You most certainly are able to post in here. As surprised as I am that some people are siding with those who devolve the LIVE community, it could be helpful to hear some of the opposing view in order to formulate a better solution. That being said, however, you have no right to blatently insult me. But if you're open to having a mature conversation about this, I'm all for it. There not really "stealing" anything. However, what they are doing is not necessarily right, either. The reason I chose that title is because not only did it somewhat coincide with the main idea, but it's kind of an eye-catcher as well. This is what I'm talking about. I mean, I'm not as much targeting those who switch from gold and back as much as those who have never went gold in the first place (or, let alone, have not gotten online in the first place). Best analogy ever. May I suggest, The LD?
Flamingo, no joke. This was a much needed topic on any level of forum debate. This (as far as I'm concerned) has been repeatedly mentioned over the years. It's been an issue for as long as I can remember (let's round it roughly about 3 years) and wasn't until recently that someone mentioned they're doing a "gamertag recall" or something like that. So finally today, now that I had the chance, googled the crap out of this issue and finally stumbled upon this forum and was very satisfied to finally see someone else who had the same objective in mind. It's not the end of the world obviously, nor will this make my life complicated. But it's an issue I'd like to see solved with a simple solution. Those who make silver accounts just to get around paying are clogging up the servers with unused tags which is a pain in the ass for MANY people. Not just me, not just the people on this forum. But MANY. I've heard people complaining about this issue for a long time on and off Xbox LIVE. Objecting to this is beyond meaningless. As far as I've read, no one is stating to have silver account tags being ridden anything short of a year. Point noted. Thank you OP, I enjoyed the reading and glad to see someone finally brought this up. It's a good topic to discuss in my opinion.