That's actually pretty ****ing retarded. While I agree that it's cheap to sit back if you're the leader and take no part in the action. It's entirely stupid to have enemy players spawn on you. That goes for any gametype or for any game for that matter. It's poor design. The problem mostly stems from Epic's choice in dual spawn hives, which is the basis of most maps. It works great for round based game types where players have one life, but it's terrible for gametypes where players respawn. It creates predictable spawn patterns which players take advantage of. Again, I agree with the philosophy of not camping like a *****, but if you're the leader it's the smartest move to be the furthest away from danger. Nah, it's a terrible way of doing spawns. It'd be nice to see maps built around game types with respawns rather than single life spawning. Anyways, played the beta. I found the controls to be a little twitchy at times. I think they've messed with the auto-aim a little bit too much. I don't like how shaky just walking around is. It gets in the way of aiming a little too much. My friends say it's more realistic, but if you're playing as dude with legs the size of tree trunks there's no realism in the game. I just want to shoot people without the game getting in my way of doing so. Hip-firing with the new shotgun is retarded. It gibs anyone on screen and within five feet. The gnasher seems to have a huge drop-off in range at around 10 feet. I would prefer a more gradual drop off in damage. Retro Lancer sucks ass. My friend was telling me that it's great at close range, but what's the point when you have a shotgun and even then it still feels like your Michael J. Fox when you fire it. Incendiaries are awesome. Inks, eh. I don't like the stun on the smoke grenades at all. I had a guy rush through two of them I had set up and he wasn't stunned at all. Was like, ****'s the point then? I prefer the Hammerburst without rails and with more ammo. Pistol is slightly better since it doesn't have as much kick. Boltok is a beast. Didn't get to try anything else.
You'd be surprised how easy it is to beat some of the scrubs on the beta who pack the sawed off with a gnasher if you got the know-how, especially in KOTH. Take Thrashball for example, my favorite map for KOTH. Say the hill just moved to one of the colored poles on the field and you're trying to hold the area down. It's all about managing your cover. I've gotten quads just because kids think they can mosey on up to me with the sawed off thinkin they'll get an easy kill, when instead, I slide out of the corner running at them (if you're on the edge of cover press forward and you run forward instead of mantling) and pop em while I'm ducked and they don't even know what hit them. Also, seeing as most people still think they can play the lone wolf strategy, you can use that to your advantage, too. Or kids who like to camp the stairways at the concession stands. What I do in that situation is start running angled towards the stands, begin to slide into cover, hesitate for just a split second, crouch, run along the wall, and blindfire them to bits. It's sick when you start pulling it off. Oh and wallbouncing is never a poor choice. You should really try getting good at that, seeing as an adept wallbouncer can give even the sawed off fits. You can also use the TAC COM in game to see where your own teammates are coming from and where they're aimed at. Odds are you'll be able to make some educated guesses on where the other guys are spawning. It's always good to take a quick check of your surroundings and they've made it even easier this time around.
I'm like 80% done with a remake of Checkout. Anyone else taking up any of the other maps? I'm interested in seeing them done. Thrashball would be fairly easy. Just have a Platform XL spawn after like 120 seconds or whatever in the middle to signify the thing dropping.
i was poppin faces with the gnasher today like it was my job. felt good. im liking the game a lot more now that i learned how to beat the sawed off fairly easily.
haha yeah I noticed that. Apparently was an event that lasted all morning-afternoon, made the game a pain in the ass not knowing who is who with the damn bunny heads. Suppose was to make up to those who weren't on for Easter Sunday.
Torque Bow is still my favorite gun. I got to pick it up twice, got three head shots with it. Two were on the same guy and one was through smoke. I nearly woke my friend up I was laughing so hard. I've gotten better with the retro Lancer. It's the best weapon to use in that 10-15 range. It can take out someone with a gnasher before they've got time to fire two shots. It's also retarded that even when you're charging and get shot you still going and hit the person and only have to hit them again to down them.
Those of you who have played the beta a lot, could you give me some feedback on the Checkout remake? I'm calling it done unless some find some severe problems with it.
No it will not. Kinda disappointing. Oh well as long as they fix spawns a balance out a few guns (retro and sawed off) the game should be pretty good. I'm especially excited for horde/beast mode.
They got hammer of dawn on trenches 1 round instead of oneshot and every round instead of mortar. Also a torque bow tag playlist where all map weapons are torque bow. Great way to practice with it ive gotten tons better with it already.
Its done now we got to wait for the game . I got up to level 31 and unlocked all the stuff. Hammer of dawn on trenches was a nice going away present even though it was OP on that map. Overall i think its ton better then GOW2 and has enough new stuff that it feels fun and unique like the Original. A good story and some solid maps can really solidify this game as the best of the Gears and probably the best third person shooter on xbox360. Nothings worse then bad maps so fingers crossed.