Drop Zone

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by TonicThunder, May 22, 2011.

  1. TonicThunder

    TonicThunder Forerunner

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    Drop Zone

    Created by TonicThunder / Sword99

    Map Description

    "This battle zone was created after the catastrophic events during the Noble Drop Zone Mission. 8-16 players"

    This map was made out of complete boredom one night and was originally not going to be finished. I changed my mind due to the fact of sparking ideas. This map is symmetric for the most part and only includes two teams. You can choose between Red vs. Blue team games, or Free For All.

    A Little more about the map:

    If you look in the second picture, you will see two teleporters on a platform attached to the top of the roof. They are one-way teleporters that take you back to the ground without having to risk your life jumping. To get on this platform, there are two man-cannons that will fly you up. In the center of this platform, there is a Gravity Hammer. The the sides, there is a concussion rifle and two plasma grenades.

    Objective maps use the top platform quite often. Its used with King of the Hill, Oddball, Neutral Flag, and Neutral Bomb.

    Center view

    Red Tower Overhead View

    Blue Tower Overhead View

    Front View of the Center

    Top Down View - Red Base

    Blue Base

    Red Base

    Blue Tower - Ground View

    Center Blue Tower View

    Red Tower - Ground View

    Red Base - Inside

    Blue Base - Inside

    All feedback and testing is welcomed! Special thanks to all of my friends for adding ideas and keeping me company! :D

    If you happen to find anything that needs added or removed, please do let me know! I love to hear what people have to say about my maps and what could be improved.
    #1 TonicThunder, May 22, 2011
    Last edited: May 23, 2011
  2. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Nice looking map. There are a few things though that you might want to change. The first thing is the teleporters in the 2nd picture. They seem to be on the top of the base which would give anybody who took that teleporter a good view of the entire maps. The second thing that I might change is the active camo. If a player were to grab both a power up and a power weapon they almost become invincible so that is why most forgers tend to keep power ups off there map (at least in my opinion) Overall nice looking map, and I hope you take my ideas into consideration if you were to make a new version.
  3. TonicThunder

    TonicThunder Forerunner

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    Ah, I see what you mean about the active camo. I'll wait to get the map tested a little bit more and then I'll figure out what to do with that.

    About the Teleporters...

    There are two man-cannons that lead you to the top of the map, (that area attached to the roof) and those teleporters are one-way teleporters. They are there so you can get back on the ground without risking your life. I'll add a little more explanation of the map in the OP.

    XD Thanks. Thought so myself.
  4. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for clearing that up about the teleporter. I will get some more games on it to tell you about the gameplay. What I love about this map is all of the cover. You can actually duck away in a firefight. So many maps have a lack of cover. I'm happy that you were able to add cover.
  5. TonicThunder

    TonicThunder Forerunner

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    No problem! I do notice a lack of cover in most maps that I have played. I'm glad you like it. :)
  6. Zenixlio

    Zenixlio Forerunner

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    Drop Zone


    Drop Zone is a Competitive map suited for 8 to 16 players. It is set inside of the Coliseum. The one thing that comes to mind when thinking about this map is hectic. The map is too small to be able to support sixteen players. The players are crammed together during their fight for dominance. The weapons, including power weapons, all have thirty second respawn time with two spare clips. The whole game is which power weapon can overpower the other, and who can surprise the other. Gameplay became rather repetitive and became quite boring as the game dragged on. The beginning of the game is pretty much a race to the middle to spam and spray shots.

    The ground floor being barren and useless, everything that is down there is unused. Most players did not even realize there was a Ghost on the map. The turret and Shade Turret’s within the bases are completely useless in most gameplay situations, being that everyone is in the middle of the map. Most of the weapons on the map were not fit for it, such as the Focus Rifle and the armor abilities. There were honestly nothing that gave the players a spark while playing the map



    Balance is where Drop Zone suffers most. The middle structure creates a choke point because the pathway is only big enough for one person to go through at a time. The pathways limit mobility throughout the map, creating a very crowded feeling with mass battles usually in the middle because of the choke point. The biggest issue witnessed was the non-use of the ground floor. All flow stayed in the passage ways connecting the bases. This rendered most of the map useless, including the Ghost, Jet Packs, Armor Locks, and other items. Map flow on Drop Zone is very limited, due to there only being 4 pathways.

    The top of the map is extremely campable and has 3 power weapons mere feet from each other. Spikers are also in the top part of the map, which are also very strong. Most weapons on the map are set to default settings, thirty second respawn time with two spare clips. This makes the map very hectic and unbalanced. The Shotguns are a step away from each other, which leads to one team with the Shotgun. The only balanced power weapon in the map is the Active Camo, though it is rather difficult part to reach without the Jet Pack. Overall, spawn times are to low and power weapons are to close together.



    Drop Zone is completely enclosed within the Coliseum, so there is no possible way to escape the map. That being said, there is a hiding spot on each side that should be noted and could possibly be game breaking. Next to the bases there is a hole which leads to behind the base, which ends in a dead end. It is easily campable and relatively unseen to the average player but can be stumbled upon by the average player. There is also a campable spot at the back of the base next to the Focus Rifle spawn that partially hidden by all sides and is easy to hide in. The top part of the map is also extremely campable. The map being team based, the teams spawn in their own base, respectively. This can cause spawn trapping, because most team spawns are within the base. Drop Zone is well made, but does have a few issues that can easily be fixed.



    There is not much that can be said about Drop Zone aesthetically. The creator obviously had gameplay in mind when creating the map, with there not being really pleasing about it. The bases and towers are made of pre- built building pieces, withholding variation from other maps. The upper area is an area of interest while on the subject of aesthetics. It is simply made with two pieces, and looks satisfactory. The support beams were cleverly made, as well as the elevators within the bases. The door pieces used as cover are also aesthetically pleasing. Drop Zone does not provide major aesthetics, but it is not completely empty of it.



    Drop Zone is essentially a basic map. Two main base towers intersecting at the middle structure with two neutral towers turning out of the middle structure as well. There are a minute number of things on the map that makes it unique. The addition of armor abilities on the map is an admirable touch, giving players the option to switch depending on their current situation. The usage of Covenant Energy Covers instead of normal cover was quite unique as well, allowing the cover to diminish and break if used for too long. Explosives spread out across the map are also very marvelous. The Shade Turrets, though useless, branches away from what would usually be an average turret. In conclusion, though the map design is simple, there are aspects that make it unique to the average map.


    Rating Multipliers

    Aesthetic :
    Originality:[/floatleft]3 x 3.0 = 9 out of 30
    4 x 3.0 = 12 out of 30
    8 x 1.5 = 12 out of 15
    6 x 1.5 = 9 out of 15
    7 x 1.0 = 7 out of 10

    Final Score


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    #6 Zenixlio, Jun 19, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 19, 2011
  7. TonicThunder

    TonicThunder Forerunner

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    Thanks for the review! I'll be sure to take all of the information in mind for my next map.
  8. Zenixlio

    Zenixlio Forerunner

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    No problem man, thats what I'm here for. To help map makers like you.

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