Remake Production

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by PlasmaSnakeN313, May 17, 2011.

  1. PlasmaSnakeN313

    PlasmaSnakeN313 Forerunner

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    Reassembled from Halo 3's Mythic Map Pack, Assembly is reborn as Production! Co-forged between HTCF Reaper and I, Production contains all of the major components and details of the original map and is compatible with all regular gametypes, excluding Invasion. It can be used with both Reach and Classic variants.

    Sky View:

    Upper Red Base:

    Blue Basement:

    Hammer Room:

    Rocket Tower:

    Central Structure:

    Gazebo Thingy:

    Download, test, make comments, suggest changes. Feedback leads to progress, and thus a better map.
    #1 PlasmaSnakeN313, May 17, 2011
    Last edited: May 17, 2011
  2. La7ham

    La7ham Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i know with the limits with the forge but could it be a bit more curvy i haven't seen any over remake of assembly so well done with that. You could make the gravity hammer spawn a bit better it looks a little rushed.
  3. Mulelish21

    Mulelish21 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Love the circular base floor, gotta give you guys props. But I think you guys need to add 4 medium shield doors around the camo or we people can shoot down those hallways, which makes it hard to get out of your base. And maybe use merged covenant crates instead of rocks on one side to help differentiate each side of the map, just a thought. I loved your top mid until I noticed the windows you used, be able to shoot that much from top mid is a little ridiculous. Lastly, the banks you used for cover on top rockets spawn might need to be changed, becuase if you can stand on the back inclines facing the bases you could hid there and have the jump on some guy who just lifted. But I haven't checked if there to steep to stand on. I don't mean to bash your guys' map, I actually love it a lot, Im just giving some feedback and hopefully you will take it lightly, lol.
  4. PlasmaSnakeN313

    PlasmaSnakeN313 Forerunner

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    Constructive criticism is better than unconditional praise. What do you mean "windows on top mid"? There are shield doors on them, so you shouldn't be able to shoot through them. Looking at the screenshots though, they're hard to see.

    I don't think you can hang out on the rocket tower banks, but we'll check.

    We'll get some playtests on it and see if shooting through the center structure doorways is a problem. It would be nice to have a cylindrical shield door (obviously, we can't) to block cross-center shots, but adding shield doors that would end up enclosing the center structure might be too obstructive (You could camp in there with a hammer). We'll see what happens.

    We're honestly running low on objects...we're currently working on cutting down on pieces and reducing split-screen frame rate issues.
    #4 PlasmaSnakeN313, May 17, 2011
    Last edited: May 17, 2011
  5. kdavis73

    kdavis73 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the great feedback Mulelish21, using merged covenant crates is a great idea and I think we should use it as long as the budget lets us. I think that we might have tried it early in the project but they weren't tall enough? Anyway it would be worth a try.
    For the shield door on mid we might be able to get away with using just two shield doors rather than four. They would cross over each-other on center. The only difference is you would be able to nade/shoot down to hammer. That could still be fixed be adding a third door flat on the floor but at that point we will have to forget about the covenant crates.
  6. PlasmaSnakeN313

    PlasmaSnakeN313 Forerunner

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    Okay, so I checked out some things...

    1. You can't hide on the side of the inclines facing the bases used on the rocket tower, so we're okay there.
    2. Crates are looking a bit small to use as replacements for the rocks. We'd have to use quite a few, and with our current object count it doesn't look like it's going to be possible.
    3. I misunderstood what you were saying about the shield doors. Right now, our budget won't allow for four shield doors, but we might be able to do what Reaper suggested and get by with 2 or 3. If we save enough pieces later on, we might be able to get 4 in. I actually just placed them there right now as an experiment, and they do look rather nice...makes the center feel more Assembly-like. I'd like to implement it if we can, but they do eat a lot of budget.

    Thanks for your feedback. If there's anything else, feel free to say so.
    #6 PlasmaSnakeN313, May 18, 2011
    Last edited: May 18, 2011
  7. Mulelish21

    Mulelish21 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    No problem I'm glad I could help. Sorry I didn't realize there were shield doors in those windows at top mid. And yea I think you got what I meant with those shield doors encasing camo. I'm glad top rockets cover isn't a problem. I'm kinda bummed those covenant crates aren't tall enough/cost to much. Maybe when budget is fixed 4 covenant barricades in a box formation will work, lol idk I just want some purple on the map ;). Good luck.
  8. PlasmaSnakeN313

    PlasmaSnakeN313 Forerunner

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    Reaper did end up doing something with covenant crates. We had another forger, Dweight, edit our map and he came up with a replacement for the old canisters instead of rocks. He used two upside-down teleporter frames, along with some down-facing inclines. Reaper removed the inclines and merged a single covenant crate into it. So yeah, it got implemented in a way.
  9. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    Sounds like you guys have really been working hard on revamping your map. Kudos to you for not only reworking your map but also taking criticism with a grain of salt as opposed to thinking it was out right bashing. The only thing I would suggest from here is maybe updating the pictures you have to show the changes or just adding them in as comparisons. Good job anyways though guys, great map remake.
  10. Silentraine

    Silentraine Forerunner

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    Its so nice to see this map posted assembly was a fantastic symmetrical map and it seems you both did a lot of hard work on making it very close to the original. This is a very hard map to take from and reforge it in the way we all remember it especially the areas that are more curved or circuluar due to the blocky appearance of most forge items. Its possible as youve shown and I applaud you both for doing a phenomenal job on that, and finding a way to actually add in the Covenant crates suggested :) youve definately earned a download on this one. Im crossing my fingers that you guys will attempt to create more fantastic looking remakes and expand your creativity as well if you ever need help testing just hit me up.
  11. PlasmaSnakeN313

    PlasmaSnakeN313 Forerunner

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    Back from hiatus.

    Okay, so my personal goal is to get this map to have minimal framerate issues for 2-player splitscreen. Unfortunately, I am not super-forge-expert-man and am not an expert at removing lag. Can any Forge pros out there take a look and make suggestions?

    Single player framerate is pretty good. Like I said, 2-player splitscreen is the issue.

  12. oVR

    oVR Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    remove all instances of the large bridge: the one with the glass rails. and the framerate will improve.
  13. Sugar

    Sugar Forerunner

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    Finally, a remake of assembly. Very good look alike and renaming. Some areas for sure replicate it well. I understand the difficulty of remakes and it ended up very well made. Keep up the forging.
  14. kdavis73

    kdavis73 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for all the compliments. I am usually down for customs as long as I am not busy. So shoot me a message on or if you are trying to get something together.

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