Elites are attacking a base of the UNSC, they have attacked the bridge in montana and are trying to blow up the controls tower trying to call in for a pelican. It is surporting 4-16 players and is the main map for invasion, gametype makes two new classes and add a bomb at 3rd phase. A Large map, Elites start at a small grassland area and spartans start at a built up bridge, Bridge contains lots of obstacles and two capture points are on it. Next the heavy defensive area is unlocked, with a machine gun turret in the immediate facinty of a large doorway, a small bunker (not one of the pre made ones) contains a capture point and a DMR, this is tricky to defend when multiple elites are in it. if a elite runs through the bunker they will easily be detected as a sniper nest lies watch over the bunker's doorway. The second plate is VERY hard to attack as it is on watch from ALL angles, and that's the easy part, getting there you will have to destroy multiple snipers and MGs. After that is captured a bomb becomes visible and a revenant and ghost are available for the elites, where as the spartans gain a wart hog and mongooses, the objective is a tower which is hard to attack because you have to get through ALL defences to get there. Then when planted you will jump from the tower to the ground then watch as flames burst from the tower! Only play Sayer or Invasion: Influence on it please! Have fun Second Phase: Blue's View of the bridge: The Bunker: Sniper nest, overlooking battlefield: Complete overview: Bottom of tower: The second phase MG capture point: Over looking from control tower: The 1st phase capture points:
Welcome to forgehub! However your thread is not up to standards! Rules you have broken: 1.You must have at least one screenshot or video of your map Help to post 'em: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-custom-content/104926-how-post-screenshots.html 2. you must have a 500 description that describes your map! if you dont fix this you will have the mods all over you and the thread will be locked! hope you fix it
NOO Please dont mod me and lock this thread up!, I am new and have no pictures of the map yet, please give me time to update, I'm begging u NOOO
You're usually given around 10-12 hours to fix. Also, don't post the map if it's not complete. This part of the forum is for maps that have been tested and are then deemed complete. No BETA's, essentially. NO MORE COMMENTS BEYOND THIS POINT REGARDING HIS POST. THEY WILL BE TREATED AS SPAM, SIMPLY BECAUSE THEY ARE. WHY AM I STILL IN CAPS? I DON'T KNOW MAYBE I SHOULD GO BACK AND EDI- **** IT I'VE ALREADY GONE TOO FAR.
Can YOU help me by getting some screenys of it? and if it gets locked down can i just make a new thread? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Replying is now acceptable seeing as i have added images, have fun and download!