Gluttonous Geese has an awesomely stupid premise. Drive your mongoose around and eat up golf balls for points. Your partner in the back seat can use a concussion rifle or grenade launcher to thwart other drivers, either by sending their ride flying or knocking golf balls away from them. I have only just built the arena and made the gametype, so I have not one test on this yet, but I think it has potential to be a frantic good time, like a crazed hybrid of rocket race and hockey. Here's a brief vid showing the arena and core mechanics. Testing soon! YouTube - Gluttonous Geese (Halo: Reach minigame) - brief preview
Awesome premise for a map, and somewhat similar to an idea I've been floating around in my head the past couple days. I feel the map could be retouched a little, to give it that polished feel, right now it still looks like it's in the concept stage. EDIT: I think I meant something else, but not concept stage.
It may be polished up a little, I built the whole thing in just a couple hours this afternoon after I had the game idea.
I got some cool ideas for this if u wouldnt mind inviting me to ur game over the weekend I realky like the concePt tho. And if u want u could help me with some aspects of deflectors
For whatever reason your description made me think of hungry hungry hippos, and i suspect you might've been going for that. Anyways this looks interesting, let me when your testing this sometime and i'll jump on in. Quick question, if someone jacks your mongoose, do they get the points using your mongoose, or do you still get the points?
Wow this looks great, if you would like to test this tomorrow I'm sure my TGIF party would very much enjoy it! Can't wait to play it myself!
The mongoose is set as your team's goal, so you'd still get the points. In other words there's no good incentive to steal the other team's mongoose, except maybe to prevent them from scoring with it. They are color-coded accordingly. I figure that because there are certain things I can't enforce (preventing vehicle-jacking for instance) I'll just set the game to short rounds, like 4 rounds x 2 minutes. That way even if things get chaotic for a bit, you'll be spawning with your mongoose again shortly. Thanks man, what time do you guys start? I'm not sure of my schedule but I should be on at some point for sure.
I made my party to allow for it to mesh with as many people's schedules as possible. It starts at 4:00 and goes to 12:00 (EST) That's 8 full hours of awesome! Also, to prevent mongoose stealing to an extent, you could elevate team spawns so that the only way to steal a goose is to take it while in the arena. I could have sworn you could disable hijacking too.
Om nom nom! Wow, those Mongeese look awfully hungry for some balls. This does look really awesome and really simple for how "complex" the gametype is. (If that makes any sense.) Maybe you could add some obstacles on the tracker like, hills or something. I know you said it's not done by any means, just throwing some ideas.
Another epic looking minigame map preview. This is such a cool looking gametype. I love the creativity coming out with all these new gametypes bungie has given us to work with. This looks like with a bunch of people and concussion rifles, it would be chaotic (and fun as hell). Can't wait to see this released.
First off, I'd like to say something along the lines of "Holy ****, how did you think this up?" It's an incredibly simple premise layered in creativity, and it's got some serious potential. Now I'm going to take a moment in explaining why Grenade Launchers and Concussion Rifles suck hairy cockles. First off, the Grenade Launcher serves no viable purpose other than screwing over other drivers by stopping them dead cold; You can't use it to push balls around in an effective matter. Thus, the main purpose of the GL is completely counter-productive to making a fun, fast minigame. By stopping someone else from moving, you completely take them out of this fast-paced rush you're supposed to get from such a game; You're stuck standing there picking your own arse for five seconds. The Concussion Rifle is an even bigger offender; It just plain knocks you the **** over. If I had to make a list of weapons that just don't give a damn about your feelings, the CR would be weapon number one. Regardless of the fact that it can push balls around, I see people using it a lot more to knock others over. If you thought it was annoying to get stuck in place for five seconds, try seeing how dissoriented you get when every seven or so seconds you end up on your head with you and your battle-bro trying to get back on your feet while an unholy firestorm of grenades and...concussions (?) do everything in their power to stop you. I kind of rushed through the last two paragraphs, so if something doesn't make much sense call me out on it, and I'll do my best to explain it in more detail. I think this is a great map so far, and I know that any kinks will be ironed out during testing. I'm just trying to give some feedback on what I think would work out best for the map. I've never actually played your map, so feel free to take my opinion with a grain of salt ; )
Sweet. I will try to find you at some point during that massively long stretch of time. It doesn't seem to be in the game settings anywhere, but if I'm overlooking something let me know what! I doubt it will end up being a big problem though - unless someone is just griefing, it's way more beneficial to be on your own team's mongoose than the other team's. Also, I just added a soft kill to the entire arena (except the "base" areas where the mongooses spawn) that only affects pedestrians, to discourage people from running around on foot. You'll have increased footspeed though so if you lose your ride, you can hoof it back to safety at your starting point and wait for it to respawn, or someone to come pick you up. [br][/br]Edited by merge: This really made me laugh. By the way, you should see the awesome minigame I WANTED to make that led to this one. Ah, what the hell: Spoiler I was going to make a game called "Wraith Reef" in shallow water, where wraiths are sharks and mongooses are tiny little fishes. The scoring was going to be similar to this, where the wraith getting in proximity to the mongoose would "eat" it and score a point. That part worked fine. What didn't work was all kinds of other **** associated with it. I wanted the driver of the mongoose to die when his vehicle died (but not be killable otherwise) - doesn't happen. I also needed to find ways to ensure people would stay in their vehicles (difficult to enforce for the mongoose drivers - even with a soft kill zone it's preferable to die and not give up a point than to let a wraith eat your vehicle), and to allow the mongooses to spawn somewhere safe from the wraiths BUT have to enter the main field of play once spawned, which was a headache since soft kill zones eat any objects set as halo balls. In short... I got frustrated after hacking at it for 2 hours and gave up. Then the much simpler idea for this game occurred to me, and I rejoiced. I agree about the grenade launcher. I was thinking people might want to use it strategically for the EMP factor, but you're right that it is annoying being on the receiving end of it. May ditch it entirely. ...As for the concussion rifle though, that's actually the main intent of the game: chaos. Knock the ball away from me, or knock me away from the ball. I may ditch the "bottomless clip" setting though, because that might be a little TOO much chaos. From a design standpoint, though - the reason the arena is so enormous is specifically to prevent the concussion rifles from being too annoying. I am hoping people will have short bursts of screwing each other over, followed by them being so far apart that they can regain control independently and start scooping up points again.
Ahhhh! This makes my want my gold back so much! /rage This looks quite fun; it reminds me of Thunderdome a little bit (if you remember that chaotic beast). I look forward to eventually getting to play on this.
Rofl the idea interests me, and yet it makes me crack up at the same time. Of course I don't mean that in an offensive manner. It's just that the idea of a Spartan chasing golfballs in a Mongoose just makes me laugh for some reason. Anyways, it's a great idea and I can definitely see it becoming something big.
Wow, this is sure getting a lot of attention... well anyway nice idea, I love it when people use the insane gametypes. I'm definitely looking forward to this ... I guess no one cares about Toilets these days =\
Lol. This map gives a whole new meaning to Hungry-Hungry Hippos. I get the feeling that some of these Insane gametypes have a truly untapped potential and everyday it seems like some new kind of form of it amasses in these forums.
Update - I've glossed up the arena a little, firmed up the gametype, and am looking to test later today (afternoon/evening-ish). Probably will start by looking up CryptoKid, if you feel like joining in.
Okay, the map is nice, great idea. Even though it could use some work. With looks and another game type (Infection: Infected with Rocket shoots mongoose and the mongoose try to run him over. Something like that.
Er, thanks for the suggestion..? Looks have been improved already, this was a quick rough draft. Don't expect anything super fancy though, I'm not going to cause frame rate problems just to make people go, "WOW HOW DID YOU MAKE THAT FLOOR??!?" As for making another gametype, I probably won't - the arena was built specifically for this one.