Here's a new sig. I used a relatively similar technique in my creeper sig (if you remember). I tried to focus on lighting. I really like how it turned out.. anyways: Stock: Spoiler Feedback is appreciated!
I see what the two have in common for sure, this one and the creeper one. I have to say, that panda is creepy, it looks like some sort of spirit or something... The thing I am going to pick at here is the diagonal text. I, and most of the older designers here, have always said that diagonal text should be avoided in most cases, as it generally does not look very good. (Though I again remind you I am so bad at text that I often just leave it out). In general, horizontal text looks much more professionally done, just think of any advertisements you have ever seen: have any had diagonal text? In terms of lighting, as that is what you said you focused on, it is fairly good, however it is hard to say just how good, as the stock is so simple. Perhaps slightly more exclusive lighting (darker on the outside, lighter in the inside, smaller radius) would make it look better, as right now the light is very dispersed to the left, and it is only slightly darker to the right. Contrasting two sides of a piece is a good way to make something interesting, and lighting does that easily.
Eh, it's supposed to go with the message. The funny thing is, I hadn't realized I inverted the panda's colors until I posted it here... kinda funny, at least. Diagonal text? That seems like such a random rule. Is there any reason it doesn't look good? And idk, I don't really pay attention to the rotation of text in ads lol. I'll look for it more often now, though Hrm, I need to work on lighting. That and I'm not great at creating shadows on 3D objects. But I can work on it and thanks for the feedback Orlando