Outer Crater Through the barin sea comes a comandpost that the UNSC captured from the Covenent and now they want it back Just download it cuz i need to put some photos first.Until then just try it out thaknks Big map
You are required to place photos of the maps in your post/thread. If not your thread my be deleted or locked...
Well considering that you placed no photos, as well as having spelled practically every every word incorrectly, I wouldn't have very high hopes.
A commandpost that the UNSC captured from the Covenant and now they want it back? THATS THE SAME DESCRIPTION FOR ONE OF YOUR EARLIER POSTS!!! See Anchor 72
You need at least one image or this will be locked. Do it NOAW and then we will download. Also theres no description. What is it? Whats it a remake of? SO MANY QUESTION! SO FEW ANSWERS!