Shaolin Temple Hello all welcome to my latest map. This is a remake of a oriental style temple, The oriental architecture has always fascinated me, and I thought it would be a good idea to try to make one on forge world. The exterior is fashioned from pictures I have found on Google and doing research on different buildings and structures. It is made up of practically every piece available on forge world to make this building. Also as I like maps to be playable I have added almost every game type. And put work in making the spawning fair and the game types to be both fun and even. The story goes that the Shaolin monks reside in the temple and ninjas are invading & all of the game types are made around this principle. If you want to just view this map, I would recommend going in race mode if you are entering in forge mode, as the temples frame rate is vastly improved, rather than entering in basic editing as this will have all the spawning and game types on screen, with the vast amount of pieces used to make the structure it flashes like a Christmas tree. Weapons : 1 sword, 2 x hammers (not placed at start) 2 x dmr, 4 assault rifle, 1 x grenade launcher 4 x health pack, 4 frag 6 plasma There is a grid under the water to give more ways around and soft kill zones have been added when you are leaving the map, followed by an instant kill. I did have some videos for action shots but my recent history has been deleted, I will have to add more. Testing has gone well, FFA was great fun and I recommend trying. All other gamtypes are working and have been fully tested. Thanks for looking
Nice temple there timmy! looks flawless! is it most for competitive gameplay or most for aesthetic appeal? Nice map tho!
Thanks for your comment, it is a mixture of both. The map is fully playable and also has a lot of aesthetics going, I would have posted in competitive but it wouldn't have gone down well. I wasnt sure with map to just go all out aesthetics or to have good gameplay. . I personally think I have balanced the both, but that is only my opinion. Thanks for your feedback
As always amazing job. Your maps never stop amazing me. That epic star must of taken you a super long time to make. Was it made up of 2 or more rock types? The interior looks pretty good..on second thought it's amazing in and out, but mostly out. By the look of it, it seems good for aesthetic purposes. I am pretty sure the game play would be kind of boring since all it is is one building.
I am disapointed you have judged my map without trying it. I do appreciate the comments aesthetically but don't comment on gameplay uness you are either sure or have tried!
hahaha, lol timmy. Way to tell em. I hate when people judge a map on pics. Anyway, it looks awesome. I remember you saying it was only gonna be for aesthetics, its amazing you where able to get so many gametypes supported. Great work man, got a download and a like from me
awesome man! thank you.... yeah it is annoying lol, again ran more customs on this.... it is best played ffa with around 4-6 players. comments and feedback have been good. thanks buddy!
*Looks at pictures...* *gasp* Beautiful! *Looks at forum location* *sigh of relief* Definitely not a competitive map, but looks freaking amazing! You really do have a knack for the pretty stuff mate. Now if only we can get you into forging pretty and frame rate free competitive maps, we'd have a real winner! The b/w pic looks sooooo authentic! Love it!
Amazingly forged..That's what describes this map. First, the aestetics are so beautiful- The rocks forged to look like stars and the stairs really add realism to the structure. Second, the many levels of this map made for such interesting gameplay. Third, I didn't notice any framrate lag which is really good considering this building's size. Timmy, you always add such nice aesthetic touches to a map and make them always look so beautiful. Great work, and I'm glad you got that roof figured out
Thank you, feedback has been great, yeah, it was a wise decision not to try and put this in competitive... yeah I have tried some competitive maps, but even the simplest I make, I will have a frame/lag comment, I do go through maps trying to improve the frame rate, I was never expecting the framerate to be great with all the details I added to this, This is designed to look nice but to also have a decent layout to play games on. Thanks [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks buddy, appreciate all your help in testing and feedback, is a great help, I have had a few great games on this map, I do like FFA, did play well in the tests, appreciated. Thanks
It was good to check out this map in person and hear the creator feedback live. Very nice example of Japanese architecture and layout. The last screenshot is exceptionally believable.
Thank you! It was great to get to show you about and see each others work and opinions. I'm glad you like the map, it was fun to make and as always learning new things as I go. Would like to show you improvements i've been making to my remake when you are on next! Thanks, I like that picture too, I added it on the bottom so not to mislead people. It is done with the fx and looks a little like a scetch of the map!
This looks really sweet. A fine example of japanese architecture. From the pictures it looks like the inside is rather dull, though. I'd expect to see a statue of something they worship, or thrones for their lords. Oh well, regardless of what approach you chose for the map, I nominated you for fhf cause the outside is brilliant.
Thanks really appreciate the comments and nomination. That is great thank you. That is also a good idea about creating the interior more oriental, I had a great idea to use for a weapon holder shaolin style, and yea some king of statue or center piece would be good. I did try a ying and yang emblem but it didnt look amazing. I wanted to make this playable and it would have taken fixed weapons to make interior aesthetics and I was also aware of FR so tried to keep the key playing spaces as clean as possible. Great ideas and I will definitly concider an update as soon as I get my head out of my most recent creation. Thanks
How long did this take you?! Your skill with those thumb sticks is unreal man! I love the way this looks. It doesn't even look like Halo. Bravo! I can not wait to try this one! I have a hard time forging without using the coordinates because it's so tedious, but I can see I will never do anything this cool without thinking "outside the box". You sir are a unique forger and I salute you!
Hello & thank you for your feedback. The map took 2 days aprox to make and get all the gametypes on. I also got a load of tests done in the short space of time. Thanks I have always tried to be original and unique with my map posts and ideas. Glad to hear it is appreciated...Thank you