BTB Regulation

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Matty the IV, Apr 4, 2011.

  1. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I ran through the map and was quite impressed with the layout. The map is quite long, to say the least. You really need to run around on the map to get a feel for it. The pictures don't do it justice. I don't know if you guys have Bungie Pro or not, but you might want to give people a rendered walkthrough.

    I did notice a rather large amount of power weapons in the map. You may want to reduce that number to 4-5. You may want to get rid of the Plasma Launcher, Grenade Launcher, or the Concussion Rifle. On the map together, they feel a bit redundant. I'd keep one of them in a neutral location and still give each side a shotgun and a sniper.

    I'd also consider moving the sniper near the angled walls to a location closer to it's base. In it's current position, it can be pinned down too easily by the opposition. Moving it a bit closer to the connecting bridge would solve that problem.

    The teleporter system on the side with the ladder could be adjusted as well. When I'm walking up the ladder towards the sender node, I completely pass the teleporter without seeing it. I had to double back to find it's location. I recommend moving it so that it is visible going up the ramp, and that the direction you enter is also the direction you exit (so not to disorient players). And my last final thought regarding the teleporters is that you should make them two way teleporters rather than a sender and receiver node. Seeing as the map is so narrow, it would give advancing players more movement options.

    And this is my final bit of advice I give to everyone. Try reducing the item count in your map. I went through and found many, many opportunities to simplify geometry in your map without changing or hindering gameplay. The largest item saver I found was here:
    The rocks in the back can be removed to reveal grass just below them. I left some of the taller rocks that provided cover, but kept a lot of the natural terrain exposed. It didn't change how you intended players to move, but it saved you about 10-12 items and about 120 on your budget. Try to keep that mind set when combing through your map.

    And as much as you love your "mud", I'd consider ditching it. Those cost 150 and when added up with the surrounding geometry, can cause frame rate issues (especially in split screen). I'd run back through your map, and really see what you can do to simplify things and reduce geometry where it isn't absolutely necessary.

    Overall I love the map and it's concept, I just think it needs a little more polish work before it can become a classic.
  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for the suggestions DTL. We will do our best to correct these issues and take all of your ideas into consideration. We want to ensure that this map has no framerate problems and also making sure gamplay is good. As soon as we can all get together on XBL we will start making changes. Thank you for taking the time to help us improve this map.
  3. ChronoTempest

    ChronoTempest Senior Member
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    If you guys can actually get a final version together that's meant to be here, I'd like to see it.
  4. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hmm, this looks quite good. It looks like it captures a lot of what makes a good 4v4 map, but on a bigger scale rather than being a standard big team map. Good job guys, Ill give it a download.
  5. Matty the IV

    Matty the IV Forerunner

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    Thanks, Psychoduck! I'm also loving your maps keep of the good work!
  6. Ajc 27

    Ajc 27 Ancient
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    Its good that we managed to actually finish this, i mean sure i only plugged up holes and stuff in the final stage of development, but i still think my contribution was good enough. (still think i could of helped more) loved play testing it and to anyone who asks we couldent get rid of this post but ure comments have helped us improve it :D
  7. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
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    I followed the link to down load and it was broken. I went to your file share and could not find it at all. I would love to look this map over. also, it has some aesthetic elements that I would like to feature in a new article I am going to write, if you wouldn't mind. Let me know how I can get a copy of the map, please...
  8. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    This. I had downloaded this a couple days after it was released and came back for the new version, but the link was broken. Hopefully you can fix this soon.
  9. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    This looks really sweet architecture wise. Pieces of it remind me of Nexn's 1v1 forging style (this is a good thing). Particularly your inner area. I'd love to get some games of this. While I'm not a fan of BTB usually, this looks pretty nice.
  10. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
    Senior Member

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    This map looks amazing! I've been looking for a good BTB map that supports headhunter. The only problem is the download link is broken =(.
  11. Katanga

    Katanga Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Huh, Matty must have taken the link down. I'll let him know, and if not I'll get it up on my File share.

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