This is probably one of my best maps. This map is well made for team slayer or infection though it does play well with other game types. As stated this map plays with 4-16 players. There are 3 level's to this map so there's plenty of space to fight. Many different weapons for many ways to kill. Tell me what you think. Thank you. Oh and one more thing, all of my friends love my forge maps, and most of them think I am one of the best forgers they know. TRY THIS MAP OUT! GYRO! Weapon List: 4X-DMR 2X-Grenade Launcher 1X-Rocket Launcher 2X-Shotgun 2X-Sniper Rifle 8X-Frag Grenade 1X-Gravity Hammer 2X-Needle Rifle 2X-Needler 2X-Plasma Repeater 8X-Plasma Grenade Main view of the map. Lower level. This is where the gravity hammer is. Central hallway. Upper level of the map where the rocket launcher is.
From that one picture it i very difficult to get an accurate feel for your map. Please take and post more pictures to help out forgehub. Also you presentation is quite boring. No color, no theme, the maps name isn't at the top of the page in large font, and nothing mentioning your inspiration to build the map. Please fix this and I'll recomment
Sorry I'm new to the site. Give me a break. Is everyone a critic? All that should matter is the map. Check it out.
Why yes, everyone is a critic. That's the whole point of this website. Your map needs quite a bit of fixing, as well as more cover, and better aestetics. Have you even playtested your map? Because really people should be able to post unless the map went through exstensive playtesting.
Yes I tested this. And what, might I ask needs fixing? Because everyone I played with on this map loved it, so maybe your either ignorant or far too picky. If there's a map that I see that I don't like I'll leave it alone. If you like it than say so. All I wanted to do was post some of my maps on here hoping someone would be nice enough to say "Hey that looks good." I know I'm not the best forger, but I'm also not the worst. Just looking for a little respect here, but apparently no one can give none out.
We apologize if we are coming across mean and we are only trying to help. Now, you do need a bit more cover on bridges were the rocket spawns. But on the positive side I like the central hallway.
Woah! Everyone is being way too mean over here. He is new to ForgeHub. Give him a break! Back to topic. I have not downloaded the map and yes, it needs more pictures. I still don't know how is the flow inside the map. But it could be good, everyone is being too mean just because the bridges should have more cover. Maybe he didn't add cover to make it dangerous to get the rockets in the first place. Outside the map looks good but i can't really tell about the map. I may need to download the map. Overall good job on this map! Looks better than I thought. Remember people " Gameplay over Aesthetics".
Guys play the map first before making comments on gameplay and aesthetics. Such nubs... Anyway, someone may have said your post isnt very pleasing, but you've done better than most newbies because you have screenshots. May I ask where the word Gyro came from cos I cant see the resemblance... well not that I see the resemblance of most maps to names but maybes its just me. Ill dl and try and get a game. Not making any promises but, I will try.
Thank you all for understanding I'm new here. As for the bridges needing more cover, it's not that I don't want more cover, it's that I used up basically every part available. All I have remaining is 2 platforms, 6 buildings and a bunch of ramps. I do love this map though, lacking extra cover or not. It's got nice interior and exterior areas to fight. And as for the name Gyro. No relevance to any part of the map really, just tried giving it a nice name.