Guide To Remaking **** Zombies.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by artifact123, Mar 19, 2011.

  1. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Yup. My second Guide. The biggest part of this Guide is about what Halo Weapon or Object resembles a Weapon or Object in Zombies.

    Features a Zombies Map can't miss:

    Just like in Zombies, it takes multiple shots to the head to kill but it still goes faster. How to remake this in Halo: Reach? By turning off Headshots? No. Give Zombies some shields(25% or something like that) and less Damage Resistance.

    For Random Weapon Box you just make something that would resemble it(A crate or something like that) and have 2 or 3 Weapons spawn above it. There should be a weaker weapon that spawns from the begginning and stronger weapons or wonder weapons should have a spawn time of 2-3 Minutes and should not spawn at the begginning.

    Use a Magnum or a Plasma Pistol as Starting Weapon and give them some Weapons in the starting room. Do NOT give them Olympias(Shotgun). Even if you give them 0 spare clips it are still pretty much 6 guaranteed kills. Give them DMRs with 0 spare clips and Plasma Repeaters in the beginning.

    To prevent people from going to the far end from the begginning and grabbing all strong weapons use timed events.

    Survivors shouldn't get jump height to prevent them from destroying the portable shields and getting into the zombie spawn.

    Zombies and Survivors should both get like 75 speed but Survivors still get limited Sprint. Mess around with Human Dmg Resistance and give them 1.5 or Normal Shields till they would take 3 or 4 hits to kill. Then you can use a Overshield as Juggernog that allows Humans to take 4 or 5 hits.

    Don't give Zombies the ability to drive Vehicles. Humans should. Why? So Humans can use a Mongoose to go trough a wall and when they step out they go trough a teleporter that only affects players(not vehicles) and which sends them to the Pack-A-Punch room that houses a Custom Powerup and a Teleporter back. The room should also have a soft killzone to prevent Survivors for staying there the whole round. The Pack-A-Punch should stay for 60-90 seconds and give the player more Weapon Damage and Unlimited Ammo.

    Now comes the list.

    Colt- Magnum or Plasma Pistol

    M14- DMR

    BAR- Plasma Repeater

    Python- Magnum(If PP is used as Colt)

    Weaker SMGs like PM63, MPL, MP5K etc- Assault Rifle

    Stronger SMGs or Assault Rifles like Commando and Spectre- Plasma Rifle

    China Lake- Grenade Launcher

    Panzershreck and M72 LAW- Rocket Launcher(0 spare clips)

    Death Machine- Machine Gun Turret

    Barricade- Pallet or Portable Shield

    Pack-A-Punch- Custom Powerup

    Thunder Gun- Plasma Launcher or Fuel Rod Gun

    Winter's Howl- Plasma Launcher

    Frag Grenade- Frag Grenade

    Ray Gun- Concussion Rifle

    Wunderwaffe DG-2- Plasma Launcher or Focus Rifle

    FN FAL- Needle Rifle

    Thompson- Needler

    Flamethrower- Needler

    Sadly Bungie removed these:

    Claymore- Trip Mine

    Ballistic Knife- Spike Grenade

    Molotov Cocktail- Fire Bomb

    ANY Shotgun- Mauler(Since it isn't overpowered)

    M1 Carbine- Carbine

    Crossbow- Brute Shot
    #1 artifact123, Mar 19, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2011
  2. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    ASSAULT RIFLE A WEAK SMG?? lol these are the only ones i'd change:

    weak SMG - spiker/plasma rifle
    commando - assault rifle
    raygun - fuel rod gun
    wunderwaffe - focus rifle
    FN FAL - needle rifle
    thompson - needler
    the best double barrel ever - rocket launcher
    i thot the same idea for the BAR being the plasma repeater lol
  3. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    I use a Plasma Rifle cause in the Guide i mention shieldsto make zombies 2 or 3-shot with Magnum which also makes plasma weapons slightly stronger. Seriously, Plasam Rifle can drain a zombie's shields with 2 shots and the health isn't much of a problem. I agree a bit on the Wunderwaffe but did you ever tried it out? I did and it could mow down zombies with ease. A Plasma Launcher has to be charged and can hit multiple targets at once(Charge 4 bullets and shoot at a horde while moving a bit so your bullets get spread). I agree on the FN FAL and Thompson. I used a Concussion Rifle as a Ray Gun since it looks more like it and really catches the feeling. FRG is a bit overpowered and i only recommend it as a Thundergun as long as it has 0 spare clips. I don't agree on the Double barrel shotgun since it would be a bit OP. Anyways, i agree on the Needle Weapons.
  4. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    oh and I'm not too sure armor abilities are like perks, but they are good as something other than perks i suppose. if want to add something like juggernaug to your map, you should probly have it do something with the oversheild since more health is what juggernaug essentially is.
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
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    Swap Plasma Rifle and Plasma Repeater
    Plasma Rifle shoots slowly but each shot has more power=BAR/Any Assault Rifle
    Plasma Repeater shoots faster and each shot is less powerful=SMG
  6. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    @P1MPxSLaSH: The Juggernog thing is a good idea. All you have to do is messing around with Damage Resistance and Shields so they would have Normal or 1.5 Shields and then would take like 3 hits to kill. With Juggernog it would turn into 4 or 5.

    Pyro6666: I do agree but since the BAR is unlocked pretty early i have to use Plasma Repeater for it.
  7. Dinosaur Drugs

    Dinosaur Drugs Forerunner

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    This is pretty cool, I could have used this guide when making this video:
    YouTube - Halo Reach hidden **** Zombies mode.
    But on the mystery box, I used a pallet with weapons on top. You shoot a fusion coil on bottom, it explodes the pallet, the weapons hit the top of the box then fall down and you hold x which gives you a random weapon.
  8. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Oh yeah i saw that vid before. It was pretty cool. But Humans do get the ability to bullsrush to the end from the begginning which isn't very good for gameplay.
  9. Cheeze

    Cheeze <FONT COLOR="#FE2EC8"><b>I Beat the Staff!</b></FO
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    Halo maps can't be played well as COD maps, so I'd rather people just play COD if they want **** Zombies. Hell, I'll even say ZombieCraft.
  10. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Of course it doesn't play as well. But it's just a Remake. And everybody loves to play **** Zombies... But then in Halo.

    Anyways, anybody got suggestions?
  11. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I actually rather enjoyed that video. I didn't really need to look at the guide though, I think its fairly easy to determine which weapons will be too overpowered and which won't even make a difference. And tbh, I have and never will use a plasma pistol in a **** Zombies map, or any zombies map for that matter. (for humans at least)

    While weapons do play a part on whether or not the map has replay value, its mainly the atmosphere you portray in the map. You don't want it to be all bright and shiny, and most of the time you don't want it open aired either unless by object limits you cannot add a ceiling (like the Kino remake in the video, which by the way, is the most accurate in terms of layout that i have seen yet.)

    And while remaking the **** zombies maps from Cod is fun, I've decided to have any real success, that I'm going to make my own maps inspired by the Cod maps and be free to do what I want with them. It also makes it easier to balance weapons out.

    Good luck to Y'all
  12. lxlIcyBulletlxl

    lxlIcyBulletlxl Forerunner
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    If you want it to be a real feel for the game, you would simply create the game and then have the weapons be based off of Halo instead of copying CoD weapons. The gameplay is what should be closely resembled, but when it comes down to it, having something like let's say a Rocket Launcher in Halo try to resemble one of the crappy Rocket Launchers in a CoD zombie map is ridiculous imo. Other than that, it would be fun to try to get as close as possible to the real thing just for shits and giggles
  13. HarleQuin

    HarleQuin Forerunner

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    I can see what your trying to do by remaking **** Zombies into Halo, but i don't think you need to be so literal. I feel al the covenant weapons would destroy the illusions of feeling "human" and i'm not so sure armor ability transfer well as "perk-o-cola's". So i personally think rather than remaking it to the letter and having counterpart weapons and features, just take what makes **** Zombies fun and unique and adapt that game play to work well in Halo. So retain the whole house defence aspect and the progression aspect of new rooms opening up, but asides that mix it up a bit and retain the Halo feel. I personally prefer to only use human weaponry on a zombie map and only a few are really needed, like maybe a DMR in the first room. Maybe Spiker and Grenade Launcher in the second room and finally Shotgun, Sniper and Frag's in the third? Obviously all with appropriate respawn times and spare clips. Sometimes simplicity is better.
  14. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    With the right FX you won't notice anything about Covenant Weapons and their colors. And, you have to accept, Covenant Weapons work good as Wonderweapons.
  15. t507 771t5

    t507 771t5 Forerunner

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    why dont you use the plasma launcher as the crossbow!? theyre almost identical
    I think covenent weapons should only be as mystery box weapons, and that the items dont have to match the look of the real ones, as long as they work well
    -Invasion slayer works well if its 4 humans vs. 12 "zombies" because no one gets infected and the weapons are loadouts not on the map that are syncronous with the doors (mystery box is a random weapon loadout)
  16. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Why don't you just play **** Zombies?

    fact: you need a party to play on a mediocre Reach map

    fact: you can play solo on CoD
  17. Jex Yoyo

    Jex Yoyo POETRY, bitch.
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    Spiker is WAAAY OP'd.

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