] One moment =D I was hoping you didn't want the font changed lol... It's somewhat undo-able and would be hard to change. Here we go =] I kept the white ring on the left, on the bottom one. I prefer it on so you can use whichever one you like =] I think the font looks better like this though. [noparse][/noparse] [noparse][/noparse]
lol if you didnt want to change the font that would have been fine with me. Looks great and no ones forcing you to make these sweet sigs. I think its a really cool thing your doing EDIT: Sig changed, this one is my fave. Its so kickass!! :] seriously thanks.
Well thank you very much Mastar =] I appreciate the praise everyone's giving me xD I mean who wouldn't lol... Just glad I can make this place look nicer, rofl xD
oh now i see it! and i like the new font. you can see it better and it just looks better with the sig IMO