Invasion: Bunker Complex

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Oakly HiDef, May 23, 2011.

  1. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    This map has been worked and reworked over a long time. Originally created as an infection map, it now focuses on invasion but still supports its earlier gametype.

    Bunker Complex is divided up into two main parts, above ground and below ground. This varies the gameplay greatly and allows players to experience different fighting ranging from open vehicular combat to close quarter battles in the depths of the base.

    Featured in Episode 9 of The Halo Forge Epidemic



    In this phase the elites must assault the bunker in order to gain access to the elevator shaft. Initially the covenant storm the facility in a massive first wave with holograms doubling the size of the attacking force.


    To hold this initial push, humans are given a turret at the entrance to the bunker and next to their hill spawn (Both have 90 sec respawn). They are also given two warthogs which give the defenders an early flexibility. However as time goes on, the elites are given better and better weapons. The covenant gain a pair of ghosts, then a plasma launcher, and then a wraith (110 respawn). Due to the increasing firepower, the humans are pushed furthur and furthur back on the defence. Typically elites win this round but a well co-ordinated defence can hold back the aliens.

    Below you can see an overview of the first phase. The shaded areas show the general location of the respawn zones. The flag marks the capture point.


    Vehicular combat just outside the complex​


    Manning the turret​


    A smart use of warthogs​


    Defenders make full use of the two available turrets ​


    The wraith arrives​




    After the elites have captured the first objective they must descend into the base via the elevator shaft. Below they are confronted with two main hallways leading furthur into the base. One is guarded by a turret. The elites must capture one of three territories in the underground bunker. Though at first they are funneled through two paths, the elites later get access to teleporters which drop them off behind enemy lines. This phase is hard for the humans due to the fact that there are three territories to defend simultaneously.

    Below is an overview of the inside of the undergorund bunker. There are 3 levels with the level on the very left being at the top and the one on the very right being on the bottom. The layers have been superimposed on top of each other to show how they appear in game.


    The elevator shaft


    A fight in front of the two main hallways. The one to the right has a turret


    The closest territory


    Looking at the back of the bunker towards the other two territories.




    After the elites capture one of the three territories the core is now exposed. Elites must take it and carry it back to the elevator shafts. The attackers can now spawn at various places furthur into the base and are given more weapons as they swarm throughout the bunker. The humans are given a pair of DMRs, a new turret, a shotgun, a grenade launcher, and a warthog to help defend the core. This phase hase more open battles than the previous one and the addition of the warthog indoors makes for some interesting and fun gameplay. This phase is relatively even for both teams.

    The core is getting away​


    A special thanks to Darth Human and all the testers who helped the map become what it is today. Be sure to check out THE HALO FORGE EPIDEMIC channel on youtube.


    INV_BUNKER (Gametype)​

    #1 Oakly HiDef, May 23, 2011
    Last edited: May 23, 2011
  2. Darth Human

    Darth Human Guy from Reach
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    This map is by far THE BEST invasion game in the entire Halo Reach file browser. I remember several months back, you were one of the many custom game friends I had on xbox. Then you showed me your work. My jaws dropped then, and they are still on the floor today.

    I remember this map in it's early days as an infection based game, that was quite some time ago. Then I told you to consider it for invasion, and I must say, it has come quite a long way since then. It really feels like your venturing into a new world when you drop into the elevator shaft. Plus the cave really adds nice lighting effects which makes this map unique. Not only does the map look amazing, it plays amazing. There is always action, and teamwork can play real well as well. I feel so proud to see this map make progress week by week over these last few months. A job well done! I will play this for many months to come.
  3. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    What is also sweet about this is that you could play this map with the gametype infected invasion as well. :)

    Looks great as an invasion map. Keep up the good work. :D
  4. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    This map looks EPIC! I have sent it to my DL and will try it out. If it looks as good as it does in the screen shots, i will be surprised if it does not make it to the Invasion playlist!
  5. SH1FTY

    SH1FTY Talented
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    When I saw the elevator shaft I fell truly in love :p This map looks sweet, any framerate issues though?
  6. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    Wow! Normally I don't like invasion games but this one has so many great qualities. That anti air gun looks very realistic. Your presentation of the map is great too. I love the shaft that they have to drop down. The narrow halllways are very creative. Amazing job here.
  7. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Hey so me and my friends are creating a machinima and in one episode we are going to have a bunker and so I was wondering if we could use this map. Your name (along with the name of the map) will be mentioned in the credits.

    but to talkk about the map it looks great and I'll see if i can get anyone on the review hub to review it for you (since I saw it on there) and I look forward to playing on it during the summer. :)
  8. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
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    Wow this looks awesome. One of the best invasion maps I have ever seen. The phases seem to work really well and I love some of your aesthetics like the turret and the elevator. Keep up the good work.
  9. Bio Cobalt

    Bio Cobalt Forerunner

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    LOVE this map! Every time im in a customs lobby i ask for this to be played. I could easily play this for 100 more times and it wouldn't be boring. All the objectives are perfectly placed, and i especially love the first phase... and that anti-air gun. Gameplay is fun and crazy if you have a good team, and the tide can shift at any time. The only thing i dont love about this map is the elite's 2nd phase weapons seem a little... underpowered to me (but i generally hate the covenant weapons anyways). Love this map, 10/10
  10. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    Yeah feel free to use any part of it for machinima. I tend to make all my maps with pretty good aesthetics so you can and should use any that might be helpful.

    It would be great if you want to review the map. I appreciate any and all feedback

    In one of the previous versions it did but this has been adressed. In all the games ive played on this version I havent had any serious framerate issues even with a full party.
  11. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Very good looking invasion map. From experience I believe that invasion maps are one of the hardest gametypes to design a successful map for. You have to worry about aesthetics and flow and many other things, but it looks like you pulled it off. By the way, I love the elevator. It is a really cool piece to add to a map. Keep forging!! :)
  12. MrGreenWithAGun

    MrGreenWithAGun Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks very interesting. Will download it now. I especially like the long interior view. very cool...

    One thing I thought of initially was how the hogs seemed to be overpowering. But I think I need to actually play it to see if that is really the feel. Again, looks good...
    #12 MrGreenWithAGun, May 23, 2011
    Last edited: May 23, 2011
  13. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I'm going to start by asking what the hell was up with the teleports- in forge I was stuck in some ridiculous teleport cage after awhile that I couldn't get out of until I deleted several nodes. Also, why did I die after phase 1, couldn't I have just gone down the lift without being teleported into a killzone? Honestly this blocked me from truly understanding the map, and I am not sure all of it was intentional but I can't figure out what was going on.
    What I could see looked pretty good, the only problem I noticed is that bringing the core back it was difficult to find the space in the glass windows, kind of a house of mirrors. Hope the teleports can be explained
  14. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    The teleporters are there to help move the invasion game along. Initially before I added them, players would remain above ground. This caused problems because typically the spartan team would wait on top for more elites to attack. Instead the elites would just spawn below and capture the defenceless territories in the second phase.

    In order to fix this I added the teleporter above ground which spawns around 35 seconds into the second phase. This gives players who know what they are doing enough time to go down the elevator shaft. For those still upstairs, it basically flushes them out and ensures that everyone respawns downstairs.

    Sorry for the confusion this may cause in game/forgemode

    As for the glass there isnt much I could do about that. I like the openness the glass walls give to the area and so thats why they are there. Ive actually been in a game where someone was a bit confused as to where the door was but I think its easy enough to find. Its basically right in front of the ramp but I can understand the initial confusion
    #14 Oakly HiDef, May 23, 2011
    Last edited: May 23, 2011
  15. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok, that really made me mad when I initially went in and got stuck. Seems dumb that Bungie doesn't just let us have kill zones that spawn in, but a lot of pieces won't do that so you know. The biggest confusion with the door came for me when I jumped up on the circular ramp next to it expecting more than one entrance- it looks like there are multiple ramps/ entrances from the right side coming back.
  16. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a solid invasion map (which is a good thing b/c I don't that much variety on my hard drive). The layout of the map seems really well constructed; the elevator shaft and turret look great, and the map thread is detailed and professionally done. Overall, once again this appears to be a spectacular designed invasion map which not only impresses with gameplay but also with looks; and I look forward to playing on it in custom games.
  17. BrokenEye

    BrokenEye Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow, this is like a bigger, better version of my Shafted map. I'll check it out tonight, but it looks awesome.

    Where'd you get the video screen graphics btw?
  18. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Is the teleporter specific to invasion or does it also work during infection?
  19. Oakly HiDef

    Oakly HiDef RivalMass
    Senior Member

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    Yeah I remember looking at your thread and thought it was cool that we had both come up with the same idea. Yours was very well done.

    For the graphics I used some screen shots from halo wars' cutscenes and then photoshopped them to add the pictures from my map.

    The main teleporter that covers almost all of the above ground level is invsion specific. There are several infection specific teleporters as well which lead to the underground bunker from the zombie spawns
  20. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    Bunker Complex


    Bunker Complex is a map based around an abandoned military base. As players continue to explore the map they soon realize that the major bulk of the map is actually underground. After descending an elevator shaft to the bottom the players will find multiple corridors and rooms that lead to one much larger room.

    The major reason however is how invasion works on the map. Unlike most maps where it is determined that they invaders or more then likely going to win, in Bunker Complex the invaders have to work hard to win, which can lead to some frustration (read balance).

    The same thing goes for infection as it forces the survivors to work harder as a team in order to survive and makes it so that the infected have to work just as hard to win. Bunker Complex also makes for immersive gameplay. For example, on infection as the round progresses and players move deeper into the complex, they will feel as if they are alone in an old abandoned facility



    Bunker Complex has a well balanced weapon layout. They are well spaced out away from other weapons and spawn points.

    More over there are various entrances in each room that prevent camping. Also there are multiple pathways that allow for a variety of different battle scenerios.

    Players do need to worry that while playing a gametype that permits the use of map default weapons such as the Concussion Rifle and the Grenade Launcher to be picked up increasing the odds against the infected . This is due to there being a concussion rifle and a grenade launcher on the exact same map but in different areas. However if the humans were to get their hands on these weapons at the exact same time then they could easily decimate the zombies while hiding in a corner.

    In fact the only area that contains a large mass of weapons is the garage with the warthog which can only be accessed by the Spartans during the latter phases of Invasion.

    The safe havens are also spaced out far enough in Infection so that the survivors can’t just hope and skip over to the haven and back and forth. In some cases a haven is placed in a manner so that once the safe haven wares out that the survivors have to leave the room in order to reach the other safe havens.

    However one problem is that it is easy for the defenders to defend the map on lower levels.



    Kill zones are placed around the playable area so that it is impossible to escape the map via jetpack or grenade jumps while outside the complex. When inside the complex there is nowhere to escape to as all of the areas are connected very well and are enclosed. Unless you have a jetpack there is no way of going back up the shaft either and even if you did it wouldn’t do the player any good.

    Spawning is placed out so that it is practically impossible to spawn kill while playing either infection or invasion.

    Teleporters used in both gametypes help for the game experiences to continue forward as it helps zombies to reach places closer to where the survivors are hiding and helps the Spartans to leave the upper levels and to return to the lower levels as the Elites continue their invasion after spawning in the lower levels.



    The Aesthetics of this map have been constructed rather nicely. There are so many details that make the map feel like an actual bunker. The defense turret, for example, has the detail of a realistic turret and looks less like a bunch of forge items phased together. While the turret isn’t usable it helps to maintain the feel that the map is part of a military bunker complex that is prepared for air assaults.

    Also the aesthetics design of the elevator resembles that of a real elevator shaft, to the point that when players use them to descend into the bowls of the complex, players will actually feel like they are jumping down an elevator shaft.



    While there have been very many military facility maps out there that are designed around Invasion only a few however can maintain a great invasion feel while working great as an Infection map.

    It is also one of the few maps that I have seen feature three territories that the invaders must gain control of during the 2nd phase of the invasion.


    Rating Multipliers

    Aesthetic :
    Originality:[/floatleft]7 x 3.0 = 21 out of 30
    7 x 3.0 = 21 out of 30
    9 x 1.5 = 13.5 out of 15
    9 x 1.5 = 13.5 out of 15
    5 x 1.0 = 5 out of 10

    Final Score


    Understanding the Review Hub's Ratings
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    #20 robbieagray, Jun 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 6, 2011

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