YouTube - Halo Reach Scimitar Map Preview Remember when the Reach Beta came out and the coolest thing ever was just to spawn with a jetpack and fly around Sword Base without having to worry about the entire enemy team camping in top gold lift? Remember when you could go down to the bottom of Sword Base and pick up a sniper rifle? Remember One-Flag in the beta when you had to either fight your way through all the layers of Sword base or chance using the central grav-lift in order to score? I do, and I wish we could still do all of this. That's why erupt and i built Scimitar. This map takes everything that was good about Sword Base, and puts it in a layout that doesn't promote camping. Of course it also has a sniper rifle, bottom-to-top One-Flag, and a seriously good spawn system (WIP) to boot. Every room has so many ways in and out that camping is almost impossible. In the first test, top control was somewhat overpowerred, but we have put in measures to fix this, and balance the whole map for an awesome experience. It's worth noting that the map is very much a work-in-progress, and has only been tested a few times so far. Weapons (Subject to Change): DMR x6 Needle Rifle x1 Magnum x1 Plasma Pistol x1 Needler x1 Concussion Rifle x1 Sniper Rifle x1 Sword x1 Frag Grenade x2 Plasma Grenade x2 Health Pack x3 Screenshots: High Bridge and Mid Bridge: Low Bridge to Blue Side: Low Bridge to Red Side: Bottom Red Lift: Orange Room and Top Red Lift:
Sword base look is a win. I like the idea of jump pad in between those two cool support beams. I like it guys.
Lol, seemed like a Pepridge Farm commercial with all the "Remember ....." questions.... Anyways, this map turned out awesome, I was expecting more bridges and twists, but this is even better! I had enough fun looking at the map as it has really nice natural scenery, and brings back that nostalgic beta-Sword Base feeling, without even having anything structurally similiar. Well obviously, it's similiar, but nothing is directly out of Sword Base. You say "Heh, this reminds me of Sword Base." not "Heh, this looks like Sword Base."
Hey! I helped forge this! Sweet. If I may ask, what gametypes have you set it up for since I've seen it? Also, where did you place the health packs? And finally, have you gotten any tests recently, if so, how did they go? Anyways. I think we did good. Actually, the window sill end is very similar layout-wise to that of Sword Base's, if you really look at it... Other than that, yeah. Different layout n stuffs.
I don't know what games you get into on Sword Base, but I don't run into those problems as much anymore. I do remember the lift score though, that was awesome. And seeing as I despise the Jetpack, I never used it in the Beta. But the map looks great. So this is that projects you've been working on for so long that I've never seen before...
I agree, that sounds like a great idea.... And actually Anthraxe, they've only been working on it for a week or two, they did this really quickly. Very productive. As for you not using jetpack.....I am slightly offended.
Seeing as I'm playing on an, quote, (By Matt) "outdated button layout" of Bumper Jumper, it is quite difficult to actually use the Jetpack.
It looks like a mini-Sword Base that's actually good. I wish you would have taken more influence from Prisoner, though. Sword Base is basically just a ruined Prisoner.
Nonexistent. Well, I had a few drops from 4 people shooting, dying, jumping and blowing up, but it's been fixed mostly. No problems in the main room, since I assume that's what you're getting at.
Yeah, I have a friend who's making a sword base-styled map, and despite our efforts, the framerate lag seems impossible to fix. You've got tons of railings and bridge XLs, which are huge lag causers, so I assumed that it lagged out the ass, but if it seems to be fine, then I'll take your word for it.
Framerate isn't perfect but it's as good as you could hope for really. It plays decently enough in splitscreen too. Thanks for the comments guys!
ok, so i finally got some games on here, and i am pleased I like it better than Sword Base already. I like how I got a lot of no-scopes on here, so that always makes someone feel better on how a game and/or map plays out. Some things i noticed, and i know that they have been discussed before is problems with framerate and lifts. I noticed frame rate only in objective games we played. When it came to SWAT, i didn't notice any, so basically it seems like just some tweaks could be made to have the framerate gone. The middle lift didn't work 100% of the time. Actually in SWAT, it wouldn't let me jump up it at all, but that could have been some item shifting when a game started or something. Sometimes the middle lift wouldn't carry me all the way to the ramp/ledge i would want to go to. It didn't like me lol I think that is all the information I wanted to get from the tests I played, and I want some more games on here. If any photoshopped images are wanted, I would love to edit them <3 Longshot
Here's some one-flag screenshots. I think I'll post one group of screenshots per page in this thread. Post more if you wanna see more. I think we'll show Stockpile next. My epic triple kill in the making...
Yeah i mean this maps fun and all but i didnt really enjoy playing on it all that much. Some rooms seemed campable, the jump pad NEVER works, and the spawns were outright horrifying. Oh also, framerate is atrocious, so is z fighting. Fix those problems and ur map will be solid tho . /sarcasm ^^ This map was a blast to play on during our one test game :/ (wish we had more) but i still feel uncomfortabke with the name, but then again, who am I (nobody in the world of forge) Other possible names Saber Epee Chasm ^lol dumb right Seriously nice map guys, keep it up. I hope one day im churnin out maps like this one , right now all i have is gallium to put to my name
What if you call it Scythe Base... Looks purty shmexy, but one question. If you wanted all those good things back from the beta Sword Base, why didn't you just alter the Sword Base we have now?