LA Noire Discussion Thread

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Shatakai, May 11, 2011.

  1. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    Please tell me someone else is excited for this game. The facial animation technology behind this game seems unmatched, and the allure of a mature crime thriller is almost too much for me. I'm extremely excited but also completely unsure about the quality of the game. If they can pull this off, I think this could really be something special.

  2. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    The facial animation will probably create an intensely immense experience. For some it will be difficult to gauge how the characters react, but I honestly can't see the facial expressions being anything but cliche. It kind of has to be that way though, because it's intuitive and more players will be able to understand and play the game. Personally, why not talk to a friend.

    The setting for the game is nice though. I loved Red Dead Redemption, so I think they will do a great job with the plot. I'm just not stoked about their choice in visual direction. It looks like Fallout to me and I don't think it suits 'Noir' well at all. The game doesn't appear to have much atmosphere to it, which is pretty important to Noir. It contrasts and heightens the characters.

    I hope the revamp the shooting mechanics a little. That was always my biggest hangup with Rockstar's games. They have a great worlds, fun stories to play through, but the game mechanics aren't the greatest.
  3. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    I don't really understand your complaint about the facial animations. They have to be that precise and that believable because one of the core gameplay components is to interrogate witnesses and suspects and read their facial expressions to determine if they are telling the truth.

    I don't really know how you've been able to gauge the atmosphere of the game from the videos, but I agree with your complaint about visual direction. I just never really found the 40's and 50's style of visuals like this, Fallout, Mafia, etc. all have very alluring or exciting.

    Also, if they are telling the truth, shooting will be a significantly smaller part of the game than most might think. The main form of gameplay is driving to crime scenes, looking for clues, interrogations, chasing criminals, etc. with gunplay thrown in to mix it up. I'm actually excited about this, as I've grown to be a little desensitized when the main character guns down literally thousands of people through the course of a game.
  4. Security

    Security Ancient
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    Its gotten some good reviews, I might rent it.

    BASED GOD Ancient

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    the main character is so terrible, he is disgusted at racism and sexism in the 40's, he prosecutes the wrong people in the name of morality and he gets angry when his soldiers disrespect the Japanese ("They only did this because the US cut off their oil! How would you feel if you couldn't gas your car?!")
    Its obvious its just the devs shitty political beliefs
    It isn't even in the noir genre
    #5 BASED GOD, May 17, 2011
    Last edited: May 17, 2011
  6. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Yeah I'm gettin this tomorrow
  7. Transactionzero

    Transactionzero Ancient
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    I'll be adding this to my Gamefly and hopefully get it soon. I do know copies have been flying off the shelves at my store.
  8. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    i guess there wont be a sequel
  9. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    Just got it and i have to say that it is amazing. As a fan of film noir in general, movies like Blue Dahlia, Double indemnity, From the past. this game is making me feel more like a interactive game like heavy rain but enough open world to keep it from being so stream lined. I love the investigation i really feel like im taking part in the game and not just watching. with 1 case in the books im excited for the next ones and the two other discs, giggity..
  10. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I've really enjoyed it as well. I'm currently on Vice, almost Arson I think.
  11. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    ^ I want to beat the game so bad, I want to know what they did for an ending.
  12. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Just got it and am already on the second disk. This game is actually legit challenging, I keep getting the damn truth/doubt/lie thing wrong.
  13. Shatakai

    Shatakai Ancient
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    So I finished the game.

    I had a pretty good feeling throughout the whole game that Cole was going to die. The only problem was that I wasn't upset, because Cole was a completely unlikable character. He was an asshole for no reason at times, committed adultery against his wife with children, and was a **** officer who killed dozens of innocent civilians due to his own infatuation with being a hero.

    Up until the arson desk, the game felt extremely repetitive and at times boring. This game really needed an overarching story that you could actually interact with, because the newspapers and flashbacks just didn't cut it.

    Also, for a development team that spent so much time researching 1947 LA in order to immerse the player into that world, they sure did a lot to break that immersion. The UI popped up constantly and was really unneeded, and that piano sound of you reading a suspect incorrectly goes down as my most infuriating sound in a video game.

    I only complain because the game was good, but had so much more potential. I'd love for them to do a modern day game with less UI, a better main cast, and a more engrossing overarching story.
    #13 Shatakai, Jun 6, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2011
  14. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    I'm liking this game but I think if it had really been Rockstar's baby, it would have been better and more open. It's not nearly as awesome as Red Dead Redemption or GTA. Still, it has a lot of cool stuff in it and I could see it leading to better sequels down the road.
  15. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
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    Just got this game on Monday and finished it by Wednesday. Great game. Lots of fun in this open world type of game. I enjoyed some of the side things to do like searching for golden film reels and cars. I got all the film reels, but I got ill driving and panning around to try and find cars. What's annoying is one of the 3 cars I have left is the damn tow truck and I know I've passed by them numerous times while playing and constantly thinking, I should stop and steal one... but never did. After I finished and went into free roam... I'll be damned if I couldn't get the damn tow truck to show up in 2 days of searching. I have one 2-door custom car, the ****ing tow truck, and that international cop car. So frustrating to stop playing the game when I'm that close... but it's a rental and I was literally getting ill playing the game and trying to find those 3 cars.

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