Ice Rink

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by MENACEtoSOCIETY, May 15, 2011.


    MENACEtoSOCIETY Forerunner

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    I present to you, the new Hockey Rink version "Ice Rink".
    If any of you have been living under a rock the last month, then you probably haven't played my Hockey Rink in ACTION SACK!!! Bungie did not inform me that it was going to be in MATCHMAKING, so they took things into there own hands, and hacked up my map. I don't like what they did aestheticly, but it looked like wanted to use the least amount of pieces to improve frame rate. They removed my whole ball return and scoreboard systems, for the new "Insane" Hockey gametype (gametype link). Then they took in some feedback, and made some more changes, like a double sized goal (that looks slapped together) for easier scoring and faster cesgames. And the 1x1 banks on the sides to keep the ball from riding the wall most of the game. Both are great gameplay improvements, but neither look good. they also got rid of assasinations finally to keep players more focused on the game.
    So I threw down some grids for a smooth floor and added 30 degree banks down the sides to keep the ball off the wall. I had to rebuild my corners, since i didn't have enough walls (the old version i used wall curved) to do the banks. The corners look much cleaner now, and took less pieces to forge 10 instead of 12. As for the goals, I used cover, glass so you can see whats goin on behind the goals.
    Hopefully they will like what they see, and this will be in Action Sack!!!




    Thanx for looking!!!!!
  2. Zatherla

    Zatherla Sweet Lemonade
    Senior Member

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    Nice job menace! cant wait for this to be updated into matchmaking! love the new aesthetics! and it is definitely more pleasing then the one they screwed up... Great job though, and can't wait to see more work from you
  3. GruntHunter

    GruntHunter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is so much better than the other because this is smaller
  4. Forgefire

    Forgefire Forerunner

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    its fun, but the problem is having the force fields if this is gonna be a grifball map or anything like that, but this would work great as a insane map variant though, but I still love it.

    MENACEtoSOCIETY Forerunner

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    The map is actually a little BIGGER with the banked sides

    Edited by merge:

    WTF you talkin about? The map is set up for the Insane HOCKEY gametype, not grifball! I wish i could smack you through the internets! What exactly is the problem with the "force fields"? I'm glad you like it.
    #5 MENACEtoSOCIETY, May 18, 2011
    Last edited: May 18, 2011
  6. Kilenum

    Kilenum Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Nice dude i saw what they did in match making this is much better I hope they use it. Stupid banks. why not just angle the hole edge. Your forging is spot on sir big fan keep em coming great job!

    MENACEtoSOCIETY Forerunner

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    I hope so too man. Thanx for the feedback.

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