Operation Empty Quiver

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by RogueWolf, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    Gentlemen, I hate to call you here at such a late time...but as I'm sure you will have guessed, we have a situation.


    Created by chrisFREER​

    Well, this is it. The Convenant have reached earth. You've been this country's greatest asset for a long time boys.
    However I'm going to have to ask of you something that is far, far more dangerous than anything you've faced before. Remember "Darwin" ?
    Well the Covvies will make him look like a playful green kitten.

    This is your target, we've got you some fresh sattelite surveillance of Farlin's Hydroelectric dam.
    We've used the dam before in some training exercises, well this is the real deal.
    When it was built to replace the Fission plant, it also opened up the entire plains for building on. Covvies want to blow it wide open.
    But that's not the best bit, confident bas***ds are going to use our own nukes to blow a huge hole in our war effort's infrastructure. Hell they're even using our own defences against us!
    For those of you amongst us a little slow on the uptake, we've been using it as a secret nuclear storage facility for the past few decades.
    We haven't got much intel on their strength but we do know they've siezed all the vital areas and have air superiority, we'll drop you some way out and you're going to have to fight your way inside.

    But that is not the point; What is the point is you're going to go in there, kick the ass of any elite that so much as shows its ugly face and you're going to bring me back my nukes...
    Is that understood? Good. Your birds are fuelled up and ready to go, you're the spearhead of this assault, if you can get there before they crack the security then you might just have time for
    reinforcements to show up. We'll supply you with all we can but covvies are hitting everywhere pretty hard and we're stretched thin.

    I'm counting on you.
    Farlin is counting on you.
    Earth is counting on you.
    Do your duty spartans!

    An old propaganda photograph of the dam

    Night has fallen over the dam

    This is where you'll be inserted
    You'll have a LAAG Hog to begin with, mongeese and rocket hog will be inserted as you close on your objective.

    Here are the forward bunkers, watching the entrance to the dam, you're going to have to neutralise them to get through.

    Sieze the forward outpost and the barriers will lower allowing the hogs to roll through.

    From there you'll have reached the edge of the dam, It's going to be a long fight to get to the stairs into it's belly

    Fortunately by then we'll have gotten some supplies through to you


    Be wary though, they've got some heavy weapons back there that pack quite a punch. Intel also suggests they may have commandeered an old UH-144 from the helo pad, so watch the skies and don't go in alone.

    Get down into the main turbine's room. You'll find a way down to the nuke storage from there

    By the time you'll have reached it they'll almost certainly have breached the secutiry locks. Grab it and get it the hell of that dam!

    Have your teammates cover you, you do NOT want to be caught out by an angry elite with an energy sword

    Well you've come this far, lots of pictures and backstory. Hopefully you read it all, if so then congratulations. Hope it was up to scratch!
    If not, I hope you enjoyed gawking at the big dam...I hope you were gawking. Gawk. Now.

    Please download and leave a comment!

    As to the map:
    I've become rather fond of large structures and once I decided to build this aesthetic dam, it reminded me of a map of GRAW2. I had to make it playable and this is the final result!
    Thanks to UltimoElmo and SynysterAndy for helping to play test (Although curse Andy for turning almost every forging session into a "crush Chris flat with grid" game).
    Custom gametype gives some different classes and higher damage for interest, if you'd rather use your own then just make sure the spartans are attacking.
    Anyone curious enough as to the name, its due to the American DOD's code for when nuclear weapons are no longer in their control.

    Edited by merge:

    To those curious about "Darwin" it was a previous infection map I made. His name is a link to the map. Not the best (see Deep Sea Mines in sig) but it's building on my little squad and the history of "Farlin"
    #1 RogueWolf, Apr 29, 2011
    Last edited: May 2, 2011
  2. D3ATH EYE

    D3ATH EYE Forerunner

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    cool map i shall dl and possibly even get a game in at tonight's TGIF. If you are going to be in berb's late night party, you will see me there. =) anyway, good work, my favorite part is the inside of the dam. the core room padlock is cool, the aesthetics... its all looking good. oh, and in the final pic, at first glance it looked like he was holding the anntena as a big gun. lol :)
  3. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    Thanks Death Eye, won't be about due to the timezone difference, but I hope you have fun with it!
    Haha, I see what you mean!
  4. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks epic. I built a map in the same spot at one point, but it was smaller and Great Wall of China themed. This is amazing though, I love the invasion across to the other side, maps with large aesthetic structures that are also playable always attract my attention. I'll try it out, it is absolutely sweet looking and worthy of some major recognition if it plays well!
  5. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Awesome map! That is the best dam i have seen in reach too bad you can't make the water level higher :p great map tho!
  6. AboveHaloMaster

    AboveHaloMaster Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    This map is epic, it's got some many places, I love the structures, good amount of cover, good vehicles, and weapons. I will give this a download.
  7. Dinosaur Drugs

    Dinosaur Drugs Forerunner

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    I love the way you post maps, it is one of the most original methods I've ever seen on this site. This is a very high quality map and it wouldnt be out of place multiplayer. The dam is extremely precise and I love how your structures actually look like they took a while to make. Keep making posts like this and I think you may become pretty popular on this forum.
  8. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    Thank you, I try to make it as interesting as possible and give it some backstory just to give it something extra. The idea of "Farlin" seems to evolve quite a lot.

    Thanks to everyone for the warm reception, its nice to see this amount of love for this map (especially as it took so long to build, even without all the tweaking)!
    I hope it was worth the download! :)
  9. Wienermelon

    Wienermelon Forerunner

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    This probably the best looking invasion map I've seen to date! I'll Dl, test it, give some feedback, and if its good, I'll vote for it in the Forgehub Favorites!
  10. BrokenEye

    BrokenEye Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Our own nukes, eh? Scandalous, yet strategic.

    Looks like fun.
  11. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Badass map is badass and badass map has been submitted to FHF.

    I really love seeing unique Invasion maps, mainly because thats what I try to forge as well. Its good seeing someone else opening up the full potential of that fun SvE gametype and making both an aesthetically awesome map and (hopefully) a great playing map.
    Great work!
  12. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello! This is looking awesome. A great write up and story line, and the pictures really look great. The dam looks perfectly placed...keeping the sea at bay, and the structure looks really interesting. I like the idea and am looking forward to seeing how this plays out in invasion. Great work
  13. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    As Dino said, you do make all of your map posts fun to read yet easy to understand. Along with that, if that infection dude is "a fluffy green kitten" compaired to this than we might have a problem because my buddy hunter got bit by him and made it out but now he's growing green hair and has been meowing alot.... as you can imagine I've been woried.

    I really like the map and will look foward to any others you may give to the community :)
  14. RogueWolf

    RogueWolf Forerunner

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    Thank you, it was orignally built for aesthetics, just happened to evolve into something very playable once I'd built the shell (which took less pieces than I'd planned).

    Why bring your own WMDs if someones done the work for you, eh?

    Wow. Thanks, really thank you.
    It's definitely an intriguing game mode, so I wanted to design something for it! It should play well, I designed it for up to 8 a side and put in a reasonable balance of vehicles and heavy weapons which will mean every one will have a weakness to another, hopefully forcing a co-ordinated strike from either side to survive! (e.g. each vehicle can easily be taken down, but the people who carry the heavy weapons are easy targets for snipers and marksmen, who are in turn susceptible to the vehicles)

    Only bit of land that really lends itself to a damn I thought! The exterior curves around nicely and I'm quite proud of the pumps in the centre, they look functional but took very few pieces!

    You might want to get that checked out, things could turn...nasty...
    I'll work on another Invasion map. It's unique and I like it. Just setting up is a pain when you first try to make a map for it! Otherwise it may be my old favourite of infection!

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