I have to admit, this map made me skeptical, but I think I like it. If you ever need another tester I'm up for it, just give me a message on LIVE. (My name on Live is the same as on here). The map looks very well planned and I do like the design. Not to mention the lifts shown in your video. So far, I am warming up to Scimitar (Plus its named ofter one of my favorite weapons of all time.)
^ you're joking right? That's not bad, not, like, pro or anything. And if that is you Erupt, than I do expect better skillz from you. Next time we play, I hope our game will be better, I was camping those lifts super hardcore XD
Haha... We went in for ONE game and Duck told use that if we lived a minute long and it was not extremely slow-paced, to give him the footage. It wasn't to be amazing, just so you wouldn't have to watch someone respawn. I have had some extremely epic clips on this map, just not long enough. The only point in this video, really, was for duck to try to edit a video. I think he did decent for a first time. I'll put some better clips in the final vid for this map. Plus, I was playing on an HDTV. Which is hard for me, since I switch back and forth between the two. I'm much better on Standard Definition.
Everyone always says that switching between HD and Standard "D"? is always hard. I guess it just doesn't happen for me. I have played on HD and regular and, I honestly don't see a huge difference in quality (it might be because of my cataract, astigmatic eyes, but who knows. My vision is literally 4/7, my glasses are a lot thicker than they seem). On topic: Over a minute long without too slow-paced you say? The last game I played I went on a Frenzy with some average moments, wonder if he'll want to see it? Again, just let me know if we can test again, pretty damn fun.
video is lame because it's not BFMV playing♥ I want another game on this, and im still wondering about that screen lag. It bugs me at initial spawn...
Are you ONLY getting framerate hits at initial spawn? I've experienced that on several forged maps (not just mine) and I wonder if it's just the game engine struggling to catch up as all those objects are initially rendered. I have at least one map I've made myself where there's a noticeable hitch right as the game starts, but it plays smoothly for the rest of the match.
Lol, I have 20:100 vision with my glasses ON, putting me on the borderline of being legally blind (it's incorrectible). Anyways, I'll use anything for the final video, as long as it's good so feel free to put your films in your file share. The final video WILL have BFMV in it. This song is awesome anyway. Well, if you're on blue team, you will get a hitch at the beginning of the game. After that it tends to run smoothly for the rest of the game. Even in splitscreen, the framerate usually isn't too bad. Unfortunately, fixing the framerate altogether is likely impossible without radically changing the map. We have 0 bridges/platforms, 0 bocks, 1 wall/door, 0 inclines, and 6 decoratives. If I could, I'd replace all bridge XLs with bridge mediums, but we just don't have the objects to do that.
Well i mean in that area. wether its when the game starts, or when I go back there later. I get some on the rock garden above sniper too.
I would love to download this map, so badly. I've always enjoyed narrow maps with walkways, and until recently, Sword Base had seemed to be the only option. An enhanced version of that map has certainly been achieved! I only wish that the video had covered more ground, though.
Wow, thanks bro. Actually, since my compy can't run the video software very well, I couldn't view the preview of it while I was making it after I imported all the footage. I converted it to .avi and watched it, and thought it looked pretty good and decided I was done. The final video will have more editing though. Anyways, that post was off-topic... Here's something interesting though. I tried replacing the sword with a grenade launcher. People had suggested removing the sword, and even though I supposedly "can't take critiscism from anyone", I took their advice. The GL seems to be a suitable replacement, and is here to stay (unless Erupt hates it for some reason). The GL goes even further to negate camping, which the sword kindof promoted. Anyways, I'm not sure I'll put any screenshots on this page. The map seems to be mostly done. CTF and Slayer are both about 95% satisfactory. We need to test Territories and Assault. Stockpile, oddball, king, and headhunter seem pretty much done.
Your welcome. Slayer has been fun everytime we've played it and I wouldn't mind seeing 3 or 5 plot here.
You should put this on your fileshare so everyone can play and test to give you feedback until the final addition is released [:
Ok, I've attempted to make a screenlag-free version of the map. I don't like how it looks though, so I want some opinions on which version I should use. Should I sacrifice aesthetics for a lag-free map? Or should I have a beautiful map with occasional screenlag? The lag is relatively minor to begin with, but some people have still complained. So, what are your thoughts? The screenshots show the original version, mouseover for "lag-free" version. [MouseOverImage=http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj173/P5ych0duck/reach_17966183_Full.jpg]http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj173/P5ych0duck/reach_17966102_Full.jpg[/MouseOverImage] [MouseOverImage=http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj173/P5ych0duck/reach_17966184_Full.jpg]http://i272.photobucket.com/albums/jj173/P5ych0duck/reach_17966110_Full.jpg[/MouseOverImage] Also, to Nibs: You weren't the only person who suggested removing the sword, but yes thank you for the feedback. We shall have to try both 3 and 5 plots on here... To Pikapi 360 and Travis H: I'm considering putting an unfinished version of the map up for download. however, i wouldn't count on it. My preferred method of getting feedback is to play the map with others, listen to what they have to say, and view what caused them to say it firsthand. You're both welcome to join in any tests, but you will likely have to wait until the map is complete to actually download it. we'll see. EDIT: sorry for not resizing the screenshots, hopefully none of the words in my post are cut off for anybody.
As much as it pains me to see that beautiful flooring vanish, I'd rather the framerate lag was minimised, since the layout is solid and the changes sacrifice a slight bit of aesthetics to make sure that layout is consistently smooth.
Lag-free version > Aesthetic version Too bad it's still inspired by Sword Base. If it were inspired by the much better Prisoner instead, it might actually turn out to be a good map. Even the beta Sword Base was much worse than Prisoner.
Are you implying that just because it's inspired by Sword Base that it makes it a bad map? I found it to be quite fun. I actually played a game on it offline not too long ago (super LAN party) and we all had a great time on it. Just because some mentioned Sword Base doesn't automatically make it terrible.
if its a choice between lag and aesthetics, Id go with no lag any day. Its better to have no lag than some pretty floors.
Ironically, 4-shot said this WAS inspired by Prisoner. Someone is contradicting themselves. I have never gotten lag on it, regardless of me being host or not, so whatever works for everyone else.