
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by K0NKUS, May 23, 2011.

  1. K0NKUS

    K0NKUS Forerunner

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    Hello everyone and thanks for checking out this post of my new map Kuvera. I have been forging for a while but this is my first time using forge hub so i hoep im doing this right any way here is some backround about my map Kuvera
    • Based it of the maps Guardian and BlackOut from halo 3
    • is not an exact replica of the two but has its similarities
    • took me over a month to build, test, and jetpack profe the whole thing with all my friends
    • im happy with it so if you could go nicly on the critisism if you have any that would be awsome because im new at this.
    similarities to Guardian
    • has the shot gun hallway
    • giant circle figting wring in the middle
    • snipe tower
    • lots of jumps you can do
    • has the grave life in the main base
    similarities to BlackOut

    • has lots of difrent floors
    • several bases to enter
    • not as many as guardian but you can see it a little bit
    My own add ins
    • instead of a lift going from shot gun to snipe i built a stair case insead
    • has two main bases now, one is mainly built of triple rooms and the second is hand built with spiral stair cases and two seperat flors and multiple entry pints
    • all roams have atleas two ways to enter that way there isnt to much camping in any of them
    if you want to see more pics of my map here is a link to my resent screen shots
    Bungie.net : Halo Reach : Recent Screenshots
    thanks for looking at this post and i hope you leave feed back and download my map
    (plz dont steal my map, i worked very hard on it and dont want someone else taking credit for it)
    god bless:)

    Edited by merge:


    Edited by merge:

    overview of kuvera

    sorry for posting these seperat, i messed up the entry
    a view of the two towers thatover look Kuvera, also have a view of the ring system that wraps around the top
    the goodold shotgun hallway is back, one of the many similarities to guardian
    the snipe tower has change alot tho, its location is similar to the one in guardian but it is way diffrent. instead of the lif going to it, it has the stairs as you can see. it is still 3 stories tall tho with the basment floor that goes to bottem mid
    the new bottem mid, with concosion rifle!!!
    this area is similar to green on guardian but has its diffrences, its where it has a 2 shot rocket launcher and has a lift that leads up to it.
    for more picks plz follow this link ---> Bungie.net : Halo Reach : Recent Screenshots
    thanks sorry again that i didnt put these in the original post
    #1 K0NKUS, May 23, 2011
    Last edited: May 23, 2011
  2. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    I think that it is interesting that you have chosen to combine two old halp 3 maps while still putting in many of your own Ideas. Very creative although I feel I may be a little lacking aesthetic wise. The layout is good and so is the center circular area. One thing I would like you to add to your post is a list of weapons and there spawn time for your map.
    Good job though
  3. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    What? The map looks amazing. I look forward to playing this with a couple of my friends! Nice job man!

    Question: Do you have plans in the future to set it up for other gametypes? This looks like it would be really fun with CTF and Oddball.
  4. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I like the clock very nice touch to the map, but I don't like the bridges running from place to place and from the pictures it looks like you used quite a few prefab buildings. I believe you could add more originality to the map if you were to use less prefab buildings, but that is just my opinion.
  5. K0NKUS

    K0NKUS Forerunner

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    yeah i thought of that a couple days after i put it on my file share. its has 600 downloads now though (thats alot to me) so idk if i want to loose that. but yeah send me a friend request and ill give you the updated version witht those two when i finish them:)

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