Think Twice

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Goat, Apr 25, 2011.

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  1. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Think Twice
    Created by: Jonzorz 124, Sven Nietzsche, A 3 Legged Goat, GodlyPerfection
    File link: : Reach : Player File Sets

    Originally posted at Halo.Bungie.Org

    Map Video

    YouTube - Video Request .:Think Twice by Godly Perfection, A 3 Legged Goat, Jonzorz 124, and Sven Nietzsche:.

    Map Screenshots

    Red Base

    Blue Base

    Green Room

    Gold Room

    Top Center

    Bottom Center

    Top and Bottom Levels

    Base Map: Forgeworld, in the skybox
    Intended Number of Players: 4-8 man FFA, 4v4 - 6v6 team games (also supports 1v1)
    Standard Gametypes Supported: All gametypes (including Bro Slayer, Invasion Skirmish, and Speedpile) except Invasion, Race, and Haloball
    Symmetrical Design, weapons, and spawns: Yes
    Includes Static Spawns for Team Games: Yes
    Budget Remaining: $590
    Overall performance: The map is silky smooth with no framerate dumps, bumps, or z-fighting
    Split Screen Framerate Rating: 2 player splitscreen is seamless and 3-4 player splitscreen have small jitters.
    Weapons on map:

    DMR x 4
    NR x 4
    Frag x2
    Plasma Grenade x2
    Sniper Rifle x1
    Gravity Hammer x1
    Plasma Launcher x2
    Spiker x2
    Needler x2
    Plasma Pistol x2
    Overshield x1

    Map Design Intent

    Think Twice offers a simple layout with a center that makes it stand out from the rest. The top down layout is just a diamond with a cross in the center with one base at each end and two unique side rooms. The center however, is a double layered cross that allows you to transfer seamlessly from the bottom level to the top level in a single bound. While the center appears to offer very little cover (a single column that holds the sniper), the top level cross can act as cover as you weave in and out between the two levels during your encounters. The more agile you are in the center, the more cover it can provide.

    As for weapon placement every weapon is easy to find making it easy to learn the map and quickly keep up with those that are already familiar with it. DMRs can be found in the bases with Needle Rifles in the side rooms. Plasma Pistols are in the bottom entrance from the bases to the center. Spikers are in the bottom entrance from the side rooms to the center. Needlers sit behind the man cannon in preparation for you to grab and spray as you fly into the center.

    As for power weapons the Sniper Rifle sits in top center to provide a very powerful tool if used correctly. While it may not be in its optimal setting, it can be very powerful on the map due to the long sight lines through the center. The Hammer sits in the green room to give a powerful close quarter weapon that isn't seen on many maps. There is an overshield in gold room that can keep you alive long enough to clean out the center. At the bases there is a plasma launcher for each team. Imagine these plasma launchers being like a sniper at each base. Plasma launchers are very hard to come by in maps and they fit great in this close quarters focused environment. Like a sniper they can score a kill with one shot, but it takes some sort of skill at particular ranges to use properly.

    Think Twice was in production for 16 days, from April 6th, 2011 to April 25th, 2011. It started out with trying to find a new aesthetic for a new map using Y Platforms. We found that XXL Platforms have the same style of glass as the Y Platforms and from their we created the center. The rest of the map fell into place as we tried to emphasize the effect the center has on combat as it offered a unique way of playing Halo. Originally the map was built slightly above water, but it was re-built before the public beta was released in the sky bubble of forgeworld in order to remove all lighting/shading discrepancies. We thank all of our testers for all of the feedback they provided. Without them we would not have reached the quality level that we have achieved. And special thanks to Urk for his support in front paging the beta. It expanded our testing group and allowed us to gather more data than we could have on our own.


    Think Twice underwent over 100 playtests during its development to optimize gameplay and design. Here are a few of the playtests' game details:

    >TS 50-40
    >3-plots 301-299
    >CTF 3-1
    >TS 47-46
    >Slayer 50-48 (with achronos!)
    >CTF 3-0
    >Stockpile 11-6
    >Speedpile 50-49
    >3-plots 300-225
    >Team Slayer 50-40
    >CTF 3-2
    >Team Headhunter 50-18
    >Multi-Bomb Assault 3-2
    >FFA Headhunter
    >Team Slayer 50-34
    >FFA Infection
    >FFA Infection
    >Team Slayer 50-43
    >Team Slayer 50-42
    >Team Slayer 50-48
    >Team Slayer 50-42
    >Team Slayer 50-46
    >FFA Slayer
    >Team Slayer 50-48
    >Team Slayer 50-47
    >CTF 3-2
    >FFA Slayer
    >Internal FFA Slayer
    #1 Goat, Apr 25, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2011
    Chronmeister likes this.
  2. Equin0x

    Equin0x Forerunner

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    The pathways in the middle level of the central tunnel looked sloppy to me, is there any way to just keep it simple and change them to normal blocks?
  3. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
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    there is nothing sloppy anywhere on this map...

    I was invited to play in some of the test sessions. These boys have put more time into playtesting and modifying than most people put into several maps. Their borderline obsession has payed off.

    This map is genuine good fun from the very first moment. It's easy to navigate even in the first game. You always seem to have a movement option to outfox an oponent. No one weapon seems to dominate and I like the fact that all the AAs seem well balanced.

    Asthetically, the map does not look forged. The signature grays of the usual forgeworld map have been replaced by vibrant color. I still don't know how they did it to be honest.

    I would rate this 10/10 definite DL.
    #3 Gazzaverage, Apr 25, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2011
  4. DukesQuietMan

    DukesQuietMan Forerunner

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    Wow this map looks amazing! I'm brand new to forgehub but not your work. My friend had your map jackal creek when it made map spotlight and it was amazing. It had complexity in its simplicity and I see the same hand at work here. The geometry of this map is amazing and the inclusion of the game histories shows your dedication to the map. Great Job!
  5. noklu

    noklu Ancient
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    This map was made by four certifiably obsessive forgers. The number of test that have been run, is simply unbelievable. That list in the OP? Only a small fragment of the tests. In fact, yesterday alone, accounted for some thirty playtests as well as a good two-three hours of discussing the GODDAMN DESCRIPTION!

    If you get that level of work on a description, you can expect this map to have been polished to such extremes. No stone left unturned and all that.

    I urge all of you to at least get one game on the map, and do try and experience the manoeuvring fun that comes from the centre hallway. It really is something else.
    #5 noklu, Apr 25, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2011
  6. dt192

    dt192 Forerunner
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    Hey this is a top map, I had the beta and loved it,even though its very very simple the gameplay is original and fun, the simplest maps are the hardest and youve made a great job, i look forward to more maps from you
  7. DavidJCobb

    DavidJCobb Forerunner
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    To call this map a work of art would be to make a massive understatement.
  8. Intrepid Artifex

    Intrepid Artifex Forerunner

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    Just ran through the map a bit. You guys definitely made quite a piece of work. Not everyone puts so much care into refining a map as you guys did.

    I think what really got me was the intersection in the center of the map. It took me a while to realize that they were actually the XXL platforms. Anyway, they are phased together in and positioned in a way that definitely adds to that smoothness and aesthetic appeal of the map.

    Great work! Can't wait to play some games on this. Keep the sweet maps coming!
  9. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Very glad to know that you enjoyed it. We've had to endure plenty of negative criticism over both the map and the way we have presented it. To be honest, we did sort of rush it and now since it's still relatively new in the public eye (we only started it this month) it feels like we're forcing it upon people. We realize that now and in the future we will plan our releases and advertisements much better and fairer.

    However, it doesn't mean we are not going to slow down on building maps. 3 weeks may seem like a short time frame, but for us it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. When you have talented designers collaborating together, the map quite literally builds itself. Our creative and determined atmosphere motivated us to build it as efficient as we could.

    Testing is a whole different story. Most forgers only get to test their map once a week (if even at all). We had the privilege of testing it 10-30 times a day. This allowed us to repeatedly test all gametypes and make changes swiftly. Because of the resources available, we were able to finish it within a short amount of time.

    I don't advise forgers to rush their maps though. We didn't rush our design, but we did rush our exposure. Maps shouldn't be posted until they're in their beta testing stages. Internal testing for the earlier drafts should be kept under wraps. Our alpha version was very different from now, and it turned off many potential players because of it. But having the alpha public and then a public beta provided us with invaluable feedback that we used to nearly perfect the map.

    At this point, players either like the map or they don't. There's nothing to dislike design wise because no map has ever used a centerpiece like this before. Our top-down layout has been done to death, but it's the center and the way we've balanced the rest of the map that makes it different. We took risks, which forgers shouldn't be afraid to do. We should strive to move away from the standard "Rockets Shotty Sniper" layout with the center of the map or a high building offering map control. From my experience, most players seem to be disappointed in us as designers (advertisements, response to feedback, etc.) rather than in the map itself, which is understandable. In the future, we will try not to overhype our maps.

    But I urge players to understand that we as forgers need to take our crap seriously. If we don't, then who else will? Having "official" terms such as alpha, public beta, release dates, and submitting it to multiple sites motivated us to finalize the map. That is how you survive out there in the creative media industry. You aren't going to get noticed if you keep it to yourself. You need to expose your work as much as you can, and if that means stepping on a few toes and upsetting some other people, then so be it. In the end, you're the one who will have successfully chased their dream and everyone else will be coming to you for council.
    #9 Goat, Apr 25, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2011
  10. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    What caught my eye about this map was mostly the odd map name, while I'm not in favor of it, this looks really good. I can see a lot of creativity and color. Everything looks neatly forged and I like the fact that you decided to make sure this map was perfect for gameplay. I can tell from all of the wonderful posts that this map is worth a DL. Keep it up.
  11. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    We spent two hours thinking of a name for the map. After going through potential ones such as "Blue Shift", "Crossfire", and "Time Warden" (my personal contributions at least), we decided to deviate away from standard map names. Instead, we wanted to focus on something memorable that really didn't have much to do with the map. We looked to combat evolved for inspiration, and it was out of a retort to a different name that Think Twice was born. Once it had been spoken, it couldn't leave our minds no matter what other name we came up with afterwards.

    The only problem I had with the name was that it could be easily abused if the map sucked, so we went great lengths to ensure that it did not. Don't think twice about downloading--if gameplay doesn't end up to your liking, it'll at the very least be able to demonstrate what a polished map feels like. Thanks for your support!
  12. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Why is it that all the members from RP that have already praised the map there feel the need to show up at every site where the map is posted and praise it all over again? Is this gonna be another round of pro-bumping again? Might have to warn you, but the staff here isn't too fond of such tactics... I would know. :p
  13. water x maniac

    water x maniac Forerunner

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    The central pathway is a work of art, i dont see how i can be "slopy". Asome map wheldone.
  14. I3ush

    I3ush Forerunner

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    Great map! I played on it with some friends and had a great time. We played everything from Headhunter to Capture The Flag, and they all worked great. You guys spent a lot of time on this, and it really payed off.
  15. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    When this map thread gets to 90 posts we'll worry about that ;)
  16. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I praised it and I'm nothing whatsoever to do with Reaching perfection.

    Maybe there are a few sycophants in RP, but that does not detract from the quality of this map. If you want a good 4v4 map download this. It's really that simple. Politics and who is boosting who really doesn't come into it.
  17. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    After playing Jackal Creek and now Think Twice, I think you have a real talent for not only creating amazing maps, but also creating maps that have the unique Halo feel. Both this map and Jackal Creek both feel like they could have been presented at launch as part of the game. And for that I commend you!

  18. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    Your maps are some of the best in Reach so far. I like how unlike most forgers, you seem to have excellent patience and because of this, your maps seem to be very different from most maps you can find throughout various communities. Like Jackal Creek, this map has a unique style of gameplay and is infinitely playable because of it. I can't give this a 10/10 since I believe that no map can ever be perfect and that there is always room for improvement, but it's definitely an 8.3/10.

    I hope that you continue to release quality maps such as this one in the future and that you make sure to test the hell out of them each and every time. Personally, I'd like to see what you could do with Tempest and Breakpoint.
    #18 4shot, Apr 26, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2011
  19. Goat

    Goat Rock Paper Scissors Scrap
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback! We've already began to list a few things that we can change or add/remove from Think Twice for version 2. Even after a map is in matchmaking, changes will need to be made, and we're ready for that. If Think Twice doesn't get that far, we're still committed to supporting it for the people who do enjoy playing on it.

    Breakpoint's forge palette isn't that great (although it has 150 rocks). At the very least, we could section parts off and turn it into a nice FFA map. Tempest's forge palette is a little nicer than Forge World's, but the terrain is difficult to work around unless we build in the air. In the future, we might experiment with it (or return to a really old design...)

    And on the subject of Jackal Creek, that will be seeing updates as well. I learned a lot design-wise while I was building Think Twice with the others. I will be going through Jackal Creek (which is a really old map by now) and removing some objects, balancing out the side, adjusting weapons, and redesigning the coliseum walls to make it more interesting.

    Again, thanks for your feedback! It's what motivates us to continue to build. Hope you enjoy Think Twice.
  20. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    .wat? I really don't get this, you WANT to give this map a ten, but you can't because of a silly personal belief, so instead you give it an 8.3? Wouldn't the next step down from 10 be 9.9? I don't mind people rating maps so long as they justify their ratings, but that's not only unjustified, it just doesn't make sense.

    Anyways, here's my two cents:

    You guys usually make maps with a simple goal: Get into matchmaking. Because of this, certain precautions must be taken, and certain aspects of map design must be over-exemplified. To be specific, I'm talking about Simplicity and Orientation. This isn't really a formal review, so I'm just going to split it up into two pro/con paragraphs that outline my thoughts on the map as a whole.

    As I played the map constantly for testing, and even outside of testing, that haunting, meta-physical mindset was always in the background of my mind. I questioned the core design of the map, and came to the simple conclusion that it's simply far too dull of a layout to ever have a good sense of replayability.


    You fellas know your stuff. You took the base design of the map, and made it as dynamic and fantastic as possible. Despite the dullness of the overall concept and design, you've managed to flesh out every exciting possibility that a map like this has to offer. Is that haunting, meta-physical idea of simplicity still stuck in my mind? Yes, but only because I KNOW that you four could do much better if you chose to do map layouts that weren't so basic. As a bit of foresight, I'd like to ask all of you to break the chains that are simplicity, and extend your obsessive forging and designing skills to a new level.
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