that is a very nice map, but i can't tell what some of the pictures are because they are small, there might be something wrong with your pictures but idk, i like the last pic btw, i have something a lot like it in the first map i posted.
Looks like youve got a lot going on there, but its hard to tell with the small pictures. Has a bit of an Atom vibe to it, but you should fix the image size and add a small description of the map to entice more people to want to download it.
Im working on the pics ill fix it later thanx for the comment and opinion. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Yeah i messed up on the pics im workin on those.
the multilayered central structure reminds me somewhat of guardian. looks like a great map. lots of nice aesthetics.
Had a look at your map. Its... quite large . I think it may be suitable for maybe 14-16 players, as theres a lot of area there and I dont think it would be cluttered with 16 people on it. But I also think it can get a little confusing to navigate at first. Youve got a good centerpiece though, so with a few games under your belt, youll eventually get your bearings. I also noticed that youve got a tonne of initial spawn points for each team. You actually really only need one for each team on each side + a spawn zone for each team as well (I didnt see any spawn zones in your map, sorry if there is though ). That way, you can replace all the initial spawns with respawn points, and if theres a spawn zone around that all the other players of that team will spawn on the respawn points closest to the initial spawn. And, as two added bonuses, youll have more respawn points for your map, and if playing a team game, all the players of that team will keep spawning in that base where their spawn zone is, instead of all around the map, or in the enemies base. Sorry if none of that made any sense, I tried explaining it as best I could. Anyway, the map is very decent, a little overwhelming at first, but nicely forged. Good job on fixing the pictures, by the way. ; )