The Divide

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Rorak Kuroda, May 18, 2011.

  1. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The Divide

    Welcome, one and all, to the final unveiling of a map that's been in production for nearly 5 months! The Divide was designed the day after the announcement of the Forgehub 2v2 Throwdown competition. I worked vigorously, finishing the initial geometry in a matter of days. However, something wasn't right... something was missing. Although I did submit it to the Throwdown competition, I did not release the map, simply because I felt unfulfilled by the final result. After being distracted by other miscellaneous forging projects, I returned to The Divide, and solved its issues like the psychiatrist that solved my mental problems, slowly and painfully. After an estimated 200+ games total on this map, I think it's safe to say that no amount of nitpicking or crying can make it any better. So without further ado, I bring you, The Divide!

    Keep in mind; this map only supports Team Slayer. It was specifically designed for 2v2 slayer, and I've kept it that way. It can support 1v1s and 3v3s, but if you want the true, unadulterated experience, then find some buddies and 2v2 this *****. I personally recommend my own 2v2 gametype for optimal play, which features traits such as enhanced speed, no radar, and only sprint starts. You can find it here. It also supports the Throwdown gametype.

    Overviews are difficult on enclosed maps…. Bite me.

    A view from the upper corner to the blue sniper.

    This is the back hall, an excellent flanking route for those that choose to hide in the upper loft.

    This is the lift room. With five entrances and five exits, flow tends to circulate through here rather nicely.

    This is the upper loft. A seemingly good control point, but watch out for grenades.

    Looking out from Blue Sniper. Don’t be deceived; this location can be used for control with proper teamwork.

    A view from the High Platform to the Upper Loft. Quite a few epic firefights happen across this bridge.

    From here, you can see the underbelly of the Landing Platform. Use it wisely, sometimes a great escape is the difference between victory and defeat.

    This is a view of the bottom route. Run quickly, before you get caught in a bad situation!

    The Landing Platform. Grab that plasma pistol and get the **** out.

    This is the tunnel below the High Platform. However, this isn’t the only escape option in the area.

    The Design Process

    As a forger and a thinker, and as an ever-unsatisfied artistic critic, my maps go under constant re-imagining, reconstruction, and re-design until I'm completely content with what I've created. In Halo 3, Vyctoriouz and I began construction on a 1v1 project, codenamed "Caramel Koala." It featured things similar to The Divide, namely the large pit and the escape-platform. However, it had several flaws, specifically the lack of pathways through the middle to cross the massive gap. Bridges become boring quickly, and man-cannons do too… But then I had an epiphany.


    That realization stuck in my mind, and slowly, all of the design concepts began to tie themselves together in my mind. I saw the control points, I saw the symmetrical balance of an asymmetric map, and I saw the flow. Once the 2v2 contest was announced, I knew I was ready.


    Above is the paper design for the original map. Much has changed, and much has stayed the same. One main design idea that I focused on was the unique flow of the map; like running your finger through the surface of a pool of water, the map has a definite form of flow in regards to the man-cannon. The path of the cannon is like the finger, and the reciprocated waves and swirls are the flow out of the landing platform room. On top of that, I needed circular flow for flanking routes. I then connected these flanking routes with a bridge. The other factors were the bottom areas of the map, which I like to refer to as the ‘Escape Routes’. The jet-pack platform is incredibly useful for escaping nasty situations on the bridge, and the flats that run along the death pit are used for similar purposes. These escape routes were then connected to the main pathways, and the design was complete.

    Weapons were another concern. I had planned for each team to have a low ammo sniper, with a powerful central weapon at a high spawn time. Even through different testing renditions, that idea stayed with the map. In addition, the armor abilities play very specific roles for the area that they’re placed in. Holograms can become incredible distractions when sent through the central lift, and the jet-pack can be used as a brilliant alternate route from the bottom to the top of the map.
    I wanted to create a map that didn’t play the same each time you played it. I wanted to create something that would be memorable. I don’t know yet if I succeeded with the latter, but I’m hoping I did.

    Special Thanks

    I would like to give thanks to the many people who allowed this map to see the light of day. In no particular order:


    This map began as a co-forge, and despite the fact that I built the rest of the map overnight without your help, I'd like to thank you for the motivation to get started, and for the little bits of help along the way.

    Shad0w Viper

    Thanks to this guy, there's no longer an evade on the map. Go yell at him for making me do that. Aside from my ranting, Shad0w, like a nagging wife, complained about the map till it reached the brink of the 2v2 Throwdown submission. If not for that, I'm sure it would've turned out a lot worse, so thanks for that.


    After coming back to the map, Uno was kind enough to teach me all about frame-rate lag and its devilish ways. In addition, he made many recommendations about object usage and layout concerns, which are still visible on the map today.


    This guy was the number one tester, and helped give me advice throughout the entire process. Thanks man, couldn't have done it without you.

    And here's a list of the other various helpers and testers. If I forgot you, then don't be afraid to yell at me. Also yell at me if your name was on here and you never actually tested.

    Hi Im Erupt
    Solo XIII
    iTz Longshot
    Black Theorem
    What's a Scope?
    Eww Your Skinny
    Reflex Ion
    Epic Tusk
    Transhuman Plus
    Aethera (Cerberus Beast)
    Rho Fs
    Bloo Jay (You forgot to include me so I included myself <3)

    And finally, Vyctoriouz, who was the original inspiration for this design.

    I’ll update this thread if any issues come up with the map, and I’ll add more to the thread eventually as well. Oh, and if you didn’t see:

    #1 Rorak Kuroda, May 18, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 29, 2011
  2. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    YouTube - ‪M. Bison "Yes Yes!" Widescreen HD reupload‬&rlm;

    Finally. Seeing a map made by you Rorak, just made my day. Looking at the map, it look like it can have some really great gameplay to it. But from looking at the pictures, I dont see any tac jumps :(

    Im really looking forward to playing a game on this. Looks really good dude.
  3. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    I've played this map enough to know it's worth the download. I've been through countless victories (and 1 or 2 loses) on this map and I can't find anything wrong with it. Although, I agree that it wasn't right for the throwdown contest, it is easily one of the most fun maps I play in customs nowadays. I'm glad that this was finally posted. The forum deserves a good map.

    Do yourselves a favor and download this. Tis an epic.

    Also, fix your thumbnail when you get online tomorrow.

    Had I not forgotten to save it, I'd cap a game on this for you. If you want me to still, lemme know ♥

    EDIT: P.S. , 2nd from last on the thanks list...I'm hurt. </3

    EDIT II: I'm over it ♥
    #3 Rho Fs, May 18, 2011
    Last edited: May 18, 2011
  4. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    There are some tac jumps, just not very many. Don't worry though, I didn't leave them out.

    Yeah, the old version wasn't really great compared to this one for the Throwdown contest. I wish I had this version for it, though. Thanks man, I FEEL THE LOVE.
  5. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    I love the blue coloring throughout the map. The aesthetic bridge is very unique. I also like the way you combine objects. For example the bridge and block 5,1. Thats very smart. I also like the fact that you show the "rough draft" of the map. In fact, I just posted a map that I have a sketch of, thank you for inspiring me to post my sketch. But anyway love the map.
  6. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
    Senior Member

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    I agree that this version is better the it's initial, and probably would've done better in the contest. Now you need to forget about this and work on Opal. I'll play you again. I forgot to save those 3 games in a row where I wrecked you :p

    Seriously though, glad you finally released a reach map
  7. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks man, I appreciate it. I always draw before-hand, and it's a nice inside look into a forger's/designer's mind.

    Yeah, time for Opal. <3
  8. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
    Senior Member

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    map sucks, and i hated playing on this map during test....♥

    I love this map truthfully. It's really easy to get down, its balanced well, and just fun to play 2v2. While I was reading this, i thought. "this would be awesome for multi-flag". So my questions are, sorry if they're dumb, is it set up for flag, and how come i never tested flag? That's one gametype I enjoy :p But yes, would love to play more awesome maps of yours Kuroda, and I pwn you with the grenade launcher for once :)
  9. Rho Fs

    Rho Fs 2x2 Forge Judge
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    I'm pretty sure he only set it up for slayer. But I think it would run some other stuff well too. Rorak, you should look into some other game set up options. I think oddball would fail, but flag and koth might work
  10. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yeah, I gotta say, I agree. KoTH would be epic, one flag maybe, one bomb, etc. I'll consider that.
  11. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    Oshit. Is that really how ur supposed to design a map? Well, im glad gallium is only my first.

    Seriously, this map looks incredible, and the game flow seems remarkable, probably due to the scrutiny you put into developing this map. I cannot believe the look of the final version of this map. It looks so clean. So crisp. So... Epic. I really cannot wait to play the final version of the map, and then play it again, and again.

    Its maps like these that i look forward to being posted. Cant wait for more dude :D
  12. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks man. I'm gonna be focusing on my 1v1 map after this, and I'll try to get that posted A.S.A.P.
  13. Stevo

    Stevo Drunken Bantersaurus Rex
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Yo Rorak, as I was a little sleepy last night, I just wanted to let you know my thoughts:
    I like the maps feels and appearance, the only thing I disliked really was the spawning. I mentioned that I spawned next to that large man-cannon like 90% of my respawns because all the action occured at the other end of the map and seeing the mancannon directly infront of me always made me go through it... I think you should keep the system as it stands, but introduce some sort of sequence, so even if the spawn areas are safer in that same place, have a few more in the corners of that end of the map that are just as safe so they have priority once in a while.
  14. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The corners didn't work well with spawns, because when large amounts of people respawned, there would be issues around the lift room. The spawns aren't the same each time you play it; had you not walked into the lift, you might've caused your partner to spawn elsewhere, and you could've controlled the opposite end if the map. Just think when you spawn, and don't walk into the shiny lift... No matter how tempting it is.
  15. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I just looked at this map in Forge, and I have to say I love almost every aspect of the map, it really is quite incredible. I applaud you on what you accomplished, my only concern is that its a little small of a map, but then the fact it has several layers shouldnt make that too much of a problem. Its like you took the design of Sword Base, said "F.U.!" and made something that surpassess its intended design in every way.
  16. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Awesome awesome map Rorak. I loved playing on this, except when you and Rho would DT me lol. The map's layout was so perfectly designed that I had such a great time playing on it. Gamplay was smooth and everything was so extremely well-forged. This is a map I am going to try to learn from, that's for sure. Fanfreakingtastic job man.

    PS: Thanks for forgetting me in the testers list :( If I even was a tester?
  17. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I didn't know if you were or werent a tester, couldn't remember. I'll add you to the list. Thanks guys, I really appreciate the comments. (^_^)
  18. Dinosaur Drugs

    Dinosaur Drugs Forerunner

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    Like I said, super sexy. This map made me drop my granola bar. I downloaded it and did a walkthrough in forge and I have to say, it is quite impressive. The layout is awesome, I love the spots that seem like they were made just for sniper and have very specific site-lines. The structure looks clean and your object usage is uncanny.
  19. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Despite that you always fourshot my face, this map plays great. Especially when playing with out you, kuroda. (Sogud@reech)

    But seriously, wish I could've worked on this more, because it sure would be great to get a feature (FORESHADOWING), but I guess that just means we can work on a project together in the future sometime. Especially if I have the designs so you can't run off and pull a The Devide on me again.
  20. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    The last time a map inspired me to dance was when Crown of flies was released, so im glad that it makes you feel that way!


    Thanks man, I really appreciate it.

    @Nox the Fox:

    That foreshadowing is very subtle indeed. Can't wait to start up another coforge!

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