This would be the equivalent of ultimate frisbee for halo, only played with a sticky nade!! **bungie would have to make this as some of the options or settings cannot be done in custom game settingsXD** **bungie created halo chess, they can surely create this simple but awesome gametyPe for action sack!** Court: :: the court would be very similar to a grifball court, in fact, it would be possible to convert grifball courts to nade raid courts. :: The court would be set up like a football field, with 2 'endzones' at each end, which are just haloball hills for each team :: would have the initial nade in the middle, which would be the starting nade :: the game would be 4v4 so there would be 4 initial spawns and 1 respawn point for each team, explained later :: a lip must be placed over the far end of the goals so that a nade banked off the back wall will not be scored Gameplay: :: with the nade spawning in the middle both teams rush it off the spawn :: Player traits: starting weapon-gravity hammer, secondary weapon-none, damage resistance-invulnerable, speed and jump 120% :: whichever player from either team grabs the nade aquires the followong traits: • cannot move or jump • gets a 10 second death timer (only way to die is to hold nade for too long) • death counter IMMEDIATLY resets when player has no nade • appears white with waypoint overhead :: nade movement: • when a nade is thrown it may only stick a player on its initial toss (cant stick off walls or floor) • if nade impacts wall or floor, it gets transitioned from an active sticky nade to a benign one, and looks like a sticky nade one can place in forge - not glowin or anything) • this new nade can only be picked up by a player of the opposing team (if it is not picked up within 15 seconds nade is reset) • in order to pass the nade, player 1 of blue team must stick another player of blue team • when the teammate is stuck, they can still move, until the nade explodes, wherein they are allotted a sticky nade, and aquire the nade settings • when a player is stuck outside of the endzone but makes it in before the stuck nade explodes, then point awarded, nade respawns in 20 seconds in middle • if a player is stuck IN the endzone, point awarded, nade resets in 20 seconds • if a player does not throw the nade within his 10 seconds, a new nade is dropped to the ground, can only be picked up by opposing team, and that player who didnt throw it is in the penalty box( respawning) for 10 seconds • if nade is thrown and sticks opposing team, other team gets nade control • if possible, when blue controls nade it appears normal, but if red controls nade it has a red or fire trail behind it • game is played to 3 goals If you need any more clarification or have comments, post them below I personally think it would be ****ing amazing if this went in to matchmaking XD Voice your consent to put this in matchmaking in the poll above, bungie, im lookin at you to do this
I hate Action Sack, so I dun care. WHERE IS THE I DUN CARE OPTION?!?! Screw this, I'll just vote "No ."
Wow, haters going to hate I suppose. Agreeing with Ociee, this sounds amazing! And would be totally awesome to play.