WOOOOOW omg, someone just went to my fileshare, as well as shadow's and rated a 1 on everything, this is a great injustice, and i would like someone to man up to this...so i can rate 1 on all your crap, then see how you like it! but seriously, whoever did this is pretty lame, i am rather sad that someone would do that...i don't have any idea what i did... so if anyone would be kind enough...to help us out, and rate 5/5 on at least project x...or something...i dont know...but that person just ruined all of our stuff...and i'm sad... EDIT: trading rep+ ? lolz, i would've done it anyways...but maybe this will motivate people to actually do it :-(
thanks hangman and hashmeer So everyone knows, the pics now are edited using photoshop to highlight the text better, also there is a new layout pic, enjoy! Also, thanks a lot Reynbow for the help doing this ;-)
Thanks LOCKdownN I'm glad to see our map is still going strong and if anyone one has any comments that could help make the future v2 of this map better please let us know.
I love the bases and the man cannon chutes. I wish I could get a better idea of the center structure from the pictures. I'll have to see when I download it.
thanks alot draw, i appreciate it very much, as for the center structure, its nothing too fantastic, but during gameplay, i've grown rather fond of the structure...it plays out really well EDIT: just realized we're back up to 5/5! hurray! (we were for a long time, then someone rated 1 on this and everything on shadow's and my fileshare :-( rather lame, but now it doesn't matter ^+^)
Hmph, I myself never saw anything special about the center stucture, but then again, it doesn't need to be special, it just needs to function.
The center structure never really lived up to how I first imagined it due to item limit constraints but it still does its job well. Hopefully in the v2 we can make it how it was first envisioned.
Ah, by the way...like we said, we ran out of items for the center structure, but in Project U, we definitely compensate for the lack of items in Project X...You will soon see as we need to get it tested relatively soon
Tex, this map looks fantastic. I've only been a member here for a little while, but I've noticed how constructive your posts are and they help a lot of people. Not only do you help people forging, but you are good yourself. Keep up the good work.
Maybe I'll wait for Project U to give a download. I will be happy to help you test if you want. GT: Super Trooper88 or XpEcTz Sniper
You should really give this map a try super trooper. It is a good map and it is nothing like Project U. Don't get it confused Project X and Project U are not the same.