Storm V0.1 8-16 players Download the map Download the making of This map that I have wrought this night, is both functional and competitive. Each base offers broad access by its 3 inputs, but stands up very well through glass, allowing the cover of the bomb and flag. Access to the center of the map is in many ways. Either you take the upper path, discovered on the enemy base, or you go through the ground floor, or else you stay on the first floor, which allows you to run around the map, thanks to numerous access provided for this purpose. The vehicles have enough space to cover the perimeter of the map, without being hindered by various obstacles unnecessary. Update Add 2xDMR ground floor Add Grenade ground floor Add Jump Ground Floor / first floor Add spawn
Okay? I can't understand a thing of your description, what is that language? France? Map seems nice but you should write the description in english if you can't write in english just give up this forum :/ >edit< Ahh i now saw that you are going to update :S
do you mean "French"? on topic post: This map seems pretty open in spots; I realize that that's probably so that vehicles have more room to maneuver, but throwing a few crates in there would help a ton. Otherwise, it looks like a decent map. Is the object in the middle a custom power up or a light?
Custom Power Up. This map has been designed for a French League of BTB (ilovebtb), and power up the character is actually a camo. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Update: Add 2xDMR ground floor Add Grenade ground floor Add Jump Ground Floor / first floor Add spawn