Vendetta V2

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by FuN Fortress, Apr 29, 2011.

  1. FuN Fortress

    FuN Fortress Forerunner
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    Hello, everybody! 'Been a while since I've posted anything anywhere, but since yesterday (or maybe the day before) I've made my rounds and posted the second, much-updated version of my BTB/Team Objective map, Vendetta.

    For those who never got a chance to play the first version of Vendetta, the map is a hybrid between Halo 2's 'Coagulation' and Halo 3's 'Valhalla', taking inspiration from core themes and key areas, Vendetta aims to bring the familiarity of old-school BTB to Reach.

    With rolling hills and towering rocks, Vendetta offers plenty of cover for the ground player not in a vehicle (or who prefers to stay earthbound) while at the same time giving the space and flexibility for the vehicle player to roam around freely and unobstructed. Inspired by the functional design of Valhalla's towering bases, Vendetta gives enough room for teams to mount a powerful offense or put up a strong defense. The bases are designed such so that they don't feel 'impregnable', so once you have the enemy flag it's a quick exit from the base. You won't feel like the flag is 'trapped' within the base.

    With a modest, but functional, set of vehicles and weapons, Vendetta allows the player to be whatever type of player he wishes to be. Whether it's sneaking cliffside into the enemy stronghold, using hills as cover to rush down the middle, tearing through the outer rim of the map with a Warthog assault, or being ever-watchful of your base, Vendetta aims to give the player a wide variety of options and flexibility. The lone wolf can play the map without feeling overpowered by vehicles, while at the same time the vehicle player can make use of his advantage. It's a delicate balance that is very hard to attain in BTB settings.

    Now, for a more-practical and straightforward look at the map. First off is inventory, it is as follows:

    Plasma Pistol x4 (located at the bottom entrances of either base)
    Plasma Rifle x4 (located at the center of the upper level of each base)
    Plasma Repeater x2
    Needle Rifle x6
    Assault Rifle x2
    DMR x4
    Grenade Launcher x2 (located on the ramp at each base that takes you between floors, one minute spawns, four spare clips)
    Sniper Rifle (located by the center of each base on the upper level, two minute spawns, one spare clip)
    Spartan Laser x1 (located at the center of the map on the hill, three minute spawns, one spare clip for weapon change due to gametype variations)

    Warthog x2 (one for each base, located left of each base)
    Mongoose x4 (two for each base, located in the actual base and to the right of the base)
    Falcon (neutral, to the RIGHT of RED base and to the LEFT of BLUE base, located in the rocky area, three minute spawn)


    +Safe zone surrounding map modified, celling is now lower than Montana and Alaska

    +Soft Kill Zones reinforced, many seastack rocks around the map's edge can no longer be camped on, overhangs on various cliffs patched for jetpack gametypes

    +Red Teleporter moved back slightly to match distance of Blue teleporter

    +Banshees removed, replaced with neutral Falcon

    +Wraiths removed

    +Seastack rocks on the cliff replaced with smaller, less-powerful pieces of cover, cliff is no longer an area that controls the entire map

    +Extra rocks added near map center

    +Needle Rifle run time max fixed, Needle Rifles now spawn on regular intervals

    +Neutral Ghost removed, replaced with neutral Falcon

    +Laser spawn time increased to three minutes from two-and-a-half

    +Initial spawn position changed for each base, two in the actual base, three by the Warthog, and three behind the base

    A video of gameplay on Vendetta.

    Here are some screenshots of Vendetta:


    Center Overview (there are many large hills up and down this area that aren't visible from directly above)


    Rocks (hills are much more present while in game, not as 'bare feeling' as in screenshots)

    Blue Base 1 [​IMG]

    Blue Base 2

    Blue Base (rear)

    Red Base 1

    Red Base 2

    Red Base (rear)

    Hope this version of Vendetta lives up to the good that people saw in the first! Vendetta, while set up for a BTB setting also plays smoothly for 4v4 Team Objective games, so feel free to use it for smaller games as well. Cheers all!
  2. SquidMan33

    SquidMan33 Forerunner

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    The bases are nice. Unusual but creative. The outer structure are okay. They fit in well though. I also like the changes you made. You have a DL
  3. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    I've played this quite a lot during its testing and evolution. The author of this map is the kind of author I like to playtest with. He takes on board peoples feedback and uses them to map a good map better.

    The current version of this map is fantastic for a well paced and perfectly balanced 8v8 battle. CTF on this map kicks ass. The bases take good coordination to infiltrate, but grabbing the flag is by no means impossible and a moderate boost from the man cannon is a fair reward for the brave flag grabber.

    The decision to use 2/3 of the canyon rather than all of it make for a much better pace of game and less sniper dominance. The vehicles are usefull but not dominating. I've never seen spawn ganking lock downs on this map. It's easy to navigate and really feels like you've been here before the first time you play it.

    9.5/10 Deffo download.
    #3 Gazzaverage, Apr 30, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2011
  4. FuN Fortress

    FuN Fortress Forerunner
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    Wow, I'm flattered hahaha, thank you very much good sir. If I may ask, are you by any chance Mr. Saddo? If so, I have to say that you're a pretty damn excellent designer yourself, it's really others like you with your forging experience that I find meshes with my own and helps to create something of a compositional piece brought to the community by the community.

    As for Vendetta, you're dead on with the goals I had in mind for the map. I wanted CTF on a BTB setting that didn't have the 'Hemorrhage factor', that is, not being able to get a flag much distance from a base on foot (no offense to the map and its creators of course). With Vendetta, I wanted gameplay on the map to be able to 'flow' well (not using that term in the traditional design sense), never being stuck and deadlocked for a capture. The size of the map definitely helps with that, it's a manageable space for people to play on, a reasonable distance to cross on foot, and a low but not invincible space for vehicles. For spawning, each base is divided up into three separate spawn zones I'm pretty sure, so if an enemy is in the base you'll never spawn right in it with a gun to your back, and if there are enemies outside then you'll spawn inside to be able to readily-defend.

    Thanks again, Gaz, I'm glad the map turned out like it did. Even more surprised it was submitted for CC, but hell, with all of the help from people like you I had on it I shouldn't be as surprised as I am.

    P.S. your map State of Emergency is coming along great, I still want to play that on Speedflag ^^

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