RHEM The Forging Fires of Rhem Never Burn Out. 4-8 Players Rhem Trailer Rhem is a small asymmetrical map that is built for 4-8 Players. The map is designed as a town that would have a heavy mechanical influence. It is built to appear to have been built underground. There's a lot of design to this map and a lot of great aesthetics. The map also has built in sound effects. I used explosions that take place outside of the map, some close and some further away, To make the map not only feel mechanical, but sound it as well. The explosions also cause the map to shake when you stand by the forging fire. All of this adds up to a map that uses not only visuals, but sounds and feel as well to create an atmosphere for the map. The map is set up for all major gametypes and Infection especially is very enjoyable for this map. I've put in a purple effect that is only in place during infection gametypes, creating an atmosphere for that gametype specifically that does not translate well to other gametypes. Rhem is best played on FFA Slayer, Team Slayer, and Infection. Weapons List: 2 Assault Rifles 6 DMRs 2 Magnums 1 Rocket Launcher 1 Shotgun 1 Gravity Hammer 2 Needle Rifles 2 Needlers 2 Plasma Pistols 2 Plasma Repeaters 10 Plasma Grenades 12 Frag Grenades DOWNLOAD NOW
this truly is a masterpiece, good job. i even think this might be feature worthy. only complaint:a few of the buildings look campable. see if you could add more doorways to some of the buildings. 9.5/10
Thanks! We didn't run into much camping in the buildings, a few players tried, but it did fail miserably. If you count the interior of the buildings as one structure (Since they are connected inside) there are five entrances. If you count them as separate buildings they each have three. I'm glad you like the map! -Atlas
Yeahhh, Rhem. I love the aesthetic design of this map. The forging looked extremely neat and really creative. I like how you keep coming up with maps that have a lot of creativity. I especially loved your use of the kill ball, while I usually frown upon them, but you used it in a way that best utilizes its potential. Great work my friend.
Wow, i have never seen the use of kill balls for fire before. That is definitely something to be used in future maps. I also love the gears you made, although for a while all I saw on the walls were wheels. The asthetics in this map are amazing, but I would take out the juicy FX, shields show up really yellow, and the purple FX makes it impossible to see.
The purple effect is only active in infection, so it won't be an issue for most gametypes. This is the first map I used any FX for and to be honest I am happy I did. The fire really shows up nice and the orange in the gears and columns really pop. I did try taking it out at once point and I felt like I just went colorblind. The juicy effect really adds to feel of the map. Thank you for your comment! Thanks Eightball! I too tend to frown upon kill balls in maps. The fire was a spur of the moment thing. My friend was watching me forge and I told him I had an idea. Because I placed the Kill Ball outside the map, I couldn't see the effect at first but his reaction told me everything. It's an idea I am really glad worked out! -Atlas
This map is great, I like the kill ball idea you have, I also think the gears that you have made for your map are very unique. The size of the map and the layout is great. You did a good job. I will give this a download and give you any feedback when I have a chance to. nice job, keep up the good work.
Most of the map looks amazing, though the center area looks really open, I can see some people losing them selves in DMR battles there then falling in the water. I would suggest something coming up in the middle of certain gears to provide some more cover for the middle of the map. I don't have much bad to say about the rest of the map, a few pre-fab buildings, but they were used well so it's ok. Nice job, This is more my style than your last one!
holy balls that is beast, love the mechanical design, paticularily the huge gears. looks fun as heck. gonna dl. this might be off topic but i love the video begining.
yeah, flying shoe, i know what you mean and i would say it too, although it would ruin the aesthetics, make battles there just lose its edge, and then you could more easily camp with a rocket. i mean, you can still camp with it, but say you got into a fight. the attacker has an advantage because guess where the rocket guy is camping? a holed platform.
I really like the aesthetic appeal here, but I have to ask, because it looks like it may be a problem, is framerate a problem looking across the middle because that looks like a high object density. Infection here looks like it must be fantastic and slayer looks fun too, but like those above me I may suggest adding cover to the middle or at least reducing the huge lines of sight across it. Great job on this map, I really want to try it out!
If you keep the game to 4v4 or lower you will be fine with framerate, I specifically put the player count there because the framerate drops with larger parties. Though nothing significant.
Well from what I can see it looks great. The aesthetics you put into the map were executed great. You also give a different style of competetive maps. Such as the gameplay will be very different based off of your design. I will DL and witness this maps true glory. My only concerns are the killball, purley because that causes massive amounts of framerate, and the weapons. Now the weapons are very even based on not too many power weapons and such, but I went into it more and just thought about what weapon beats what, and from what I can see is the Rocket Launcher overpowering but thts not surprise so no need to fix anything. Only I would think that the Shotgun would always end up winning over the Hammer purely because its an actual gun. Never the less great job though. I would have to give it an 8/10. (Hope Im not bashing your work)
Thanks for the comment! I do understand the concern with the framerate drops, and it will if you go in with larger parties, so I recommend 4v4 or lower. (It is too small a map to accommodate much more than that anyways) When we tested with 4v4 the framerate didn't seem to suffer at all. We did test an infection with a 12 member party and didn't have any lag, but that also may be due to the lack of explosions and other weapons. As far as the weapons go the shotgun will absolutely beat the hammer, but with the way the map is laid out you have to be very smart when using either weapon. If you come running from either side to the other you won't get very far. The rockets do allow a large degree of map control, but the risk is also high when trying to obtain it. Thanks again for the comment! -Atlas
I don't quite agree with you Deatheye. I think a few small pieces of cover on the gears would work aesthetically, and quite well, as many gears have a part sticking out of the side to turn other types of gears. Just a block 2 x 1 flat sticking up would look nice, and honestly in the end gameplay wins over aesthetics. There is also a difference between using cover and camping, especially if none of the cover is on the middle gear of the map. Cover only blocks you from being shot at from one side, making you still very susceptible to attackers shooting in towards the gears. Frankly, the only people I know who would think a fight with cover is boring are a few MLG extremists, there is nothing wrong with trying to get out of a firefight to recover (for most people anyway). As I said before, the lack of cover could keep players from looking at their surroundings... including the water between the gears. Some cover would remind them to watch out for those spots as they went for cover. Otherwise the two will just shoot until someone goes Sploosh! By the way Atlas, forgot to Dl before, I'll take a look at the rest of the map tonight!
The reason I didn't put a lot of cover in the middle was I wanted a real risk/reward scenario for the rockets. It easily dominates the map and should be difficult to reach. I'd also be concerned that cover would make the jumps more difficult. At the moment there have already been comments on how players would fall in the water all the time (Just didn't happen when testing it) but with cover to block some of the jump paths, you would run into a lot of frustration with the jumps in the middle. All of this to say that the map was designed to be open in the middle. There is a lot of cover to be had when firing across the middle, but the middle gears themselves were purposefully left open even back in the pencil and paper design of Rhem. Thanks for your comment and I would love to hear what you have to say after you DL and give the map a good look over -Atlas
Thanks for commenting! Rhem is very different from anything else I've done, so I was a bit worried with the initial posting. It's good to see it turned out well, despite being so different! I've been trying to push myself into forging in different ways since Anthem. (I always felt it was a bit too much like Fountainhead) But Rhem is the first map where I feel I really accomplished that.
I'm glad you like it, and I got to say I'm not sure I would be able to view maps I wasn't able to download... Also just got a game of Alpha Zombies on this map, I highly recommend it and also the gametype if you haven't played it, It was my first time and loved it! We also just got a game in on power slayer, the map's fire effects are very enhanced by the flaming feet. I also recommend that gametype as well. -Atlas
So after taking a better look at the middle I see now that it does not function as a large central dance floor, but a crossing of pathways between the gears. They are basically two intersecting bridges through the middle of the map, which makes sense as to why there is no cover. As long as you can sprint I think that area is balanced, I just originally thought you could jump onto the gears easily from many sides, now I see how it would really play. Nice job man, great map!
Thanks for posting your final thoughts! The middle had gained the greatest criticism in the map and it not only is my favorite part of the map but also what the entire map started as, gears in the water lol. Thanks for taking a look and as always thank you for the great advice you have offered for my maps