I'm getting Microsoft Points soon, and I think I'm going to get Castle Crashers. I've heard nothing but good things, and I played the Trial and it seemed pretty cool. A nice casual game. But is it worth 1200 Points? If it isn't I'd rather just save my money. Thanks!
I got it for 600 on a deal week. and yes I do happen to believe it is worth the msp. I still play it every once in awhile these days. You will definitely get your moneys worth.
Considering I played it at a friends house first about a year or maybe two ago, bought it then and still just played it again yesterday, I'd say it's worth it. Great party game (small party, but you get the idea).
Probably one of the most entertaining games on the marketplace IMO. Although, just like Borderlands, I personally think that it is ONLY fun when you have friends to play it with, otherwise it is incredibly boring.
If you're into the social aspect of games, you might want to look at Magic: The Gathering. It's great with friends and has many hours of play. If you don't have many online friends or ones that have the same games and you'd rather have a single player experience look at some of the originals. I believe Jade Empire is on the Xbox Live Arcade and that's a great game for your money. There are plenty of other originals you can sink your teeth into.
I'm so ****ing pissed. I bought points to purchase Fortresscraft and Castle Crashers two days ago... I bought Fortresscraft without thinking, then went to buy Castle Crashers and found I was 20 ****ing points short. Anyways, this thread kinda helped me realize I should just save my points until the next time I buy some and I'll just buy it then instead of blowing my points on some other useless crap.
Castle Crashers is good, but Worms 2: Armageddon is still my favourite xbla title, purely for the online matchmaking. Of course Magic: The Gathering, Braid, Shadow Complex and Portal: Still Alive are worthwhile xbla games too.
I agree with Rusty, MTG is a great social game to just dink around on. However, Castle Crashers is great when you're just chilling with three friends at your house. Another one that is a great social game, but can only be one person per xbox is Full House Poker. I highly suggest that one. Some great single player XBLA games are Defense Grid and MicroBot.
Do you enjoy sidescrolling beat-em-ups? Do you have friends? If you answered Yes to two (2) or more of these questions: Then yes, the game is worth it.
I agree with everyone on this thread. Castle Crashers is a great game IMO. It has usually long story that keeps you entertained for days. Although the game is fun playing alone, is nothing compared to full 4 player party.