The being the proposed New World Order theory. A new world order is completely different. I believe that the politicians are referencing moving western culture and rule of law into Africa and Asia.
If you want to get logistical, then exactly, Obama had nothing to do with it. The intelligence agencies were the ones involved, Obama just gave them the go-ahead.
Ya, I love it how one guy laughed as he said "Bush deserves no credit, this was all Obama's doing" when someone suggested Bush did anything to help.
When this news broke I knew exactly who, out the people I know, would talk to me about dumb conspiracy theories. I also knew that those people would be a thankful reprieve from the jingoistic republicans who would desperately work themselves up into a excited fever. Sometimes I think that larger issues, like in this case Osama's death, are too much for some people, so they desperately cling to and focus on these conspiracy theories that funnel their focus into meaningless and easy to understand what-ifs. I talk to people who I can tell want to have a nuanced opinion about this stuff, but they don't know really how to get there, so they tell me about how Osama might not be dead, or how he has been dead for years, as if any of that in any way actually matters.
One thing that occurred to me today that I never gave a second thought before was how quickly they were able to come to a conclusion with the DNA testing. From what I always understood, DNA tests take a few days to come up with results. If they killed Osama just a few hours before they announced his death, then I think that it would be impossible to have DNA results by the time they announced it.
Y'know, that occurred to me too when I got some more details on Monday morning. Then again, I'm no DNA nucleologist or something.
None of the news I watched confirmed the DNA evidence until a few days afterwards. They said, "DNA tests are underway" a lot, according to my memory.
I remember we used some pretty high grade **** when we were doing DNA experiments in Biology and that still took like a week to be readable.
Yeah Obama was waiting for the apprentice so he could interupt it and the royal wedding with epic news. Look, Al Quada has confirmed it, Pakistan has confirmed it, and every party in the governemnt confirmed it, Osama is eating the dirt. Bush would have told everyone if he killed Osama when interest in the war was declining.
Short answer? Because they're stupid. Other possibilities? Maybe they're just contrarians, or perhaps they want to believe the unlikely in a feeble effort to bring excitement to their mundane lives, or it could even be a desire to feel special for being one of the few to know the "truth". Whatever the case, it tends to be very amusing for the rest of us.
It's a good way to sidestep tough, legitimate critical thought. You can lay claims without worrying about the facts behind them because everything is a big mystery anyway. It immediately places you in a special club privy to knowledge which propels you above everybody else. It has all the appearance of a big issue without any of the consequences and responsibility that follow. It's easy easy easy