Lotus Flower is amazing, but yeah, the album was a good listen just nothing resonated with me aside from that one track
I've been watching Bloo's portal 2 play throughs, and I've been getting so frustrated at him because he doesn't think with portals all that well.
lol he's really terrible at it. maybe it's because of the pressure of recording it, but i remember one level where he didn't see an obvious glass bridge (3 feet in front of him) he could walk across for like 2 minutes. lol. TUSK STOP WATCHING THOSE. YOURE RUINING IT.
if you thought Rebecca Black's "friday" was a hit.. then you've been severely mistaken. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7DwT_2QQU64&feature=player_embedded#at=102
Separator was my favorite track, but yeah starting with lotus flower the album seems to get more cohesive, it just doesn't feel as tight as the rest of their albums.