Yesterday I was playing infection on highlands (defient map pack) when I found a wickedly awesome camp spot. You know where the building with the helicopter pad is? Well, go there and onto the pad. Once there go to one end of the pad and turn so you are looking at the roof of the buidling. Take a running jump at it and if done right you will be on the roof . Benefits of being there: There is only one entry way which can easily be camped from the roof (which is just as depressing as it is awesome). Plus there is no timed killzone. I just wonder if the person who created highlands had any idea about this?
Jetpackers use it a lot as a sniping spot, but it is very exposed to ranged weapons, usually resulting in them getting killed by the opposing sniper as soon as they get there. I can imagine that it would annoying as hell for zombies, though, being stuck with melee weapons and all. I guess if humans can get up there, zombies definitely can, so it might be possible to rush the position as a zombie at the start of the game, and then hide there until the humans come
Just becareful the infected will get really annoyed. Recommendation: out of 16 players make 4 of them start off as infected using the gametype options.
Yeah, I've gotten up there in MM (without the jetpack). But is Highlands Infection in matchmaking? Or are you referring to custom games?
So far I have only used it in custom games but I suppose that if it were in matchmaking that it could be used there as well.