Power Grid - A Dark Secret Well gentlemen, this is your objective for today. An ageing fission powerplant in Andresll, it came offline a few years back. Messy business. That however is not your concern, you're the best of the best and thats why we're sending you in today. Clean up. What the media doesn't know is that this powerplant also housed some genetic research, an experiment into something the whitecoats called hyper evolution. We want to keep the public unaware. Now needless to say, that went wrong. They started out with a few cells and as per the experiments name, they quickly had themselves a fluffy new pet. Called it "Darwin". Well Darwin's evolved more than we'd ever thought possible men, when we got out of there last time we didn't have time to fully deactivate the powerstation. Darwin's brought it back online and we need you to take him down and shut off that reactor! We managed to secure you some surveilance footage from before the incident, however it is grainy at best. Then Darwin took an...interest in the cameras. We lost the feed shortly after this was taken We have reports from the whitecoats that he is an a-sexual predator, if he gets some prey he'll use it's biomass to create another one of him. He also has thick skin, if he comes at you, your best option is to blow his fluffy little head off. and this is your team, watch each others backs. Gentlemen, you're my black ops team. You're the best of the best and if theres anyone who can deal with this mean, green Bas***d then it is you. This is one of the more dangerous missions we've sent you on, anyone who wants out say so now. Noone? As expected. Wheels up in one hour, you'll be there for sundown. Created by Chris Freer This is the main reactor chamber, those brightly coloured balls? Pure energy needed to fuse the atoms and create energy. More efficent than anything they had back in the 21st century. That is exactly what Darwin has turned back on. Has he become smart enough to create a trap, or just dumb luck? Either way it needs shut off before this thing blows. The core itself, you're stupid enough to jump down there the radiation will fry you before you even hit the bottom. The entrance to the station, you'll want to move quickly to meet up with the rest of the squad. from there you'll find the observation deck to Darwin's containtment area ...or whats left of it and the central chamber From here you can branch off to the left or right Runnin parallel along both sides of this facility are corridors which will take you to almost every section of the powerstation. Down towards the labs, an explosion cut off the corridor to prevent Darwins access to the technology down there. On the other side to that corridor you'll find the control room, overlooking the core Darwin's cage, or rather, its remains. Clever bas***d had weakened the supports over a few days and when his time came he broke through, its fallen further into disrepair since then. It would be unwise to venture into his nest. They took a shotgun down there to put him down, they never came back up. Thanks for looking, this map is a closequarters heaven (although the core area has a DMR and range to it), so long as Darwin doesn't get the drop on you. Hope you like it, download it and tell me what you think! and don't try to hold down any area for too long, he's fast. You're slow. Nobody wants eaten right? and Darwin hates campers.
yet again, you have me tasting the floor as my jaw hits it. the asthetics are great. yet again, and you make me the more envious of your abilities.
I'll proceed to give you fair warning so you can put pancakes on the floor before any map posts! Thank you though, I wouldn't say you actually need much skill as such with this new forge, only an idea of what you want it to look like then design around a central theme or point! 3x3 blocks make great floor tiles and try to use pieces in novel ways to create something different.
This map looks great, my only question would be is gameplay good? I've played alot of lab-like maps where players have no clue where they are heading usually ending up in slow-paced game. Will give this a download.
You should be able to pick it up quite qickly as it is a small map (even if it's built over a largish area) it's also mostly symetrical and everywhere links up, so even if you don't know where you're headed you should find your way to the next haven by heading in the right direction. The zombies will also have a 3 second radar increase to 75m just to get their bearings after death.
Even though I understand this was intended for custom infection games, I can't help but realize as I look this over that it would be ideal for a thriller or mystery Machinima. Excellent work Rogue Wolf. However, are there any weapons on the map? If so, could you list them please? Much appreciated. Initial Impression- 8.5/10
If you're able to or want to make a map like that, you're welcome to! There are a few assault rifles and magnums dotted about with 1 clip, theres also a shotgun on "Darwin's" holding cell floor and a DMR at the back of the reactor chamber, I may even have left 2 frags in but I don't recall!
Very nice map! Extremely enjoyable and replayable and it looks just amazing! I recomended this to all my friends I love the filter for the map, but it gets hard to see sometimes, so it might be nice to have a daytime version... but thats a small complaint that doesnt really matter. keep up the good work!