Killing Teammates for Weapons

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Hemamorphy, May 1, 2011.

  1. DUCK NG

    DUCK NG Forerunner
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    Earlier today I grabbed a sniper on asylum at the start, and had a team mate chasing me, trying to punch me and then finally shooting me. Once he took out my shield i turned and put a round in his chest. He backed up a few steps into our objective, and i see 1 dmr round come from the other side of the map and take him out. It was o so satisfying, and i didn't have any problems the rest of the game.

    I find most of the time if a team mate wants the sniper, they tend to punch my shield out, so i just turn and put a no-scope into their chest. that either takes care of the problem, or i get a boot option once they kill me.
  2. I Black I Eye I

    I Black I Eye I Ancient
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    not only for weapons... -.-*
    I usually play SWAT overall and only SWAT xD
    but because of the Credit-Jackpot thing I played the Defiant-mappack 2 days ago.
    Well it was this Snowy-map I haven't played before (but it's kinda old, last mappack I think?)
    So my team makes nothing and in the last minute I go for the Flag, own the enemies and grab the flag, near to death I run for the point...
    and ended up being shot by my teammate who wanted to do the point....
    little fuc*ing... >.<

    he had a shotgun Q_Q srsly bullcrap games when people do such things...
  3. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    So yeah, I was playing some Reach last night and this scrub Sergeant picked up the Sniper on Reflection and I totally killed his ass dead for it because I'm a Commander which is a higher rank than him which obviously means I'm better. He got soooooo mad that he went onto some nerdy internet forum and complained about it. What a fricken nerd lol. He probably doesn't even have a 50 in Halo 3, unlike myself who has three of them because I'm a pro.
  4. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    You sound like a ****** and a tryhard.
  5. Scobra

    Scobra Ancient
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    Oh man, oops. I forgot I was on the internet and that some people are too thick to comprehend a joke, or rather what's actually what I consider a clever way to describe an instance where I was TK'd for a weapon through the point-of-view of the offender. I should have considered that the joke would fly right over somebodies head because hey, we are posting on ForgeHub after all and it's clearly obvious this a professional, no nonsense environment where we take ourselves very seriously when we complain about people being annoying in a video game.

    Man, I feel so stupid. You sure showed me. I'm going to go put on my training bra and cry in my bathroom while I slit my wrists now. Gosh, this is such a big deal, I don't think I can live with this kind of emotional baggage.
  6. I Black I Eye I

    I Black I Eye I Ancient
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    only because you got a higher rank, that doesn't give you the right to teakill becuase you think you "deserve" the sniper more.
    Im not even a Brig and I'm 90% the best of the match in Swat, so rank has nothing to say..
    generals, nobles, what evers, skill =/= rank

    I wasn't even a 50 in H3 (only 45) and what K/D have you got in reach now? =D

    so what ever, teamkilling just sucks..
  7. Ivory Hayze

    Ivory Hayze Forerunner

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    ^^^THIS! I was on a 20 kill streak with no deaths and someone betrayed me because I had the shotgun. They hadn't been watching me use it, they just walked up with the sword and slashed me in the back. They then proceeded to try and ***** at me for using up all of the ammo. I had two shots left in it when he killed me. That was my only death. Bungie should fix it so that betrayals DON'T count against you when calculating perfections.
  8. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Sergeants are not scrubs. And being on an internet Forum isn't nerdy. If he's a nerd then why aren't we all?! And he has the right to complain because some ****** with air of superiority took his Sniper off. We all began as Sergeants and were a bit suckish but back then, where there any high-ranked people that called YOU a scrub? No, because other people are respectful. Please, just shut up.

    And seriously, is it that important to have a 50 in H3? Is it that important?!
    #28 artifact123, May 9, 2011
    Last edited: May 9, 2011
  9. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    I let them kill me and then boot them (in the face). :D
  10. Feral Wolf

    Feral Wolf Forerunner

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    I do not agree with this practice i feel that it does not help the team in any way. but on the other hand i also feel that if the player who is holding the snipe cant snipe he/she should give the snipe away to the best sniper on the team. play your roll
  11. raexe

    raexe Forerunner

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    Just let them betray you and....

    BAM! You boot them!
  12. broccollipie

    broccollipie Forerunner

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    Whack them, then fire every round into the ground while jumping over their head so they can't hit you.
  13. Inferi

    Inferi Forerunner

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    I swear to whatever God there is that this angers me to no end. If a teammate kills me for my weapon, I will do everything in my power to make sure my team loses and make him as miserable as possible.
  14. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    I was once shooting this random guy because he took my beloved sniper. Note* dont take my Sniper from me... Anyways I was shooting him until his shields went down and then out of no where an opponent in a Ghost comes out of no where and splatters him. I carelessly went and took the Sniper Rifle and used it the whole game. Just dont kill someone for a weapon, thatll get you more mad when you get booted.
  15. Feral Wolf

    Feral Wolf Forerunner

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    I also disagree with this tactic. But this is why i try not do go in to MM alone. that way me and my team have a understanding of who is going where and getting what. we also let each other know when we are not doing are best with weps like the snipe and trade off when needed.
  16. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    This is the unsportsman like conduct we have been talking about ladies and gentalmen.
  17. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    YEP!! I was on a perfection spree had 3 perfections in a row going for my 4th and BAM! someone wanted my sniper on my team.

    Even more annoying is because i don't usually use a sniper but I thought i better use it to keep myself safe AND i swear I was talking to someone and i said to that person I'm on a perfection spree so he went for a perfection to(we played a lot together randomly) then 2 seconds later YOU WHERE BETRAYED.(by a random) The other guy still got his perfection...

    But On topic:Only if its funny and not ruining a perfection.

    and I hope I never play with you. You die with sniper someone else uses it to help your team while your spawning you have no right to get it back(unless your pro with it and have previously had an agreement) help your team in anther way unless your so dependent on using the most overpowered weapon in reach you can't do anything without it.
    So go practice playing reach without a sniper or quit reach please.
    #37 WWWilliam, May 24, 2011
    Last edited: May 24, 2011
  18. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Remember kids, its not just weapons- for instance I took off in a banshee and just as I got in a teammate of mine stuck it with a grenade. Its these people that make Reach much, much less fun.
  19. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    It is the weapon that makes the player it is how he uses it and if he kills some to get a weapon because he thinks otherwise then he really is a noob.
  20. Spartan L01

    Spartan L01 Forerunner

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    With the exceptions of the Plasma Launcher and Shotgun, I don't consider myself that good with the Power Weapons in Reach compared to the "lower" weapons, and the two I'm OK with aren't fought over as much as the Sniper Rifle or the Rockets(Which I can use well...but it's not that hard to use them well IMO). I'm also so bad with the Sniper IMO that I'll take the Magnum over it any day, unless taking it means preventing an opponent from taking it. In addition, my vehicle of choice is usually driving the Warthog, unless no gunner is coming to join me. So I don't get targeted for what I'm using usually by teamkillers.

    That said, I have occasionally used the Banshee and suffered unhappy teammates. Same with using the Rockets and both tanks. Unless it's the tank (Which isn't hard to hand over or use well IMO), I'll hold onto the weapon and let them kill me for it...I've got plenty of boots left to waste throwing at people's heads.

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