WARNING THIS THREAD CONTAINS SUCH BAD GRAMMAR YOUR EYES WILL BLEED! LOL JOKING BUT SERIOUSLY I CANT SPELL. Hey guys, this is an update on my map "Relic 343" Tts in honor of 343 industry taking over bungie it features full wepon/vehicle and medpack layout, A near exact replica of the structure from halo custom edition's "infinity" Full classic feel with red and blue base taken from blood gulch, Weapon spawns simolar to Valhalla and more fun packed into a BTB map ever! This map excels in BTB and objective based games however be prepaid to travel when playing FFA. I wouldn't suggest playing FFA on this map at all, but it could work with a lot of players. The whole idea of this map is two blood gultch themed bases linked together by horse shoe shaped grounds (like in sidewinder from halo Ce) It then has the middle structure from Infinaty (again from CE pc-edition). It may seem like im just throwing the best parts of maps together and unfortunatly... i am :/ Im trying to create an origonal map based of classic BTB maps that we used to love and i will hopefully recreate that feeling again The map is split into 3 sections, The two bases and the middle, Vicory can be accomplished by takeing hold of any of these points, if you go for the middle, try to take all the power weapons and vehicles and use sheer fire power to over come your enemys, or for the "newbys" (like me) camp out in the base and take the rocket up on the teleporter ledge to take out the enemys vehicles, then use superior fire positons to out smart them. YouTube - Halo Reach Forge _- map -_ Relic 343 Weapons 'n' shiz on the map #1 Sniper rifle #4 DMR #4 Assault rifles #4 Needle rifle #3 Plasma pistol #2 Shotgun #1 spartan lazer #2 rocket launcher #3 needleer #1 fuel rod cannon #2 plasma rifles #6 plasma granades #6 frag granades #2 plasma repeters #3 magnums #2 concussion rifles #1 focus rifle #4 medical packs #4 warthogs #2 ghost #2 mongoses #1 banshee #1 shade turret #1 Wrath Image 1: long view of structure, (note mongose spawn) Image 2: rear view of structure Image 3: side view of structure Image 4: Gun platform. Image 5: Banshe dech, with sniper spawn. (note sniper respawn 45, 0 extra magasine's Image 6:Rear platform (note fule rod spawn) Image 7: Bridge into blue base (note wrath spawn in back ground) Image 8: Cool ramp thing to get to the middle of the map quicker + you get to act like a 10 year old and screem "WEEE" when you go over it Image 9: entrence to blue base Image 10: close up of blue base, (note warthog and ghost spawns) Image 11: top of blue base Image 12: Inside of blue base (note teleporter) Image 13: Base teleporter takes you up here (note rocket spawn) Image 14: Shotgun caves, like valhalla Image 15: foreruner cave (note has a teleporter inside wich sends you to the middle structure) Image 16: The origonal Infinaty structure :/
This map is fantastic, The structure looks so good, The amount of cover and weapons placements are good, You did such a nice job on remaking this map. I will download this, and check out the spawns and see if there are any flaws. If there are any I will message you back.
lol At first I didn't recognize it, but once I did I saw that everything was exact and perfect on this map. Great job!
Thanks I spent ages trying to get the middle structuer right. imo im still not happy with it but it will take many more moths to get it perfect, im not to good with the budgit though so i will need to delite half the map just to finish one building :/
Greta map! You've got a download here! I was hoping the map would be a reference to Guilty Spark 343 as well.....
You listened to us! And now the map looks awesome! I think the gameplay will be much more balanced now without the falcon! Keep it up man!
I thought 343 Industrys (spelling?) was a reference to guilty spark? Thanks for the download pall [br][/br]Edited by merge: I will always listen to the grater comunity and i aggree i also think the falcon isnt very classic so it didnt fit in with the map thanks for the sugestions