Naw dude supa midget I'm saying you all take this way too seriously. It's just video game. Me and about 8,000 people have been dling maps since the beginning. We're not banned and neither are the people who host the mods. There's openly halo 3 modding websites and none of they're modders are banned. This is just a video game. There's other things more important in life then your reputation in a video game. Who cares if Bungie likes you. Oh wow bungie hates me, I'm gonna go play in traffic. This is just a video game. They're not gameplay mods and can only be used in forge and custom games. Even if they did mess up your "rank" who cares. Go **** a brick. Nemihara I respect you. I'm not trying to unleash hell, just saying is it that bad to discuss modding in the forge discussion. It is a form of forging a map. But we can't cuz angry mods and members whine and ***** about being disliked by the company that made the game that they're addicted to. But you guys know this is just me. Try to loosen up a teeny bit. Uptight nerds aren't fun to be around.
It's a capitalist venture, designed to make money. Cheaters could potentially decrease the revenue that Microsoft would receive from XBL. The current mods aren't horrible, but if they continue to progress, we'll be seeing a lot more matchmaking cheaters. That's because the Halo modding sites respect Bungie, and matchmaking cheats aren't allowed there. (See 1.) Tell that to the fifty gazillion people that keep trying to get Recon. (See 5.) (See 1.) (See 2.) Damn straight. Forging and Modding are completely different. And then there's the subject of our server provider not allowing links to that sort of content.And say we stopped getting referrals. Less people would come here, and more would go to Proforge. Absolutely horrible. =P
guys..... Modded maps = ok Modded maps on forgehub = not ok Modded maps are fun but not intended to be there, forgehub is on bungies "good list" and modded maps "are on the neutral list" ( bad list is for banned people, whoever bungie hates) im relating to christmas terms.. Forgehub is on bungies good list and modding maps are considered cheating, which would give forgehub a bad name
^ Already been said. Also, this isn't meant to be advertising modded maps, just discussing them and their potential.
Ok nemi i just saw that video and i swear if halo 3 modding gets to that stage i will perosnelly eat any bad things i have said about modding. I only claim that while some of the mods are definately impressive(that frigate is definately sweet) they arent really done as proper maps,that pit one for example was silly with stuff thrown all about the place.Same with the one with the invisible ground and the bubble shield i just dont see the point. Although with the rate computer speeds are going up its quite consivable(spelling :S) that bungie's next FPS brilliance might be out by then. I dunno though using to send maps around just seems like smuggling drugs in a garda car...but maybe thats just me. Once again that frigate is definately impressive,if only the small bits that could've been cover were intangible...would have made a nice FFA gimic XD Now what id like to see one of them do would be rip the coding for the scarabs,make it friendly to the defending team and have a bomb game(inside the make the scarab expoldey thing) I did something similar over a co-op game once were we killed all the marines and busted the pod rocket guns and two of us defended the scarab and the others attacked. Was fun but only two people a side That would be incredibly fun Oh and rip u up...just because some of us think on another side of the coin as you do ie that modded maps arent the greatest thing since sliced bread(at least not at the moment)it doesnt mean were addicted to this game or obsessed with bungie liking us,get real.
I honestly think bungie should be grateful that better modsa like these are being released. I bet it's an inside job. These mods only favor them, because now people will have a reason to play Halo again. With GTA IV, COd 4, and all the other competition of great games they've got out there, that only makes people want to play less and less halo. Me, myself am getting pretty bored with it, to be honest. They should allow these, that's my opinion. As to those mods, some of them were really awesome, like the Pit with the Pelican, and the Sandtrap with the huge UNSC Frigate. Most of the others I had seen, but that doesnt mean they're not fun to play around with. ^^
Sorry for the double post. I just saw that video that Nemihara posted. See, do you get my point know that those mods just make you want to play the game even more??!?! Bungie, mods only benefit you.
Your telling me,makes me wish i was more of a tech junkie when halo 2 was kickin about...alas all i saw was my doubles rank XD and never paid attention to the modding scene(cept the cheaters ) (Incidently doubles objective games should be broght back immediately) Doubles CTF on warlock,anybody remember that?
The cheaters on Live decrease profits to Microsoft, and hence Bungie. Therefore, not all mods are beneficial for Bungie. The older modding communities are getting less attention these days. I feel that when it does spark back up to H2 modding standards, then they will get much, much bigger. But for now, we only just figured out how to sign the container files. So there's a lot of work to do.
GASP! Nemi's one of them!!!!! But yeah i hope it does get better,i believe bungie said in some vdoc that forge was there for us to go "hey bungie your x map on x gametype sucks,heres the real version" If modding gets good they can go "Hey bungie your map-maker sucks,heres the REAL version!" Thatd be awesome XD
Live-streaming from a modified dev-kit is still an option. Might I point out the picture about 4 pages ago? It looks like that has much more potential than modded forge maps. *Where'd the picture go?
I have to admit modding on a counsil is a cardinal sin but it dose produce some very cool maps. Link? to where you got the sand trap w/ the frigate on it?
Ok our server people dont like posting piracted modded stuff etc..but since people want to know is carter allowed link them through a Pm? i dont want to see the "supa midget told me not to" again it made me very sad face
Yeah, that movie is pretty sweet. Mods are just for fun, but don't post them here or put them on your fileshare. Leave them to customs. And lets keep Bungie on our good side.