Invasion: Shafted

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by BrokenEye, May 10, 2011.

  1. BrokenEye

    BrokenEye Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Alright Spartans, you know how we're always attacking Covenant power plants? Of course you do. About two thirds of all the targets we go after are power plants. Anyway, that's a luxury we may not be able to afford anymore. Intel has it that the Covies are working on a fancy new self-maintained fusion/fission binary reactor. What this means is that they'll no longer need guys to maintain it, which means they'll be keeping them in completely sealed bunkers with no way in or out, and therefore no way for us to destroy them.

    We can't let that happen, so you've been tasked with destroying the prototype reactor before they can finish it, which will bring down the installation its in, destroying the plans, and killing the scientists and technicians involved in the project.

    A pelican will drop you with a small makeshift camp just outside the Covie installation. From there you'll see a large vault door in the ground. The entrance to the lab is inside this vault, so you're going to need to get it open. The door's too strong to be bombed open, so you'll have to hack the controls.

    Once you've got the vault open, descend the catwalks to the bottom of the vault. There you should find an elevator leading to the lab.

    Intel believes that after we've hacked the vault door, the Covies will have locked down all the control panels in the facility. So hacking the elevator is out of the question. We're going to have to blast our way in. If you return to camp, there should be a small handheld bomb. Take it, and blow open the elevator's maintenance access hatch.

    From there, you'll climb down the elevator shaft. You could jump, but you'll take a lot of damage that way. Instead, there are small protrusions along the wall of the shaft, which you could use as a makeshift staircase. Have a man fetch another bomb from the camp, because you're going to need it once you get into the lab, and once you're in the shaft, going back won't be easy.

    Once you get down there, just climb into the access hatch on the top of the elevator car, the door should be open, allowing you access into the lab.

    After that, make your way down the hallway to a teleporter that leads to the reactor room and plant the bomb.

    Remember to lock your armor when that baby goes boom. The extraction team would prefer digging a live spartan out of the wreckage than a mangled corpse.
  2. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks great man! I love how the vault opens! It's like sliding! Amazing work man!
  3. neverendinghalo

    neverendinghalo Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    just played it wit a ful group of 16 people and its crazy and planting the bomb witout dying is hard as hell wen u have a full party and i didnt find anything wrong wit the map :)
  4. RoboArtist

    RoboArtist Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    i like the rooms deeper in the building, they get more intense and high tech the further you go down.

    Map Rating: 8/10
  5. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    I like the idea, but your maps has a couple problems that faced me. Through the map it's either a open corridor with little to no cover or a tight corridor with so tight of spots it becomes literally a center piece for HELL and its the only way to the next room. These things made it impossible to fully play this game to the best outcome. Great details and interesting idea, but fix those problems and I can garuenty it could be a great map! Good map! :D
  6. Randy 355

    Randy 355 Multiplayer Sustain Designer
    343 Industries Senior Member

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    I like what I see here! I'll DL the map and look at it for myself. Any playtests soon? I'd love to be involved.
  7. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    It looks like a pretty sweet map. Some of the features reminds me of the Silent Cartographer with the way it goes down into the ground.
  8. BrokenEye

    BrokenEye Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I can add more cover easily (just tell me which areas need it), but I can't think of any way to fix the tight corridor.
  9. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    For some reason the elevator doesn't look much like an elevator. :(
  10. BrokenEye

    BrokenEye Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The shaft or the car? Because if its the car I could add the buttons and the handrail or something to that effect.
  11. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    I saw this earlier while I was bored and made a note to especially hunt it down and comment on it. Looks like I was successful!

    As to the map: It is aesthetically brilliant, cleverly executed and has some excellent ideas in it. Besides its invasion, everyone loves invasion!

    The only thing I am curious as to is the aesthetics leading up to the bunker, it looks like it could go either way, but as I love the interior and the idea I shall download it and go see for myself! Excellent work!
  12. BrokenEye

    BrokenEye Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm not sure what you mean by that. Please clarify.
  13. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    Sorry, should've been clearer. What I meant was that from the Pelican drop pad to get to here, I was curious as to the terrain and how you made the transition from grass to the colloseum walls
    #13 RogueWolf, May 12, 2011
    Last edited: May 13, 2011
  14. BrokenEye

    BrokenEye Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I couldn't figure out what to do with that area, so I just left it blank. I'm planning on adding some small structures for cover in the next version.

    Edited by merge:

    Just figured out what you were asking. I phased the collesium walls with the very edge of the Quarry region, and let the topography do the blending for me.
    #14 BrokenEye, May 12, 2011
    Last edited: May 12, 2011
  15. leroy getz senior

    leroy getz senior Forerunner

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    very nice concept, looks great. if you want help playtesting msg me. love invasion in reach, but it badly needs more maps in matchmaking. spire and boneyard just not enough
  16. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    I apologize for some reason I only saw the teleporter frame and not the whole car. Although I don't think it would hurt to add a few buttons. just use flag stands. :)

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