Description: Ok first I give the back story to this map... This map was originally made back in February but was stolen by MEA MegaDeath( XTA MegaDeath now...changed his name...) so I decided to give up on the map and stop working on it...Now about 2 or 3 months later I present the fixed version of the map. More of the backstory... This map was made to recreate parts of the campain and the experience of campain in invasion like my maps Covenant Cruiser Invasion and Covenant Corvette Invasion. This map models the Halo 3 mission The Ark. Now to list the changes that have been made since the first version: 1. The Gauss was removed. 2. The First phase has 2 objectives with one on the added platform. 3. The second phase has 2 objective in the towers instead of the ground. 4. The main part of the map has added platforms and rocks to increase the aesthetics and gameplay of the map. 5. The main structure of the map has a longer road with more pathways to get to the objective. 6. Soft killzones have been added to stop camping. 7. The spawn areas for the elites on phase 2 have been narrowed down to decrease confusion. 8. One of the spawn areas for the spartans on phase 2 has been moved to the beach. 9. 2 mongeese have been added to one of the spawn areas for phase 1 and 2. 10. The platform where the scorpions spawn has been moved up a little to decrease the chances of vehicals getting stuck. 11. The spawn area by the large cave has been removed from the elites to decrease confusion. 12. The second objects and the last objective have the timer decreased to 30 seconds to increase the chances of the objective being captured. 13. The spawn time for spartan vehicals has been decreased for warthogs. 14. Loadouts for both spartans and elites have had many of the power weapons removed so the map isnt too overpowered. As you can see there was a lot that was Now to the gameplay of the map... Phase 1: Time: 5 minutes Timer: 20 seconds Time Defence: 10 seconds The Spartans will spawn with several warthogs and must make their way to the large structure and capture the gate...while the elites spawn with with revenants and ghosts and try to stop the spartans... This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600 and weights 72KB. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600 and weights 72KB. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600 and weights 80KB. Phase 2: Time: 5 minutes Timer: 30 seconds Time defence: 10 seconds After the Spartans have taken that point they must retreat to another point past the caves to gain reinforcments...The elites will spawn along the pathway with defencive structures, wraiths, revenants, and ghosts. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600 and weights 86KB. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600 and weights 87KB. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600 and weights 87KB. Phase 3: Time: 5 minutes Timer: 30 seconds Time Defence: 10 seconds Njow the Spartans get extra fire power to go back to the main structure and take it...that power comes from the scorpoins that the ship drops off...the elites must once again try their best to hold off this point... This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600 and weights 82KB. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600 and weights 82KB. Spartans: Phase 1: Loadouts: Scout- Assault Rifle, magnum, Sprint, 2 frags Armor Lock- Grenade Launcher, Assualt Rifle, Armor Lock, 4 frags Spawn: 4 Warthogs, 2 mongeese Phase 2: Loadouts: Guard- Assualt Rifle, magnum, armor lock, 2 frags Recon- Assault Rifle, DMR, Sprint, 2 frags Spec Ops-Magnum, Sniper Rifle, Phase 3: Loadouts Carter- Assault Rifle, DMR, Hologram, 2 frags Kat-Assualt Rifle, magnum, Sprint, 4 frags Emile- Shotgun, Grenade Launcher, armor lock Jun-Sniper Rifle, magnum, Drop Shield Noble 6-Rocket Launcher, Assualt Rifle, Sprint, 2 frags Spawn: 4 scropions, 2 Warthogs Elites: Phase 1: Loadouts: Warrior- Plasma Repeater, Needler Rifle, Evade, 2 plasma grenades Assassin-Needler, Plasma Rifle, Jet Pack, 2 plasma grenades Spawn: 2 Revenants, 4 ghosts, 4 Shade Turrents Phase 2: Loadouts: Deicever-Focus Rifle, Needler Rifle, Hologram Ranger-Needler Rifle, Needler, Evade, 2 plasma grenades Dark Assassin-Concussion Rifle, Plasma Pistol, Active Camo, 2 plasma grenades Spawn: 1 Wraith, 1 revenant, 4 ghosts Phase 3: Loadouts: Zealot- Energy Sword, Plasma Repeater, Jet Pack, 4 plasma grenades Ranger- Needler Rifle, Plasma Repeater, Evade, 4 plasma grenades Champion-Concussion Rifle, Energy Sword, Active Camo, 4 plasma grenades Warden-Gravity Hammer, Plasma Pistol, Drop Shield, 4 plasma grenades Spawn: 3 Wraiths
good idea, but the first are seems to be very lacking. and the ship, well, its just a big box, I Like the intention behind this, and the idea, but i just think you took the wrong approach. The phases are all backwards. First ship, then canyon, then ark. You shoud remove the additional part on the Ark, and focus on making The Ark Phase much more identical to the original. Also, the map is too plain, and anyone will not live past a minute in this open canyon
Good idea, but your gonna need to add some more aesthetics to the map. You cant enjoy the entire feel for the game when there was none of those huge hills scattered on the map. Good idea, but theres a lot of room for improvements!
hello, apologies for not being able to take part in Tuesday night test, I got either booted or connection problems and the space was filled by the time I re booted. First thing I noticed go the 2 min of gameplay was the missing gause. I like the added structures and changes in objectives, load outs and aesthetics. Looking forward to testing out this latest version
You were not able to partake, because you kept running me over with the hog LOL That was pretty funny. Anyways, I hadn't a clue you made this anime, partly because I was in like 3 different party chats at once, but anyways, I enjoyed playing on this. It was one of the better smoother invasion maps and the aesthetics and structures were gorgeous. This is a pretty solid invasion map. Ohh how I love invasion. Great work man.
Look really nice, however it has way too much open spaces. People will just get dominated with no cover. Also the aesthetics aren't very pleasing, I agree with the other members in that thing. I understand your point in this map and it is very good just add this finishing touches and i assure you it will be awesome. Good job.
Prretty good map anime! I remember playing this back in the days of the first version and it wasnt to bad, aside from that dam gauss hog lol. But clearly you fixed that which is a good thing. I also know what the other people mean about keeping it to the original, but i like the small tweaks you did. It was a pain in the butt capping phase 3 in your first version, but now it doesnt look like a problem. Overall, great improvement! look like it will be super fun to play on.
Thanks for all the comments on the map! now to explain some things lol ok firedrone8 I guess I can agree with you on the first comment on the ship is just a box; however, if you read the desription and look at the pictures or download the map you will see this "box" is actually very big and adds a wow factor to the map when or if the players get to the 3rd phases for the fact that this huge ship spawns in and drops off scropions and warthogs which if I must add, usually gets the players on the game to go a little crazy from seeing it spawn in if they havent played the map before. Now for the phases I have no idea what you are talking about and you may be the one who is confused for that matter. Now for the last comment on the map being too plain, not having enough cover, and the completly wrong assumption that anyone could live past a minute on this map is wrong for many reason and proves you have not actually played the map. The map's pictures are zoomed out very far away and the little dots on the map that are firing at each other are vehicals not players. This map is not plain but also the map is huge and is vehical based and would not and could not be played without the vehicals for the reasons you stated. Ive made the same mistake of judging maps before Ive played on them so I cant get too mad but you should not make the same mistake and play on the map before judging the map that has been tested numerous times to ensure the map is fun and the gameplay is good. Thanks for the comment hollow123 but there is aesthetics on the map for the cant see most of them for the fact that the map is zoomed out so much. If thats not what you mean than oh well because there is no money left on the map lol. In aesthetics the map may have room for improvements but the map has a total of $5 Hey Timmy sorry you couldnt play the entire map with me but as you stated the map has improved a lot and people where very impressed with the map so I hope you get a chance to play it soon. lol...Eightball being one of the people to actually test the map and see it in person you can tell people about the gameplay and the aesthetics on the map that you can not see from the screenshots. Thanks for so much praise on the map. Raexe...the same thing that I stated for some of the other people...This is vehical based so the cover factor doesnt apply as much on this map and the aesthetics are there you just cant see them because the screenshots are zoomed out so much. Play the map and then please restate what you think of the map. Thanks Caucasian Invasion. Glad you liked the original version so much but that version sucked lol and this version played and looks so much better. The improvements I did impacted the map alot and you will notice when you play the newer version. once again thanks for the comments!
This map looks great. It looks very similar to the actuall arc invasion from halo 3. From the huge ship that drops the scorpion, to the large structure with the gate. I really like that covanant floating structure that you recreated from the game, it looks great. Its also cool how you made it invasion, not slayer or somthng simalar. Overall, great job man.
Thanks Jgarb...when I was trying to make the map I wanted to recreate the entire expereince of this part of the mission but with limited money and structures I was unable to do everything such as the are where the scorpions are dropped off at. I was unable to make the area just like it was in the mission due to the capabilites of forge world but as you stated I did do a good job on the floating structures lol...