GUARDIAN RE-FIT Update: I recently updated this map and re-posted it after fixing a minor structural flaw and added a kill zone under the map. This is a re-fit of a remake of Guardian by Donny7337. My playing group and I looked at numerous Guardian remakes for me to re-fit one and bring it as close as possible to the scale, look and feel we wanted of the Halo 3 original map to play Classic Slayer. Kudos to original map maker Donny7337 and invite you to look at his before version at His map was chosen because it was the best we found that closely matched the scale, placement and look of the original. Note: We found one we did like better but it was placed right next to the waterfalls and the roar of the falls was really annoying during play. Because I am an primarily an Aesthetic map maker I wanted to rebuild this map so you really felt like you were on Guardian. For me, it meant selecting walls, floors, etc. that gave the map a uniform look plus adjusting alignments and certain scale dimensions. This map is set up for Slayer only. Like I said, I re-fit this map for us to play Classic Slayer. We think it’s the best Guardian yet (of course we do) and a great base map for anyone who wants to add more game types. Enjoy. Here are some before and after pics. Before After Before After Before After Before After Before After Before After
Wow. Nice job on the remake! I can't really think of anything bad about this map! How is the framerate for 4 players on one screen? I play often with my siblings, and this one will for sure make it into my local playlist! XD
When checking it out i was dissappointed that the jump from S1 to S2 wasn't there... I loved that jump... But anyhow; why's there a plasma nade on the island? Plus you got some bumps and spaces between some pieces that you can watch down between. Other from that the AA needs to be removed... Otherwise it looks good, but why is there a rock sticking out between yellow and blue? You can make the jump without it...
Wow, the map looks great. There are a lot of Guardians out there but you did an excellent job making this one clean and distinct. Definitely worth a download. Keep up the good work,
Thanks Cosmic. Ya got me on the 4 on one screen thing, I have no clue, it's not something that we tested for.
I feel that using the term "re-fit" is some new fad that allows forgers to be lazy about remaking a map to the correct scale. Sure, some maps just aren't possible to make without a bit of scaling down, but Guardian is not one of them. I'd rather see you use some more creativity and re-imagine the map from a new perspective instead. PS. It's quite obvious that some pictures differ in version number. Might wanna update those.
Well slatcher, good luck on finding a Guardian with the S1 to S2 jump up, unless they put a step-up there like the original remake had. Step-ups really distracts from the look of the Halo 3 version. This is Reach, you know, the shorter jump thing and you'd have to lower the S2 floor or raise the S1 landing to get it, but then it would throw the scale off. You can make that jump up from the ramp going down to S1, hope that helps your disappointment level a bit. Plasma nade on the Island? Ya might throw that question to the original remake map maker Donny7337 because I never went down to the Island to build a map 600 feet in the air. And... who really gives a crap about a nade down there. Geeze, talk about nit pickin. Bumps and spaces? Ya want to be more specific about where these are on the map. Ya make it sound like there are holes in the floors somewhere you can look through and there's not. Some of the best detail forgers on FH and Bungie checked this map out and I think they would have noticed gaps, cracks or holes you could see through, and they didn't... me either. Maybe you made that jump from Gold to Blue but everyone else who tried it was just an average jumper I guess. Remember this is Reach not Halo, if the map was to scale to match the original that jump needed help. I guess it slips my mind for now but what is AA? And, why does it need to be removed. Geeze, come on. Other than that, thanks for the critque and if you "ever" make a map to post you can be sure I'll critique yours and be as helpful as well. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Well Forzen, first off the before and after pics are in order so I don't know what you are talking about "being so obvious". What the heck is a version number anyway? Maybe you ought to take a closer look. Or maybe there is such a difference between the before and after it just looks that way. This map was about a 60% or more turn over of the original. Far as I know I'm the only one using the term Re-Fit on my maps, at least I haven't seen any others yet. As far as being lazy, the Re-Fits maps each took 3 times as long to change as any of my 11 original Aesthetic maps took to build and a hell of a lot more thought to do, nothing lazy there. And, these maps were picked because we thought they were the best scale already of all the maps we looked at, so why try to do better than they did. On The Pit Re-Fit it was the original remake map maker dt192 that helped with the final details, he didn't have a problem with it. More creativity and re-imagine the map? You mean end up with some kind of new version of Guardian. If you read the map description it was clear that's not what we wanted to play on. We saw some of these creative and imaginative versions of the Halo 3 maps and unanimously didn't like em. [br][/br]Edited by merge: pajama, sorry, no one ever lived that fell off so far. You are a good forger, please add one if you like. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks P, I appreciate your compliment and I think you'll like playing on this map as much as we do. Ya might like my The Pit and Construct Re-Fits as well.
1. that jump was like my fav jump of all halos, so thats why i was dissappointed, lol. 2. Just thought it was weird, i fell off from guardian, landed down there and voilá, a nade(ps; should add a killzone below guardian so jumping off=die). 3. Well, only markworthy hole in the map is shotgun, between the two bridges, which makes a lil bump, so i guess they missed a spot. 4. In halo 3, there was nothing like that sticking out, if you crouch jump you make the jump in h3, in this version you don't even need to crouch jump, so you can be a average jumper and make the jump. 5. AA=Armour Ability, in this case; drop shield,you said you wanted the map to be played in Team Classic, Classic got no armour abilities.
slatcher, I liked that jump too and if I could have made it to work without screwing up the scale and look of the map I would have. The jump from the ramp is still good to use and several of the maps that wasn't even possible. Yep, I guess there should be a kill zone there but no one ever fell off since we've been playing it and lived, please add one if you like. Well, got to admit it, if there is a space there I missed it as well, I'll take a look. And for anyone else reading this I probably won't fix it and repost this map, so give it a nudge and save it. Re-Fitting that area was a handful. Ya might take a look at the original remake to get a better idea what it took to remake it. Whew! AA, man, I had a mind fart and could'nt for the life of me get that. It replaces the bubble shield on the Halo version and practically every map we looked at used it and we thought it was acceptable. It's Reach. I see from your Bungie profile you're one hell of a good player and I hope the minor flaws in my map doesn't keep you from playing it. If you are part of a good group we take on all challengers playing this map or my other 2 Re-Fits.
Nice map. I imagine it's plagued with frame-rate problems. You need to realize that making a map exactly the same as the original just won't work. There needs to be room for gameplay, instead of you jamming all the aesthetics you can in there.
Can this quote just be auto-appended to every single map thread on this forum, and save you MLG guys the trouble of having to write it out every time? Seriously though, I do see some overuse of pieces, especially that little row of columns leading up to snipe 3 - but apart from that nothing wildly over the top. You should probably play it before singling out framerate problems it may or may not have.
Nice spam post. I'd imagine it took 30 seconds to make. You need to realize that making assumptions on a map, you clearly haven't played, is not a legitimate or helpful post. There needs to be room for helpful criticism to help the author, instead of you just blindly assuming the map has a flaw when you clearly haven't played it. As for the map, it looks swell, and I got this queued to DL. I'll make sure to comment back with some thoughts after I play it.
Of course I can... but should I have to? I imagine it doesn't happen very often when competent people play your map, but for those of us who jump around like morons, the wait time whilst falling is ridiculous. I liked the pit. Didn't check out construct though. I just might now though.
Thanks Pajama. Yep, as soon as I get to the Xbox I'll add that kill zone and re-post this map in the morning. Really, me or anyone that fell off died. But I'll add one underneath it and fix a structural flaw "theslatcher" found as well. Sorry for the mistake. [br][/br]Edited by merge: We never experienced any framerate problems on this map. After that I don't have a clue what your talking about. Geeze, I imagine you didn't actually DL it and play it? [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks duster. That little row of columns was a row of rails in the original and it didn't fit the curve very well. The columns, even though expensive, gave me the gradual curve and look I wanted. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks Shanon. Couldn't have said it better myself. I'm redoing some minor flaws and will be posting it again soon.
Hello ROCK! Great work on this map, I have seen both versions and the difference and improvemnts are first class. I like all the little touches you add, the variation in levels and inclines of the grass looks amazing. I love the flow of the map and it feels just like playing on the halo 3 version.
I haven't played it because I have much better Guardian remakes in my HDD, and I see no point to adding another one. Why do you casuals always assume that a post is spam because someone that has knowledge of what makes a map playable tells you that your map is not good. I'll say it again, this map obviously has many frame-rate issues. Almost all things known to cause frame-rate issues are put to use on this map. I see no reason to help his map when this has been done thousands of times.
Stop being an MLG stereotype, you don't help MLG at all, i bet you don't even know what MLG's goal is. But for the framerate issues, there's none, but i don't know if there's any in 4player split-screen.