This is my first map in a while that I'm actually very proud of and have worked on consistently for more than a week or so. It's an asymmetrical room-based map inspired largely by Halo 3's Orbital. I only have it set up for slayer right now, but if you'd like to help me out and play some games on it and give some feedback, that'd be great. I'll be looking to rigorously test the map this weekend.
Yay! Glad you finished. I haven't seen this for a while, but what I saw was sweet. Hopefully this plays well. ♥
This map has so much epic packed into it, it's just ****ing ridiculous. I can't wait for this one, Ace.
Hello, this is looking really good, great usae of long braces, some really nice looking rooms. And I really like how you have boxed the braces in with walls. Looking great
Alright, I might as well set a time so I can actually get a full party. Tonight at 11:00pm EST sound good? It's only set up for slayer still, and that's all I'll test tonight. I want to make sure the actual design of the map plays well before I worry about making objective gametypes play well.
If you would lose a friend maybe I could join, I would love to actually play on one of your maps. Im a huge fan of yours *crosses fingers*. oh, 11:00 isnt good for me, too late. would you mind having one eariler, tomorrow maybe?
Yeah I'll probably be running some games in the afternoon on Saturday. To all... If you'd like to help test and you're not on my friends list, send me a message on XBL.
Bump for justice? This looks badass. I like the style. Any pics of the layout? I'm mostly posting though to see how this is coming.
For great justice. I could run some games on this map tonight and make sure you get in the party. Send me a friend request and I'll at least show you it in forge. The map's very basically 4 rooms connected by a giant tunnel through the middle.
If you would ace hit me up with a add on live Id be glad to help you test this map out it looks great I like how youve designed the circuluar structure it looks fantastic Id love to get some games on this with you to give you any neat ideas that may come as a result, How much longer do you believe itll be before you release the map?
Alright man, make sure to send me a message or a friend request to make sure I can get you in on some games!
I haven't played nearly enough of this. The 2 games I did play were awesome, but then our party died. The map is truly gorgeous, and the gameplay is phenomenal. One of my new favorite maps. You need to get this done and post it.