Remake Forge World!

Discussion in 'Reach Aesthetic Maps' started by Zatherla, May 5, 2011.

  1. Zatherla

    Zatherla Sweet Lemonade
    Senior Member

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    Hello, all! Welcome to probably one of the most useless remakes in Halo Reach, Forge World! This map has no use what so ever other then the fact that its an aesthetic and that is why I put it in the category :)
    My friend Royalty swag and I were busy trying to find a remake that no one has done yet, A map that wasn't big, and one that we could remake well. Turns out every single map has been remade very good, so we got a little off topic and ended up forging forge world. Yes. Forge World. At the End of this thread is a video walk-through of the map itself, Completed within 2 hours.
    YouTube - Remake - Forge World
    #1 Zatherla, May 5, 2011
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  2. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    o_O Totally forging on this.

    But seriously, who would've thought to remake... Forgeworld, epic. Downloading.
  3. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    This is amazingly ridiculous. So amazingly ridiculous, that I feel the need to forge on it.

    Seriously though, great job man. Some people say to think outside the box. You thought so far inside the box that..well it's hard to explain.

    Great job, its fantastic.
  4. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    First and final warning:

    Just because this is an aesthetic maps doesn't mean you can post a one-line comment about how it looks. Take the time to admire it's beauty, get lost in it's glory.

    Seriously, last warning.
  5. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    Now of course theres SOME small things off, but HELL in my case this is amazing and perfect either way! I now wanna see a game mode of this, don't know how you'd build that though! lol Good job! :D
  6. Zatherla

    Zatherla Sweet Lemonade
    Senior Member

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    i cant :( i needed some way to have water in the map, the real water had too high of waves, so i used the shields.. and ran out and had to use one way's.. so you get stuck to the floor
  7. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    The video would so much cooler if you started by having the camera look at the coliseum/asylum area in the real FW, and then panned down to the mini-recreation.

    Anyways, I remember when you randomly added me out of the blue and showed me this. At first I was liek, -.- but then I was liek, :O Cool aesthetic map dude.
  8. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    Sad deal. Anyways I'll check to see what I can do about a mini game! :D
  9. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    What's the point of an aesthetic map if you can't post on it's aesthetics? Can't really say anything about gameplay, sooooo...

    Furthermore, this is very creative and such. I haven't watched the full video, as my internet doesn't seem to want to load it, but from what I've seen so far I'm pretty sure I can trust that the rest of it is just as nice as what I've seen so far. Good job, and very creative.

    I should make a map on this...
  10. Specter59

    Specter59 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You sir just made my day.
    Well, there isn't much to say about other than it is adorable. Look at the cute little forge world. Now if we only had little miniature spartans to run around on it.
  11. Maverik

    Maverik Forerunner

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    ok. im stunned. i came in here, thinking some noob had posted forgeworld with a spawn or two, or someone being a troll, but instead, i find a surprisingly detailed, and altogether impressive miniature forgeworld. im impressed. i have a question, and a request though.

    what did you use to make the grass on top of the pillar in the ocean there without making the air around it grassy, and can you post a pic of a spartan standing in it for size reference?
  12. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
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    I don't know if this is out of place for me, but I made ascension. :D

  13. smm2010

    smm2010 Forerunner

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    This has to be one of the coolest aesthetics maps I have ever seen. Everything looks perfect and amazing.
    You sir, have got some talent with your forging. Keep up the good work, and I hope to see some more from you in the near future.
  14. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    I don't have a problem with letting everyone post pictures of maps they've made using his......uhh, tiny canvas. If anything, it seems like a compliment to the author and the only real use of the map. So if you've remade a matchmaking map that everyone will recognize, feel free to post it here. I was kind of hoping someone would've figured out how to make a good mini-tree, oh well.
  15. firedrone8

    firedrone8 Forerunner

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    Mini tree? ill get right on it.

    anyways. very original map. I like how you made all the little bases and stuff, but that sucks that you blocked off the coliseum.
    And not EVERY map has been remade. espicially the Halo 3 maps.
    I dont theink the dlc maps from halo 1 and 2 have been remade.
  16. jameslieb1

    jameslieb1 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This is the coolest thing I've ever seen. Your miniature Forge World is so accurate, it's ridiculous. You're the first one to think of this idea and you pulled it off perfectly. Might I suggest changing the name to Mini Forge World, though, to make it easier to distinguish between the real Forge World.
  17. Zatherla

    Zatherla Sweet Lemonade
    Senior Member

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    yes thanks :) and i made two mini forge world's this is the one i posted, the other one had trees (tips of antennaes turned green with the team changing thing, then a camera turned upside down turned green
  18. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Well, I've seen everything now. Very nice job, I love the coliseum, it looks real. This is a very original idea.

    On the topic of remakes that have been done for another idea, I haven't Waterworks yet. Or Snowbound, Standoff, Infinity or Ice Fields, either.

    Edited by merge:

    You should definately include paradiso and hemmorhage in there, too.
    #18 The Trivial Prodigy, May 6, 2011
    Last edited: May 6, 2011
  19. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I posted in this thread yesterday but apparently it was deleted because being a guy in his 30s with 800+ posts means I'm obviously a spamming, thread-bumping ne'er-do-well. GRUMBLE GRUMBLE. Anyway, here's the mod-pleasing lengthy version. This map is hilarious and the forging is surprisingly good and detailed. My favorite elements are the coliseum and the little bases and teleporters of Hemorrhage. As awesome as this is, I hope you'll keep working on it and make it even closer to its large-scale cousin. I'd also love to see it removed from this little coliseum wall-box and transplanted to somewhere in Forge World like right on top of one of the plateaus - somewhere up high where you could stand in it, while also looking around at the landmarks it is mimicking.

    Anyway, kudos again on a great and hilarious little map. Scale looks surprisingly accurate too (though I'm sure there are some unavoidable differences).

    NIBSedit: I approve. :)
    #19 Nutduster, May 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 6, 2011
  20. DeltaFoxtrot262

    DeltaFoxtrot262 Forerunner

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    Probably the most creative remake I've seen on forgehub. The way you made the spawn points and teleporters is amazing and adds to the painstaking detail. The scale is very accurate a few things are a little off (the rock could be closer to the Coliseum mountain, also wish you could've added grass to the top of the cliff on the left of Hemorrhage when looking towards Coliseum area [like on the rock])but it doesn't really matter because overall it's amazing. Also try and upload a thumbnail image of like an overview or something to peak even more interest in your map. Great Job DL and Liked
    #20 DeltaFoxtrot262, May 6, 2011
    Last edited: May 6, 2011

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