I suggest playing KOTH. There are less people on it which means you're more likely to be in a good dedicated server with less traffic (no lag and/or host) and there are infinite respawns so you have plenty of time to get used to the mechanics.
lol at thrashball layout (maturity levels through the roofs... ) I gotta love this game; dedicated servers (the one thing GOW2 lacked which made me hate its multiplayer), more variety in initial loadouts to balance with the older weapons, more badass style points (executions, etc...), more fluent gameplay (special moves such as the vault-kick), a well-balanced smoke grenade (MUCH harder to see through, cringing [well, a weapon lowering] when standing directly on the grenade upon explosion, etc...), more MAN ARM, and much more. I think with a few minor tweaks, GOW3 is the Gears game that I have always wished for. I am a big Gears 1+2 fan, but its multiplayer has always turned me off after a while.
I really hope they let u save film in the final version... ive done some crazy ****. They should also have some sort of stat tracker like on bungie.net since they have alot medals and customization. otherwise the beta is excellent i really enjoy the maps and cliffyB tweeted today that they are adding a tunnel to each grenades spawns on trenches, stop the uber camping. Im now around lv21 and im playing more and more with the saw off shotgun [Mostly because i got urban camo on it and the hammerburst... matching... winning... anyways] Its really starting to grow on me i just play it pure defense i never attack and only blindfire, but more play my corner game and just blast em with it so i usaully in KoTH and gnasher in team deathmatch. I have to say if your not using the hammerburst your really missing out on long distance stopping power on maps like trashball/trenches it dominates, it also matches up well with the saw off. its that medium range where im 50/50 with lancers and basically dead against a retro at medium. So overpowered i dont feel like it all the starting weapon combos dont have full control over long/medium/close range imo. p.s. boost boomshot
The sawed-off and gnasher are both equal. The gnasher has the capability to deal damage from a distance and the sawed-off deals damage only in close-quarter combat. It's basically a melee weapon. Someone can easily spam the gnasher and kill someone rather than sprinting up to someone with the sawed-off. It's a two way street. If you can't sense danger coming, then it's your fault for blinking. Everything else about the game is perfect. One major issue I had was when I got docked 13,500 experience (3 games) for "quitting" when I never quit. The server disconnected me from the game and it wasn't my connection at all. 1/3 of the game connections was when I had JUST turned on my Xbox and played a match. The match ended and I was docked 4,500 experience for quitting. It was my first match. They need to fix the quit penalty DRAMATICALLY.
People who are good at this thing: I need people to play with and carry me to victory. Anyone want to be my Xanon?
What the hell? I think it looks badass, especially when you have both weapons urban equipped with the Savage Theron.
as i play more, my opinion is only strengthening that the sawed off is for little fairy boys who need it to get one cheap kill then get ass ****ed by the rest of the other team while they reload, or for campers. either way, it has no place in gears. gnasher battles have always been the best thing about gears and the sawed off is ruining it. also KOTH is lame when everybody and their mom can just toss a smoke at the hill, run in, and blindly fire their sawed off to get a kill.
Capture the Leader sucks because Epic couldn't get their spawns right. I was the leader so I thought I'd be a good idea to stay back at my teams starting point. Bad idea. As I'm culling at spawn the entire enemy team spawns right next to me, captures me, and wins the round.
I think that's actually a good thing. You're forced to move, or they'll spawn right on top of you. Play the game, don't sit back.
Good point, didn't think of it that way. Still kinda sucks though. Cause what if camping isn't the case? What if someone was going there to pick up the Boomshield on Trenches and gets owns from out of nowhere. I get what you're saying though.
It's always been like that, even in Gears 2. It's so that you can't just chill back and be lame. I like it. As for the Urban Camo, to each their own. I think it looks retarded.
Protip: If somebody has your leader, throw a smoke grenade, and the timer will stop. I hope in the real game, they make it so that the timer recharges gradually (at the same pace as it depletes) so this annoying "tactic" can be resolved. Luckily, a lot of people don't know about it right now but I can foresee it being very annoying over the course of my Gears 3 career. (If it stays, that is.)
smoke grenades always made you drop meat shields, it was like that in gears 2. i hope they keep it how it is. you have to actually be mobile and use your team instead of just sitting in a corner for 30 seconds.