Haven V3

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by AtlasIsShruggin, May 5, 2011.

  1. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    HAVEN V3

    Haven Trailer

    Haven V3 Gameplay Trailer
    Songs Used:
    "La Mer (Beyond the Sea)" - Maggie Grace
    "All Along the Watchtower" - Bear McCreary
    AtlasIsShruggin, KingXin, TraumaticBasher, Calamity Rato, Meow In A Can, Brokenz, Knight2Rider, EvilFromAbove, Lethal Shadow, Rainst0rm7 and Savannah SEVEN

    This Shipwreck has become the Haven of a madman... "Did you bring any apples?" 8-16 Players

    When I was considering what my next map would be, I knew I wanted to build something surreal. It is a visual style that is very interesting to me.

    The first thing I realized is that to make the map work, I needed some sort of structure in the water. At first I came to the obvious choice, which is a ship. But then i realized that I had seen so many ship maps floating around it just wasn't interesting to me anymore. (Pun Intended) Then I had a great original idea, "What about a capsized boat?"

    Having a capsized boat in the map made the map look very interesting, but it allowed a very interesting thing to happen on the inside. Rather than build the inside like any normal structure, I designed the interior to be vertical, as if the ships normal structure remained even though it had been turned on the side. Then I layered ramps so that the player could navigate the map, using the added navigation to look as though it had been added after the shipwreck.

    The original version proved to be a great infection map, but I wanted to build a map around the shipwreck design that worked well with all major gametypes. So I began the most intensive reworking of a map I have ever done. The only thing that survived from the original version was the ship itself.

    The map now supports all major gametypes as well as having a great layout with more detail than I have ever put in a map. The shipwreck serves as the red teams base and the study on the opposite side of the map is the blue base. The study contains a desk, table, couch, and fireplace. The fireplace double as a man cannon that lifts the player up to the roof. Between the two bases there are three buildings. The building closest to the ship contains the Energy Sword. On the right side of the map there are two structures. The 'Hut' serves as a hub leading out to the different levels and structures as well as leading to the other building that has the shotgun.

    4 Assault Rifles
    4 Dmrs
    1 Grenade launcher
    4 Magnums
    1 Shotgun
    1 Sniper Rifle
    9 Frag Grenades
    1 Concussion Rifle
    1 Energy Sword
    2 Needle Rifles
    2 Needlers
    2 Plasma Pistols
    2 Plasma Repeaters
    9 Plasma Grenades













    Thank you to everyone who downloads and plays this map! I do feel that this map is perhaps my best yet and hope you all enjoy!

    Please Comment if you download!

    - Atlas
    #1 AtlasIsShruggin, May 5, 2011
    Last edited: May 8, 2011
  2. AboveHaloMaster

    AboveHaloMaster Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Dude, I love this map, you always do even better on your maps every time, you have nice high and low points, You did an epic job on you structures, I give this map two thumbs up. I will give this map a download, and after I test it I will give you some feed back. Spectacular job.
  3. CosmicJosh

    CosmicJosh Forerunner

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    Wow. Nice job man.

    But... won't the energy sword have issues because it's fixed? It's a minor complaint but I feel that it could impact a lot on the map...
  4. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    The physics on the sword are normal not fixed. If you set up something as fixed then switch it back to normal it will stay in place while operating with normal physics once it is picked up. If you watch the video you will see that the sword acts accordingly to normal physics.

    Thanks! Please let me know what you think after you take a walk around and hopefully get a game on it or two :)
    #4 AtlasIsShruggin, May 5, 2011
    Last edited: May 5, 2011
  5. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    I can fairly call this map nice and ok, but tere is somethings that caught my eye about it that just doesnt appeal to me. One including that everyone is saying its fantastic, and dnt get my wrong its goods, but not spectaclar at all. Ill say that what is back is all of the bridges you used to get from one building to the next. You actually very vaunerable on those and with the minimal space you have to move it is not a good idea. What I would also do is lower the power weapons, you dont want too many and it seems like you have about 5 to 6. All in all ok map, what really makes up for the maps looks ouside is the aesthetics inside, but aesthetics in Competetive maps dont get you anywhere.
  6. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This definitely looks better, sorry I'm a little tired now so I'll make this short. I like a lot of the areas (though I still don't like those bridges for any length longer than one X-large bridge, but thats just me. Only problem I can see is that the ship feels isolated from the map with one way onto and off of it. The flow of the map pulls you on then makes you turn around. Nice job on this version!
  7. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    It feels like we have two different styles in forging and that's fine. You think bridges make you vulnerable, I think they force good competitive confrontations. I find that most people who don't like maps with bridges (ie The cage) Simply don't like being out DMRed, and I know other players feel the same way, My map Fountainhead was all bridges and Platforms and that map received over 250 downloads in it's first week When I re-uploaded the map with new spawns it was still popular and is close to reaching another 100 even though I don't advertise it at all. It exists on it's own merit, so there are obviously those who disagree with you. I'm sorry you don't like my maps, but I've had plenty of people who have. If you don't like them, move on. At the end of the day I forge maps that I want to play on. I forge for myself first and others second. This is why I have a unique visual style, I pull things from my head rather than others work. When I am building a map I don't have many concerns for "how will others like my maps?" I will work on a map to help it appeal to more people but I will not change my style of forging just because someone can throw a cheap shot. (And I hope next time you send some one a private message you work a little harder on not being so offensive and rude)

    "Before you can do things for people, you must be the kind of man who can get things done. But to get things done, you must love the doing, not the people! Your own work, not any possible object of your charity. I'll be glad if men who need it find a better method of living in the house I built, but that's not the motive of my work, nor my reason, nor my reward! My reward, my purpose, my life, is the work itself - my work done my way! Nothing else matters to me!" -The Fountainhead

    Thanks! I know this map is not exactly in your playstyle, but I appreciate the constructive criticism you gave that pushed me to make this version. I am very happy I redid the entire map and took the time to make this version, so thank you!
    #7 AtlasIsShruggin, May 6, 2011
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  8. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    You actually dont need to set the sword to fixed before you set it to normal. If you use coordinates and set it down very carefully on a flat surface, it will stay up.
  9. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    I didn't know that, thanks for the tip I've been using the set to fix then back to normal trick since my first map, I'll have to try yours, Thanks!
  10. DukesQuietMan

    DukesQuietMan Forerunner

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    Wow, this is really unique. I love the ship and the blue base. there's a lot of detail there! I for one don't view the bridges as a problem the curves at the bottom seem to give you good movement and the top is a little open but with the sniper up there it should be.

    I've only seen this and Myst Island, but I feel like you should defend your work and i like the way you defend it. they should be maps that the creater enjoys and has a personal style.

    We dont want to have all the maps playing and looking the same do we?
  11. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    Thanks! I'm glad you like the map!

    I was hoping i didn't come across as harsh in my defense but the pm set me off a little. I was worried people wouldn't understand my reaction. The truth is players all have their own idea of the maps they like and for one person to shut down a map for the style used is a little presumptuous. This map plays very well, all of the games we played on it were very close, so I'm confident the map is laid out evenly between the two teams.

    Also I would argue that this map has plenty of areas that are not bridges and that the bridges are at enough levels and curves to provide plenty of cover is someone desires to take it. I have my own unique style of forging and I plan to stick to that. I do have some other maps I'm working on that will appease a different group of players, but I truly believe that all my maps play as intended and while some may not appreciate them They all have great aesthetics, are balanced for even gameplay, and provide the right amount of cover to players.

    All my maps have been tested by a great group of friends that help me make sure that each map plays well while keeping the theme and look I was going for, so rest assured that all my maps are quality to those who appreciate the play style the map is intended for.

    I apologize to xArctic Hunterx for my previous tone in my defense, but would ask him to consider that as a member of the Testers Guild he should try to be more courteous in Private Messages as he represents not only the testers guild but the site itself in many ways. While this was the first time I've ever been offended by a member of this site I truly believe that the site is a great place for forgers to come together and share maps of a great variety even if a specific map does not appeal to all. I've played on one of his maps and respects his skills as a forger, and would ask that he extends the same respect to others, by offering constructive criticism in a polite manner.

    Again I apologize for my original reaction and wish him the best of luck with his maps.

  12. Arctic Hunter

    Arctic Hunter Forerunner

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    I mean actually no? I in fact have no problem with the DMR, its actually one of my favorite weapons and will remain one. So you can just not make assumtions like that just because I said your bridges dont make it aesthetically pleasing and harder to play on. The whole reason I what (YOU call "take a cheap shot") at your map was only because of the overview. That did not appeal to me in any way because the bridges are basically attaching the buildings to each other. Again no much cover and I dont really seem like you put a lot of work into the base converstion form one to another. Also, do get all worked up and say im being rude and send a PM and all of that crap. I am clearly stating my opinion and it is my choice what to say. Another thing to, stating that you get downloads is not a huge deal my friend. Sure it means people have downloaded it, thats common sense, but its not like everyone who downloaded it likes it. Some people actually download it just to look around and decide if they do.
    #12 Arctic Hunter, May 7, 2011
    Last edited: May 7, 2011
  13. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's good to see you took everyones opinions into consideration and decided to make a V3. It shows you really want to improve and that to me is a sign of a good forger to come. Anyways, I like that you added more cover to cut down on the lines of sight. Also, the aesthetics are amazing. Add me on XBL so we can get some games on this and if you need more testers for your maps. GT is : iTz EightBall.
  14. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    I would ask you to look over the message you sent, and think about how I should react when you insult 6 months of forging in three quick rude sentences. I've put countless hours into my maps making sure that the gameplay matches the aesthetics. I only ask that you be respectful of the time I've put into my maps and be more respectful in your messages.

    The only reason I brought up the amount of downloads is that you stated that my maps would appeal to more people if I did things your way, while the numbers indicate that my maps would appeal to people enough to download even if they choose to delete it after. Besides is it not also simple logic that the more downloads you receive the more people would keep the map? If there is no relation then logic would say that my maps are kept by more people than say Jackal Creek, which is clearly not the case.

    I post this risking adding more fuel to the fire, but I will end reiterating what I stated before.

    Thanks! I'm very pleased that I made the changes as well. moving the ship to a new location was the best thing that could have happened for this map. I'll add you next time I'm on Live, I'm also itching to get a game on Alkaline so we'll have to play that as well!


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