Do kids have the right to play halo?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Y35 <3, May 10, 2008.

  1. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Original post found: HERE

    Part One

    As a teenager (14) I am sick of people arguing about kids playing Halo 3.

    Lets get some stuff straight before I tell you what I think.

    I think they should NOT scream in their mic.
    I think they should NOT cheat in any way
    Just like in the real world, they SHOULD have the respect for their elders

    What I think

    I think that is more the parents doing that the kids are playing.

    The ESRB system was created to HELP parents decide what games to buy
    for their children, not restrain kids from playing the games.
    It is more of a trust factor.
    If the parents trust their child, and think it is ok to play the rated T/M/A game etc,
    than you should have no say in that.

    You can rant all you want, saying things like "Its a rated M game stop playing it kid!".
    It is up to the parents to let the kids buy or play the game, not your or the ESRB.

    Sure, they have high-pitched voices, but didnt we all?
    Didnt we all used to be young once in our lives?
    Think back to when you were young,
    would you want random people you didnt even know
    making fun of you everytime you went somewhere.

    I did not think so.

    But dont get me wrong, if a child is breaking the rules, or screaming, than by all means
    tell them to leave, or mute them.

    So please end the controversy between adults and kids.
    Its not up to you to make them go away.

    End Part One


    Part Two

    After hearing many peoples rejections, I have decided that half the bungie community
    are either people who grew up with a bad childhood, or have some serious problems.

    I am not talking about the kids who have squeaky voices, I am talking about the kids who have rated M games.

    You people need to grow up.

    Have you ever heard "be treated like you want to be treated?".

    Its time to face it.
    We are living in world where certain rules dont pertain to todays youth.
    I think that most 12 and under kids are annoying, but we cant forget
    the 40% that are not.

    You all need to accept the fact that its going to happen, whether or not you want it too.

    I have been an Xbox live member for almost two years now, I have seen a lot of things.
    I started playing when I was 12, and have had my share of the discrimination.
    So dont say I dont know what Im talking about, because I do.

    End of Part Two

    Part Three

    I think we seem to have a misunderstanding here.


    I do support the kids who get treated badly just because they own the game.

    Another factor in this case is how YOU should react.
    If you were in a game and a kid joins the game, and dosn't say anything,
    You say hello, and he returns the greeting.
    The only thing is that the kid is not being annoying in any way.
    At this moment you feel something rage up inside of you, correct?

    You can

    A: Just keep playing the game
    B: Mute him
    C: Yell at him
    D: Boot him

    I think that the community needs to grow up.
    Would you really scream at kid, and make yourself look even more idiotic.

    Most of the time the kids are just looking to have fun!
    Kids play video games to escape real life, and have fun, thats the only reason, apart from competitions.
    Who are you to say that the kids can't play?
    I do not think that is up to you, and you are a bad person for trying to get them to stop.

    You cant just go in Halo 3 and diss kids, its wrong, and I will not stand for it.
    They are HUMAN BEINGS just like you and me.

    Deal with it or get off the console.

    End of Part Three

    Part Four

    I predict this problem will grow into a full fledged war.
    Bungie can't ignore this controversy much longer.
    Soon it will turn horrible, and everyone will be against everyone.

    Its our last chance, treat everyone with respect or suffer the consequences.
    Even though you might not want to think about it,
    Its amazing, I know!

    If you continue, Bungie will catch on and decide to do something like this.

    We cant denie it, there is a storm coming, and its coming fast.
    Too fast to avoid.
    If we come together we can survive it.

    Make the right choice before it is too late.
    Sure, it may be hard to ignore them, but know that you are the better person,
    and the more mature also.

    Before I end this part, ask yourself one question.

    Is it worth the trouble

    End of Part Four
  2. VestigeL

    VestigeL Ancient
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    It's a free country so no one can say that kids can't play Halo. It's rated M sure but it all depends if their parents buy it for them. Kinda like saying kids just shouldn't get Xbox LIVE at all.
  3. emo asian girl

    emo asian girl Ancient
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    its just the internet so it doesnt really matter..
    it's actually really fun to annoy people on halo lol
  4. KwirkyJ

    KwirkyJ Ancient
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    As you say that adults should respect the rights, as people, of those younger individuals, doesn't it work the other way around? I know it asks a lot, but immature individuals (certainly not limited to prepubescents) should take the effort to restrain themselves as well. If they do not make the effort, and if responsible individuals do not encourage their endeavor, how can they be expected to grow? All I'm saying here it that it is just as much a two-way road here.

    BTW, what is the point of your fourth part? The issue of respect is present in the three preceding issues, and your diction in Part Four seems nearly threatening, if not conspiracy-theorizing.
  5. E93

    E93 Guest

    If you mention the ESRB, then even you cant play, being fourteen, because it's rated M (right?), which is 17 +. I'm 14 too, so i'm not complaining, but technically, were considered kids in this game too, so just relax, take a pill and mute those younger kids.
  6. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    I couldnt give a rats ass about normal kids,i dont act like an asshole just becuase someone is younger than me.
    I only get mad at the ones who doing any of the following
    A.Yelling or singing,
    B.Say were trying to glitch for kicks and they wont stop killing people,
    C.They wont stop telling people to "stop killing them" in the middle of a slayer match
    D.Using voice masking and then pretending they're 35 with a wife,bullsh**
    E.Won't stop yelling "Owned" everytime they get a kill,even when they're losing painfully
    F.Teabag people in the middle of firefight
    G.Talk like a "ganster",arby and the chief 11 is a perfect example with "jeremy"

    As to the tea-baggin,i dont mean teabaging me,thats basically just trash-talking i can deal with that.Its the idiots i get on my team that get shot becuase they wont stop tea-bagging

    Ive run into all of these and its ALWAYS the 8,9,10 year old kids who DEFINATELY should not be playing a shoot em up.Under ten is just ridiculous its the same idea as letting a 14 year old in an 18+ movie.
    Granted the adults can be just as bad but thats only trash talking and is muteable

    SIDENOTE:Y,why do you keep posting posts onto FH?Just curious
    #6 Supa Midget, May 11, 2008
    Last edited: May 11, 2008
  7. Roche178

    Roche178 Ancient
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    I really don't care weather or not kids play Halo or any other game online for that matter if they are annoying I mute them if they T-bag I really don't care its just a game people really need to calm down about it if you ask me its the older people acting like kids on this one.
  8. SergeantSmeg69

    SergeantSmeg69 Ancient
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    it really depends on the kids themselves, i dont mind playing halo or any other game with little kids aslong as their not annoying. Me and my mate were playing and this 6 year-old kid joined he want that good but he wasn't annoying at all.
  9. Projectt2501

    Projectt2501 Ancient
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    Personally, I started with Halo CE (Halo 1) when I was it came out in 2001. I was eleven years old. However, this was before online gameplay, before xbl. The first time I played an online FPS, was when Halo 2 came out in 2004. I was fourteen years old. I don't mind when younger people (10 and up) play M rated games, as long as they can handle it and don't freak out or act immature online. However, kids under 10 shouldn't be exposed that kind of material, thats just my opinion. As an example, I will bring up the incident that was brought up on the Dr. Phil show. There was a young kid who, after being insulted in an online game of Halo 3, committed suicide. In this case, I put the blame on the parents, not the game itself. If a child is that emotionally unstable, they should not be given access to a game with that sort of content. There are ways to make an online, M rated game more appropriate for a younger audience, that's what the "Parental Control" features are for. A parent has the option, and the responsibility, of setting and maintaining these controls to protect their children from things they believe they are not ready for. These controls include the option to limit access to friends lists, communication, personal information, and even game content. In my opinion, there is no argument, the parent is solely responsible for the content that their child(ren) has access to.
  10. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    The problem for me here in this argument is that while the majority of my peers are Liberals, I'm pretty Conservative, and that leads to a few conflicts. However, I do agree that there are some good people among the plague that is little kids.

    Turbo, if you read this, this doesn't apply to those kids. =D

    Mature is a rating based on the hypothetical theory that maturity and age are correlated. They're not. Just ask any guy that hasn't hit puberty yet, and is still 13.

    My PoV is that if you can't handle it, GTFO. It's rated Mature for a reason.
  11. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
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    Maybe if everyone who entered xbox live had a mandatory scenario test and brain scan...and any who fail are immediately set on fire
  12. Nemihara

    Nemihara Ancient
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    But that means over 90% of the XBL population would be gone.
  13. doomy

    doomy Ancient
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    aslong as they aern't annoying as hell i won't mind
  14. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Yeah suppose thats a fair profit cut for microsoft?
    Well i can dream cant i?
  15. doomy

    doomy Ancient
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    i know i'll fail the brain scan for sure
  16. Supa Midget

    Supa Midget Ancient
    Senior Member

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    *Pushes a big red button*

    IMA CHARGIN DA LAZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    *Points at doomy and randomly gets hit by a piano*
  17. !nikheizen

    !nikheizen Ancient
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    Literal buckets of fun.
  18. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    I'm not saying kids are a bad thing, i'm a Kid myself, i just saw that this was a good topic and decided to bring it here.
  19. E93

    E93 Guest

    We know dude.
    i still dont get why you do that though. some topics are lame.
  20. Azrius

    Azrius Ancient
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    Okay, as far as the comment related to parents is concerned, the fact is that many parents DON'T understand the ratings system. I had a ten year old trying to get his mom to buy him Halo 3 the other day, and when I explained to her exactly what the game was and what the ratings meant, she told him to pick out another game. The kid glared at me like I'd just smashed his Xbox or something.

    I'm fine with selling an M-rated game to kids if the parents are there and they UNDERSTAND that the game is M-rated. If they think their child is mature enough to play the game (I was fairly mature for my age when I was younger) then more power to them.

    I wish I could say it was just kids who make Xbox live less enjoyable-but it's not. I've met many people who are close to my own age, and even older than I am, who appear to be developmentally challenged in some way shape or form. Or there's the spoiled rich teenagers who think they're gods of the earth (you know the ones, the kids who haven't quite gotten their reality check, they're in the limbo between their mommy and daddy's house and the real world).

    I've also met many people who are still kids, but show more maturity than about half of the XBL community-take Nemihara, for example.

    To conclude, I've got no problem having kids on live so long as they don't pierce my eardrums with banshee like screaming.

    What I can't stand is the douchebags-who seem to be multiplying lately. We should find their spawning ground and toss some RAID in there. We'll all be happier for it.

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