Islova Created By ALG Saint and DHG Redemption7 Ispiration from Halo CE campian caused the creation of this map we wanted to bring back the old halo 1 architectury in the map and well I think we accomplish the feat this map has been tested many times and edit to perfection the first version was made back in november and now its edit to perfection INFO-there is a large cave in the map that leads you back to the center Its only accesable on objective type games and FFA slayer Weapon List DMR-6 Magnum-4 Assult Rifle-2 Grenade Launcher-2 Snipers-2 Rocket Launcher-1 Needler Rifle-2 Spiker-2 Plasma Pistols-2 Energy Sword-1 Most spawn times and clips have been edited Here is exactly 16 screen shots of the map its self starting with the lay out then the spawn areas next the cave and finally custom screenshots of the map its self Lay out Red Spawn area Blue Spawn Area Turrets for each team Red team turret Blue turret Snipers Red Sniper Blue sniper The cave Enter and exit views-Also center of the map Main cave Then finally your out of the cave agian Multiple screen shots of the whole map Thanks for the support everyone Big thanks to the DHG community for helping test it multiple times Feed back will be greatly appreciated DOWNLOAD OR DIE BUHAHAHA A (LINK)-Download
um... dude. im not trying to be harsh or anything, but we've seen this map before. so either you're taking the credit for the map, you're double-posting, or your friend made this map and already posted it. Either way, this has already been seen on this website, don't post it on here. =(
ohhhhhh..... okay, but it is against the rules to do that. someone even got banned or something because they posted their map like.... 10 times. anyway, if you want to get peoples attention, put a link of it and an overview pic in your signature, so that when you post, people can see it from your sig and download it. Like with my clan, as you can see. i just didn't add a link, because you dont really need one for clans.
Exactly what I was thinking. Also, the massive, loud font used in the description is a bit obnoxious. The map itself looks pretty sick. I like the location and complexity. All I can say is that it looks a little bit clustered if anything.
If you didnt get much feedback the smart thing to do is to make V2 and post that instead of reposting the same thing then maybe youll get more feedback than you expected.
Looks like a nice map, but it looks like it's too complex :/ I think i should have a hard time finding my way around it :S
D3ATH is exactly right, no double posting allowed. If you didn't get much feedback from the original, that just means that it might not have interested enough people into downloading it. That, or the community just missed it. Either way, this thread is getting locked. LOCKED.