If it's anything like the old mortal kombat games then you just need to memorize a basic set of combos, and they apply to a lot of different characters. I plan on picking this up sometime, because I absolutely love mortal kombat, it's my favorite fighting game, I'll still whip out my snes to play some mortal kombat 3 lmao.
smoke is like a second scorpion, not to fight against but as. tsang shung wasnt annoying to fight when i was smoke.
ok i got it for the 360 and i have a character question. you know how the ps3 got the god of wars as an exclusive character, well is cyber-sub zero in the ps3 version? i did not see you mention him. geat game btw. its my favorite fighting stlye out of all of them. and im happy scorpion isnt one of thoes slow guys you talking about anyway i recomend it
The PS3 version has been babied and favored regarding this game. It got a character we don't, they got the demo, we didn't. The movies on bluray come with a classic character, PS3 only. I can't say I totally care though... 360 usually gets everything.
you know there were plans for a 360 exclusive, but i think its cos sony has some stake in the franchise that the devs couldnt do it.
So since we're kind of on the topic of a 360 Exclusive, who would you guys want as? I was actually thinking Cole Train from Gears would be a great addition. His humor would've been really nice to have during his intro and stuff, and the gore wouldn't have been new to him. Main Character so far: Ermac X Y X Down Back X X Y X (If you can land it) Down Back X ^^^^ Great Ermac Combo. Down Back X is his Tele-Slam. Go into training and mess with it a bit, my farthest combo with Ermac is 10.
I'm actually quite content without other games' characters being added in. I would just like to see an old school version of Rain. (I hated the "regal" route he took more recently)
do you think they will come out with a dlc character at least? i really want like that gears of war guy or something. master chief would be teh best though. or at least like a spartan like in dead or alive
its really up to the people who own the rights to it and if theyll release it. but i dont think itll be in the devs best interests to make a fuss over the 360 version post launch
ah rain, he was amazing in umk3 with roundhouse/lightning. i played with kratos on the ps3 the other day and he is unique but we're not missing anything. He's pretty slow but his special moves are quite powerful. Also, has anyone else beaten it? am i the only one excited about the next mortal kombat and where they're going with the game? will the future still continue as planned? MADNESS! Spoiler Shinnok is back bitches P.S. awesome find.
Just gonna rant a bit here, and there's a possibility it might have spoilers, so I'mma put it in a spoiler tag: Spoiler I'm doing the storyline, and what REALLY pisses me off is when they make you do the 1 v 2 battles. It's REALLY not fair, and especially when you JUST get a new Kharacter (like in my case, Kabal) and I don't want to be dragged out of the story to go into Practice and train with him! I personally don't think they give you ample time to learn a character before either: 1) Introducing a new one 2) Going into a hard battle Also: WHY THE HELL IS SUB-ZERO SO SLOW!? /endrant Anyways, enjoying the story other than that. The first Shao Kahn battle was pretty tough, but I just spammed my Fireballs and got him. xD
so i bumped into klassic noob on the ladder the other day. he fought like a ***** and beat me. i couldnt attack without him teleporting
Damn. If I get hit do I have to start all the way from the beginning or can I just restart that level?