Jon Stewart is ****ing PISSED! Nice post BT. Seriously. YouTube - Part 2: Jon Stewart Goes Head-to-Head With Bill O'Reilly And oh so right. I'm trying to help you learn.
I knew O'Reily was gonna get his ass handed to him. I also like how it was O'Reily was the one that called Stewart out and invited him to the show. lol
It was very stupid of him. Inviting Jon Stewart to debate against you is like inviting a Minotaur to a maze, then expecting not to get mauled.
I have reason to believe that the Fox Execs are not conservative, and realize that their talk shows make conservatives look bad.
{quote=CaMHomo}I've been debating the fact if I'm gay or not. I like flirting with gay males, but I like flirting with girls and like the *****. Another fact, I get grossed out by others' dicks. {/quote}