Xtremity Re-Redux (Lockout) Xtremity Re-Redux (Lockout) I have been working on Lockout since Halo Reach was released. When the Team Classic playlist was released I decided to take all of my concepts, all that I've learned to create a Lockout worthy of standing next to the original. In the youtube video I compare inch by inch from Halo 2's Lockout to Lockout Xtremity. I had my Xbox original the entire time of the map making process and I can say that I have succeeded in my goal. This map includes no framerate drops and mass compatibility to most gametypes including race. I recommend changing these settings on whatever you choose to play considering this was made for Team Classic: Speed: 120%, Jump height: 125%, and Gravity 150%. Spoiler
This looks absolutely fantastic! Lockout is one of my all time favorite Halo maps, and I have seen quite a few remakes of it, but this one takes the cake. I am glad to see that you retained all of the tactical jumps, that is one thing that quite a few of the remakes I see fail to do. Very nice job, I'll need to give this a play-through.
OK. you've shown how you have remademost of your little camping routines and shortcuts, but how well does actual gameplay go? is the weapon spawn time and clip amount match lockout. But overall, why didn't you just update the first version each time you improved the original?
I remember playing this when you first posted it in the optimatch forums on bungie.net. I really like how its so true to the original, but as always it wasn't flawless. As with most Lockout remakes it feels somewhat sloppy in some places, espcially the under-side that you see when you fall down but also things like the dorways not reaching the railings and some things like raillings not beeing 100% flush. But my main complaint is the steep ramps really (Like the first one elbow from Lift to S1), it feels unatural walking up a ramp steeper then 25-30 degrees. All these things are understandable due to the limitations of forge and this is still the best remake out there IMO! Thanks for an awsome map and i hope Jeremiah will replace eclipce with this map in the classic playlist! Cheers /Lofse
My original Lockout remake was meant for regular jump height. This Lockout was created for Team Classic. All weapons and spawns were closely mapped to the original. Gameplay is great. Everyone I've played with loves it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: There are Over 9000 Lockout remakes but I guarantee that you'll want to download this one. It is being considered to replace Eclipse in matchmaking. Check the Bungie.net Classic Playlist Thread.
Sorry and well done Sorry FTG Insanity. I was just picking on this map because FTG took some of my best friends from my clan. But I was being childish so sorry. Well done with the team classic thing btw. I would in fact love to see your map in matchmaking, especially my favourite playlist.
You know its funny. I hated Blackout in Halo 3 (never played Halo 2 multiplayer), but I've taken quite a liking to Classic Slayer's Eclipse (Blackout). Then again, my fighting style has changed completely since Reach came out, so that may have had something to do with it. Anywho, I'll give your map a looksee and see how it compares. It will no doubt be better than Reachout, the subpar Lockout remake I've got on my hard drive which I found while aimlessly messing with the File Search.
FTG does not poach anybody. If they did, give me names and I will address it with our higherups. Thank you.
its not that its just that a couple of my clan members have been joining FTG because you have way more members. i cant blame them, really but ive been a stubborn child in hating every FTG member. i cant wait for your map to be put in matchmaking btw.
Great job! This map's greatness did not only come from the layout but also from the learning all of the jumping tricks in the map as well. It really did reward a player who knew every inch of the map, and I absolutely miss that in the newer Halo Maps. Excellent job!
Because it DOES work for race. The map itself has a race built into it. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thank you, that was my goal was to not only recreate the layout but to recreate the feeling and jumps from the original.
Probably the best Lockout remake to date. The absolute best on Forge World, though. So how does it compare to ash55's remake? (The one remade on Tempest. He also seems to have a perfectly accurate remake, but tell me if he missed anything)
I have seen that remake and it is missing a lot compared to my map. My map plays much more accurately to the original. His is a bit bigger and the jumps are not as easy to do but both of our maps have amazing framerate. I still recommend mine for the best experience.
If i had just had my friend have me play this map in a custom game with others, i would have said where did you get this map. It was made by bungie, right. This map is incredibly accurate. Its pretty hard to make a complete, 100% accurate map to another from past halo map. This is totally good. Could you try, with your Godley skills, make a guardian remake from three. Well if you get the chance go to my bungie account and send me a prv message. Great job and will defienetley download.
In that case, why don't you do a remake on Tempest? The better frame-rate is reason enough to choose it. Any remakes you plan on doing in the future? Maybe even on other games? There are many remakes from underrated and lesser-known games that have yet to be done and that would be worth forging. Remakes from games like Shadowrun, Quake 4, Perfect Dark Zero, Star Wars Battlefront 1/2, Counter-Strike, Perfect Dark Arcade, Marathon Durandal, Star Wars Republic Commando, Gears of War, Star Wars Jedi Knight, and Rainbow Six are often hard or even impossible to come across, and when you do see one, it seems to be mostly inaccurate or the gameplay seems off. Considering how accurate your Lockout remake is to the original, I'd like to see what you can do remaking maps from other games.
I've remade Blood Gulch from Halo 1. I would remake maps from other games but I would need the games side by side. That's the only reason I haven't remade Halo 3 maps. I'm working on it for the future.
This looks awesome. I know its not the same, but I loved playing SWAT on Blackout way back when. Im going to give this a download for nostalgias sake, even though I could just boot up H3, Id rather play it on Reach. Great job.